Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 653: Kick down the widow’s door and dig out the family’s grave

Zhang Yuan said again, "Sister Xiuyun, can you promise not to scream loudly? If you can promise, just whine twice, and then I will let you go! If you scream loudly, our reputations will be ruined!"

There is a saying in the countryside: Kick down the widow's door and dig out the family's grave!

These two things are considered the most shameless behavior by people!

As the name suggests, digging up the graves of dead households means digging up the graves of dead households. Since there are no descendants to take care of them, the corpses can only be exposed in the wilderness in the end.

People who do this kind of thing are simply unconscionable!

The same goes for kicking down a widow's door. The widow's husband has died and she has not remarried, leaving her helpless.

If you forcefully bully the widow, that would be extremely shameless!

If Shen Xiuyun really screamed loudly, he would attract the neighbors.

At that time, people will mistakenly think that Zhang Yuan wants to bully Shen Xiuyun. I am afraid that Zhang Yuan's reputation will be worse than Lin Zhongfei's in the future!

Lin Zhongfei hooked up with the little widow, which was done with money, and it was done voluntarily between you and me.

If Zhang Yuan was thought to have bullied Shen Xiuyun, the nature would be different.

After hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Shen Xiuyun gradually calmed down and whined twice as Zhang Yuan said.

In fact, when she thought about it carefully, she felt that she was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Isn't it the way Zhang Yuan saw his clothes wet and sticking to his body?

Zhang Yuan didn't touch a hair on her body, so why was she screaming?

On the contrary, she should be grateful to Zhang Yuan for covering her mouth in time, otherwise if the neighbor next door discovered the two of them, they might not be able to spread rumors!

By then, Shen Xiuyun's reputation will also be ruined.

Seeing Shen Xiuyun whining twice, Zhang Yuan slowly released her mouth.

"Sister-in-law Xiuyun, you scared me! It's broad daylight, if you scream, all the neighbors will probably come running over!" Zhang Yuan said with a bitter smile.

Shen Xiuyun did not answer,

Instead, he glanced down, his voice full of shyness.

"Brother Yuan, you...can you take your hand away?"

Only then did Zhang Yuan realize that his big hand that had been hugging Shen Xiuyun seemed to have been misplaced!

No wonder it feels so soft and feels so familiar!

Zhang Yuan had the same experience when he was clearing Shen Xiuyun's breast lump.

Zhang Yuan hurriedly let go of Shen Xiuyun like an electric shock, jumped up, took two steps back and away from Shen Xiuyun to show that he had no wrong intentions.

"Sister Xiuyun, please listen to my explanation. I didn't mean to do it just now..."

Before Zhang Yuan finished speaking, he was interrupted in a low voice by Shen Xiuyun.

"I understand! Brother Yuan, I know you didn't mean it. Besides,'s not like you haven't touched me before!"

Zhang Yuan swallowed hard, but he didn't expect Shen Xiuyun to talk about the original incident.

"Ahem, Sister Xiuyun, hurry up and change your clothes! It's best... it's best to take a shower before changing!" Zhang Yuan coughed twice and said.

He didn't even dare to look at Shen Xiuyun now, for fear that Shen Xiuyun would misunderstand that he was coveting her.

Shen Xiuyun said softly "Yes" "I believe you!"

After saying that, she stood up, clutched her chest, and ran back to the house quickly.

Zhang Yuanzheng was wondering what Shen Xiuyun meant when he said he believed in him.

Then he saw Shen Xiuyun blushing pretty, walking out of the room with a change of clothes, and quickly walked into the bathroom with his head lowered.

Throughout the whole process, Zhang Yuan never took his eyes off Shen Xiuyun.

Because when she came out, she didn't protect her chest!

With Shen Xiuyun's accelerated pace, the shocking scenes of ups and downs are simply a touchstone for men!

Any normal man would be tempted to stare.

Anyone who doesn't read it is either being serious or has an abnormal orientation.

It wasn't until Shen Xiuyun entered the bathroom and more than ten seconds passed that Zhang Yuan came back to his senses.

Shen Xiuyun just now was so tempting. If he hadn't had a strong determination, he might not have been able to hold it back! .??.

At this time, the sound of rushing water sounded in the bathroom, which once again aroused Zhang Yuan's evil thoughts.

Thinking of the scene where Shen Xiuyun stood naked under the shower head, with her proud figure exposed to the air, her small hands gently brushing every inch of her white, tender and smooth skin...

Zhang Yuan felt his blood surge all over his body, and a bewitching voice faintly sounded in his heart, rushing in!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart, and turned his back to the bathroom.

Shen Xiuyun just said that she believed in Zhang Yuan!

If Zhang Yuan really rushed in and did something to hurt Shen Xiuyun, wouldn't he have betrayed her trust?

In this way, Zhang Yuan stood outside until Shen Xiuyun finished taking a shower and changed clothes, then suppressed all the evil thoughts in his heart.

After taking a bath, Shen Xiuyun looked more delicate and lovely than before, faintly feeling like a hibiscus.

She hurriedly wiped her hair and continued to milk Zhang Yuan.

When the goat's milk was finished, Zhang Yuan didn't stay much longer and just left her five thousand yuan, which was far more than the value of the goat's milk.

Shen Xiuyun quickly said that she could not charge so much money, but Zhang Yuan said that if she did not charge him, he would never come to collect goat milk again.

Shen Xiuyun had no choice but to accept it.

Zhang Yuan was too embarrassed to stay here anymore and hurriedly left with the squeezed goat's milk, fearing that if he stayed for a while longer, he would not be able to help but have thoughts.

What he didn't know was that just after he left, Shen Xiuyun stood alone in the yard, blushing and talking to herself.

"If...if Tingting accepts Brother Yuan as her godfather, that seems to be good!"

She added in her heart, so that Zhang Yuan can come to their home more freely in the future!

Zhang Yuan left Shen Xiuyun's house, carrying more than a hundred kilograms of goat's milk, and hurried to the apiary.

It wasn't until he walked into the gate of the apiary and put down the goat milk that he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I made no mistake!

With the new batch of goat milk, Zhang Yuan immediately made beauty goat milk in the apiary.

With his experience last time, he was able to operate it with ease this time.

In just half a day, Zhang Yuan completed this batch of beauty goat milk, making a total of one hundred bottles of ordinary beauty goat milk.

One hundred bottles of beauty goat milk may not seem like much, but its value is quite high. The total value is as high as 100,000 yuan!

In addition, there are 20 bottles of specially formulated for Wu Youping, specifically for her condition.

Looking at the one hundred and twenty bottles of beauty goat milk in the warehouse, Zhang Yuan was very satisfied.

If he sells all these beauty goat milks, he will earn 120,000 yuan!

You know, Zhang Yuan only makes 70,000 yuan a month selling Phoenix chicken!

Of course, the beauty goat milk is still in the early stages of promotion, and it will probably take some time to sell out all the 120 bottles in front of you.

The next morning, Zhang Yuan went to the newly bought yard after breakfast.

At this moment, Wang Dalei had arrived early and was telling the construction workers what to do next!

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