Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 662: Boasting and being philandering Zhang Yuan

The old Chinese doctor usually has many people here to treat diseases, and among them there will definitely be patients who need beauty goat milk and aphrodisiac honey.

As long as the old Chinese medicine doctor introduces these patients to Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan can make a big profit, and the other party can also make a small profit, which is mutual benefit.

At this time, the old Chinese medicine doctor asked Zhang Yuan, "Can you reveal the prices of Zhuang and Yang honey and beautifying goat milk? Otherwise, I won't be able to introduce them to these patients!"

"Well... a bottle of Zhuang and Yang honey costs 5,000 yuan. If you soak it in water every day, you can drink it for about half a month! The beauty goat milk costs 1,000 yuan a bottle. You can drink one bottle every day!" Zhang Yuan said.

Upon hearing his introduction, the old Chinese medicine doctor's eyes instantly widened.

"Five thousand a bottle? So expensive?"

Zhang Yuan gave the old Chinese doctor a thoughtful look, "It's expensive for a reason! In fact, goat milk for beauty treatments is expensive! It costs a thousand a day! But look at the effect after Mrs. Wu drinks it!"

Thinking of Wu Youping's amazing changes, the old Chinese medicine doctor nodded with deep approval.

"You're right! It's true! If the effect is really that good, people in need will definitely be willing to spend the money!"

But he still couldn't help but exclaimed, "I'm afraid ordinary people can't afford it! Only rich people like Mrs. Wu can afford it!"

"Actually, there are a lot of rich people in this town! I once knew a factory owner who was even willing to spend 100,000 yuan in order to be strong and virile! But in the end, I got it for 30,000 yuan!" Zhang Yuan said.

Zhang Yuan estimated that he would look like a charlatan who boasted about selling powerful pills.

Because he felt that this was how the old Chinese medicine doctor in front of him looked at him.

"Ahem, old gentleman, why don't you come back and I'll give you a bottle of strong and yang honey, can you try it?" Zhang Yuan asked tentatively.

He thought that if the old Chinese medicine doctor didn't believe him, then let the facts speak for themselves and let the old Chinese medicine doctor experience the power of honey for strengthening and improving yang!

The old Chinese medicine doctor's face instantly turned red and he waved his hands repeatedly.

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