Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 656 Repair the relationship and get back on good terms

Chu Xueyan felt that since her sister Chu Xueqi did not object to staying in the countryside.

Then simply let her stay at Zhang Yuan's house for a while.

Until her condition is completely cured, after all, miracle doctors are rare!

"Okay! Then do as you say! You stay at Zhang Yuan's house for observation for a while, and then come back when you feel that there is nothing wrong with you!" Chu Xueyan nodded.

Seeing that her sister agreed, Chu Xueqi was not only happy, but also said sweetly that her sister is the best.

Hearing her sister's sweet smile, Chu Xueyan couldn't help but shake her head, but she felt particularly happy in her heart.

Ever since the last time I met the genius doctor Zhuge Liang and unexpectedly learned that Chu Xueqi was no longer perfect, the relationship between sisters Chu Xueyan and Chu Xueqi has become very delicate.

Chu Xueyan was very angry at the time. She felt that her sister didn't love herself too much and didn't know how to cherish her own body, so she gave her body away casually.

What made her even more angry was that her sister Chu Xueqi didn't tell her, her sister, that such a big thing had happened!

As a result, the relationship between the two sisters became cold for a long time.

Even when Zhang Yuan was treating Chu Xueqi, it was still like this.

It was not until this time that Chu Xueyan agreed to let Chu Xueqi stay at Zhang Yuan's house for a while that the relationship between the two sisters returned to its original state.

Thinking of her relationship with her sister, Chu Xueyan couldn't help but laugh. She said in her heart that it was all thanks to Zhang Yuan, otherwise the two sisters wouldn't know how long they would have been in a cold war!

At this moment, Chu Xueyan could not imagine that Zhang Yuan was the "culprit" who kept the two sisters in cold war until now.

Although Zhang Yuan is also very innocent, the word "culprit" is really appropriate when used on him!

At the same time, after Chu Xueyan hung up the phone, she happily found Zhang Yuan.

"Zhang Yuan, my sister agreed! Please prepare beauty goat milk for me! Starting from today, I will drink a bottle of beauty goat milk every day!"

Zhang Yuan looked at Chu Xueqi in surprise, "Are you telling the truth? One bottle a day costs a thousand yuan a day! My beauty goat milk is not cheap!"

Chu Xueqi rolled her eyes at him, "What? Do you think our dignified Chu family can't even afford a bottle of beauty goat milk?"

"That's right! Your family is so rich, let alone a bottle of beauty goat milk! You can probably afford to eat wild ginseng every day! There is no shortage of money at all!" Zhang Yuan said casually.

Chu Xueqi hummed, "Since you know, then quickly prepare the facial goat milk for me! Later I will transfer money to your prestige, and I will transfer you 10,000 yuan first!"

The second young lady of the Chu family is very resolute and resolute.

Not long after saying this, Chu Xueqi transferred 10,000 yuan to Zhang Yuanweixin.

Zhang Yuan is not the kind of person who takes money without doing anything.

After receiving the money from Miss Chu Er, he immediately ran to the apiary and got her a bottle of beauty goat milk.

Chu Xueqi clamored to drink the freshest beauty goat milk made every day, but Zhang Yuan could not satisfy her request.

So he could only run to the apiary once a day and pretend that the facial goat milk was freshly made that day.

In fact, the Chinese medicinal liquid mixed with beauty goat milk is enough to ensure that the goat milk does not deteriorate for one or two months.

It doesn’t matter if it’s fresh goat’s milk that was just made that day.

However, some people pursue pure natural food and retain the original taste when eating.

In a certain cooking-themed variety show.

Just because the contestants handled the large intestine too cleanly, they were criticized by the judges because being too clean would cause the large intestine to lose its original flavor.

But it seems that the variety show overturned because the contestants behind it wanted to retain the original style of the large intestine.

The smell, I deliberately left something inside when processing it.

It can be said that the contestants single-handedly made the three major food judges eat shit!

When Zhang Yuan saw this variety show, he laughed unkindly on the spot.

Although one of the judges is a veteran singer that Zhang Yuan likes very much.

But this scene was so funny that he couldn't hold it back even though he wasn't professionally trained.

After getting the beauty goat milk for Chu Xueqi, Zhang Yuan strolled to the traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

Wang Dalei was working enthusiastically with a group of people. When he saw Zhang Yuan coming, he hurried out to say hello to him.

Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "Brother Wang, thank you for your hard work!"

"Hey! What a hard job! We are originally engaged in construction, and these are the jobs we should do!" Wang Dalei took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan shook his head slightly and declined. He usually doesn't smoke.

After chatting with Wang Dalei for a while, Zhang Yuan left.

Although he comes to the traditional Chinese medicine clinic every day to check out the progress of the clinic's renovation.

But Zhang Yuan always stayed for a while and then left.

After staying here for a long time, it seemed that Zhang Yuan did not trust Wang Dalei.

In the next two days, Zhang Yuan was very leisurely every day.

Either sleep in at home, or stroll around the village, and go to the clinic from time to time to tease, tease, and tease Liu Ruolan.

If you really get angry, go find Li Qiuju.

In short, it is a nourishing life to live a small life.

On the morning of the third day, Zhang Yuan felt that he could no longer be idle like this.

He should find something serious to do for himself!

It’s time to put something on the schedule!

That is to treat Wang Chunhua!

Previously, Zhang Yuan wanted to prevent Wang Chunhua from

I ran and exercised with that bitch Li Muqiao, and specially proposed a quick and effective treatment plan.

That is the decoction that Wang Chunhua takes in combination with medicated baths and acupuncture to help her digestion.

In fact, Zhang Yuankai's prescription is very symptomatic.

As long as Wang Chunhua takes Zhang Yuankai's decoction, she will be cured in a short time.

But the problem is that Wang Chunhua's internal organs are too weak, especially the spleen and stomach.

Even if she took the decoction, it would be difficult to absorb it given the condition of Wang Chunhua's spleen and stomach!

Just like some people with gastrointestinal problems, no matter how much Chinese medicine they take, they cannot cure their gastrointestinal problems.

In this case, you can’t use medicine to supplement it, you have to use food supplements!

That’s why millet porridge has become a panacea in the hands of many veteran Chinese doctors.

Millet porridge is warm in nature and has the effect of strengthening the spleen and digesting food.

People with poor gastrointestinal problems often drink millet porridge and can quickly heal their gastrointestinal problems.

Zhang Yuan saw a view on the Internet that millet porridge was purely invented by traditional Chinese medicine and was not that magical at all.

That article also analyzed the ingredients of millet porridge and said that millet porridge actually has no nutritional value.

Zhang Yuan could only sneer at this!

Western medicine’s so-called analysis of nutritional ingredients is okay in most cases, but in some cases it’s nonsense!

Why is wild ginseng so powerful?

If we only test the nutritional content, wild ginseng is not much better than forest ginseng or even garden ginseng.

But even just one tendril of wild ginseng is enough to make people feel refreshed.

Taking two more tablets may even cause internal heat. Can understory ginseng and garden ginseng compare?

There is a more vivid example, that is the essence of men.

According to the testing and analysis of Western medicine, a man’s essence is actually just protein.

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