Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 692 Let’s talk about business and subsidize the family income

As for Zhang Yuan himself, he went to Lao Zhengtou's home.

Old Zhengtou was well prepared. When he saw Zhang Yuan coming, he immediately took out a piece of paper with a list of the truly poor families in the village.

What moved Zhang Yuan was that Old Zhengtou even marked on it the number of people in these families, whether there were any patients in the family, whether there were students in school, and how many men there were who could make money.

In this way, Zhang Yuan can make a more accurate judgment.

The same is true for poor households, and their situation also depends on their circumstances.

For example, some poor families want to send their children to school, but their children are about to graduate from college. Such families have to be pushed back because their children can make money to support their families after graduation.

Some poor families are about to give birth to a child. Once the child is born, the family burden will become heavier in the future. Those like this must be given priority.

It can be said that with this "intelligence" from Old Zhengtou, Zhang Yuan can make accurate judgments based on it, thereby selecting families who really need help and giving them a well-paid job!

Zhang Yuan was so excited that he immediately said that he would invite Lao Zhengtou and his family to a small restaurant for a big meal.

Unexpectedly, Lao Zhengtou said with a smile that Zhang Yuan did not need to treat him, as long as Zhang Yuan came to his house for dinner in the evening.

Naturally, Zhang Yuan would not object. At worst, he would just give Lao Zhengtou two bottles of good wine!

Ever since Zhang Yuan bought a car, he had bought several boxes of local specialty wine on the several occasions he went to the county town.

Although it is not comparable to famous wines like Moutai Wuliangye.

But for ordinary people, it is considered a very good wine, and a bottle costs almost two hundred yuan.

Zhang Yuan was going to bring two bottles to Lao Zhengtou so that he could drink some good wine openly.

Otherwise, given Zheng Qiuyue's housekeeper-like character, the alcohol worm in Old Zheng's stomach would probably die of gluttony.

After leaving Lao Zheng's house, Zhang Yuan went to look for him in the order on the list.


He just took a quick look and found that most of the companies listed above Lao Zheng met Zhang Yuan's requirements.

Leaving aside one of them that did not meet the requirements, Zhang Yuan wanted to visit the remaining ones to find out the situation.

Based on the principle of proximity, Zhang Yuan first went to the house closest to Lao Zhengtou's house.

This family is the most common configuration in rural areas of two elderly people, two adults and two children.

Because the head of the household, Liu Xuefa, was born with polio and was limping, he was unable to go out to work. Therefore, the couple could only farm at home, which was already stressful.

A few years ago, two old people got seriously ill one after another. Just treating them cost all the family's savings.

Since then, the financial pressure on their family has increased.

Not only do we have to support two elderly people, but we also have to support two children who are in junior high school. It’s quite stressful!

In particular, the two children are still in the compulsory education stage and there is no tuition fee for going to school.

When they go to high school in two years, they may even have a problem paying tuition.

Zhang Yuan estimated that if he didn't help, the two children of this family might drop out of school in the future!

Although Zhang Yuan stopped going to school after graduating from junior high school.

But that's not because the family doesn't let him go.

It was because he, a scumbag, had poor grades and couldn't pass the high school entrance examination.

If given the chance, Zhang Yuan would also like to go to high school like other students. After all, the pressure in the ivory tower will be less.

He didn't want the two children of this family to follow in his footsteps, so he planned to help their family!

The head of this family is named Liu Xuefa. He is about thirty-four or five years old. Zhang Yuande calls him Brother Liu.

Arriving at Liu Xuefa's house, Zhang Yuan stood in the yard and shouted.

"Is Brother Liu at home?"

A woman with a dark complexion due to constant exposure to the sun soon walked out of the room.

The woman was surprised when she saw Zhang Yuan.

"Brother Yuan? Why did you come to our house?"

This woman is Liu Xuefa's wife.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I have something to come to see Brother Liu! Will he be at home now?"

"Here! I'm at home! The boss! Come out quickly! Brother Yuan is looking for you!"

Soon, a man with a limp and a bare upper body walked out of the room. It was Liu Xuefa.

Liu Xuefa was also surprised when he saw Zhang Yuan. He obviously didn't expect Zhang Yuan to come to their home.

Who is Zhang Yuan?

That's a celebrity in the village!

Known as the leader of the younger generation in the village, he is also an expert in getting rich!

It is said that Lin Zhongfei is rich, but Lin Zhongfei's ability to make money is not even comparable to Zhang Yuan's ability to carry shoes!

Lin Zhongfei relies on the legacy left by his father, Lao Lin, while Zhang Yuan relies on his own true ability!

It would be strange for Liu Xuefa not to be surprised that such an influential figure as Zhang Yuan actually took the initiative to come to his home.

"Brother Liu, are you free here? I want to talk to you about something serious!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

When Liu Xuefa heard this, he nodded quickly.

"Whenever I have time, I have time! A idle person like me has nothing but time!"

The wife next to him glared at him, "Why are you still standing here? Why don't you go back home quickly and get dressed? How rude is it in front of Brother Yuan?"


Only then did Liu Xuefa come to his senses. He first smiled apologetically at Zhang Yuan, and then hurried back to the house to put on his clothes.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yuan sat on a chair in the main room of Liu Xuefa's house, looking at Liu Xuefa who was a little embarrassed opposite, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Brother Liu, don't be nervous, I'm actually here to find you for a good reason!"

Zhang Yuan is now considered a big shot in the village.

People like Liu Xuefa, who have no money or power, belong to the lowest level in the village.

When he usually had conflicts with villagers, Liu Xuefa always chose to take a step back and give in.

In fact, Zhang Dashan and Liu Xuefa were the same kind of people back then, but his situation was better.

Zhang Dashan has carpentry skills and is a craftsman who makes more money than Liu Xuefa.

Moreover, there are more people in the old Zhang family than in the old Liu family.

In addition, Zhang Dashan only has one son, no elderly people, the burden is not heavy, and his life is not bad.

But when Zhang Yuan became a fool and Zhang Dashan became paralyzed in bed, their family's situation plummeted, even worse than Liu Xuefa's family now.

If Zhang Yuan hadn't regained his consciousness and suddenly emerged as a new force, he would have achieved unimaginable achievements in just a few months.

Otherwise, the two families still don’t know who is worse off!

"Brother Liu, I understand your family's situation. Now that your two children are in junior high school, you can still afford it. But when they go to high school in two years, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it, right?" Zhang Yuan went straight to the point.

Hearing this, Liu Xuefa smiled bitterly, "Brother Yuan, I won't tell lies in front of you. In fact, I have no intention of letting those two boys in our family go to high school!"

"Our family really can't afford it anymore! When they graduate from junior high school, I'm going to let them or one of them and their uncle work in factories outside to support the family!"

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