Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 779 Zhang Yuan arranges, Er Niu is on duty at night

Usually when something big happened in the Wu family, Wu Lei would jump up and down, completely losing his sense of presence.

That's why he is said to be the most famous young man of the Wu family's generation.

However, half of his reputation is because his father Wu Jinchao is rich, and the other half is because he jumps up and down all day long.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wu Lei is far different from his father Wu Jinchao, and he has just learned his father's high-sounding way of speaking and doing things.

But he didn't know that his father's real support was not this at all!

Everyone can say something high-sounding, but others have to listen to what you say!

If Wu Jinchao had no money, who would bother him?

Gradually, Wu Lei also discovered this.

Especially a few days ago, a young man in the village had a conflict with Wu Lei, and the two almost fought. At that time, Wu Lei kicked the other person.

The opponent was obviously stronger than Wu Lei, but he didn't kick him back. Instead, he gritted his teeth and told Wu Lei.

If Wu Lei hadn't had a rich father, he would have beaten Wu Lei half to death.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Lei suddenly understood.

It turns out that he jumps up and down all day long, and everyone is happy to play with him, all because his father, Wu Jinchao, is rich.

But what if dad Wu Jinchao passes away in the future?

Wu Jinchao did make a lot of money growing vegetables in greenhouses, but his method of growing vegetables was so tiring that Wu Lei couldn't bear the hardship.

If Wu Jinchao is gone one day, Wu Lei will definitely not be able to work in the vegetable greenhouse and will have to sit back and eat!

So, he began to think about evil ways.

His target is the Phoenix chickens raised by Zhang Yuan!

Few people in Shangwan Village knew about Zhang Yuan's raising of Phoenix chickens, but Wu Jinchao accidentally learned about it from Chen Jiuchang.

I learned that the chickens raised by Zhang Yuan were actually Phoenix chickens specially supplied to Tianhe Hotel.

, Wu Jinchao and his son were both surprised.

Wu Jinchao couldn't help but sigh at that time, saying that the money Zhang Yuan earned in one month from raising phoenix chickens could probably equal the money he earned from growing vegetables in half a year.

When Wu Lei heard this, he was very upset.

When Zhang Yuan opened a chicken farm, Wu Lei thought he was nothing.

After all, Zhang Yuan's family is not the only one to open a chicken farm in the village. Xu Changchun also runs a chicken farm.

It's just that Zhang Yuan bribed Chen Jiuchang, so Chen Jiuchang granted the best piece of land to Zhang Yuan and gave him a platform.

But when Wu Lei knew that the phoenix chickens raised by Zhang Yuan were golden phoenixes from a serious chicken coop, they were completely different from the chickens raised by Xu Changchun.

Now he was beyond recognition with jealousy.

In addition, someone said to his face a few days ago that if he didn't have a rich father, the other party would have beat him to death.

All these factors finally made Wu Lei make up his mind.

He wants to steal Zhang Yuan's Phoenix chicken chicks, and then breed Phoenix chickens himself!

In Wu Lei's view, the reason why Zhang Yuan can make a lot of money is entirely because of his exclusive supply of Phoenix chicken.

As long as he steals Phoenix chicken seedlings from Zhang Yuan and then breeds Phoenix chickens, Zhang Yuan's Phoenix chickens will no longer be the only ones in the future!

He heard that Qinghe Hotel and Fulinmen Hotel in the county also wanted to purchase Phoenix chicken, and he could definitely cooperate with them.

The quantity of Phoenix chicken purchased by the two major hotels must be greater than that purchased by the Tianhe Hotel alone!

Doesn't that mean that he will make more money by then?

Wu Lei fantasizes about a bright future, his face

He showed a crazy smile.

But little did he know that his first step in stealing the chickens would not go smoothly!

Zhang Yuan entered the chicken farm and happened to see Zhang Erniu moving things with the female workers.

Zhang Erniu moved as much as three people by himself, and he worked really hard.

Zhang Yuan stepped forward with a smile on his face.

Seeing him coming, everyone hurriedly said hello.


Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Hello everyone, thank you for your hard work! Go and do your work, don't worry about me, Erniu, stay here, I have something to tell you."

After everyone left, Zhang Yuan said to Zhang Erniu.

"Er Niu, how is my sister-in-law recovering?"

Mentioning his mother, Zhang Erniu couldn't help but laugh.

"Uncle Yuan, my mother is in much better health now after drinking the bone-strengthening honey you gave her. She used to be too tired to do any work, but now she can do any work. She is still angry when I don't let her do it!"

Zhang Yuan smiled, "My sister-in-law is in good health, so I can rest assured! Erniu, I have a task for you! In the past two days, I found someone sneaking around our chicken farm. I guess, He might want to steal something!"

"What?" Zhang Da Newton's expression changed, "Someone actually wants to come to our chicken farm to steal something? This is not okay! If you want to steal something, you have to get past me, Erniu!"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "That's good! If Erniu is at the chicken farm during the day, that person will definitely not dare to come. But I'm worried that he will come and steal things at night when everyone is gone."

"Uncle Yuan, don't worry. I've been living in the chicken farm these nights, just in the guard room! If someone comes to steal anything, I'll break his legs!" Zhang Erniu said decisively.

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up, but he hadn't spoken yet

Then, Zhang Erniu took the initiative to ask Ying to stay at the chicken farm on night duty. It seemed that Zhang Erniu was really affectionate towards the chicken farm!

"Okay! Erniu, I've worked hard for you these past few days! Go back and say sorry to my sister-in-law for me. The night shift these past few days will count as double your salary!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

If Zhang Erniu's mother was in poor health and could not take care of herself at home, Zhang Yuan would definitely not arrange for Zhang Erniu to work night shift.

But some time ago, Zhang Yuan gave this old sister-in-law two bottles of bone-strengthening honey.

After drinking it, her physical condition was like that of ten years ago, and she didn't need Zhang Erniu to take care of her at all.

That's why Zhang Yuancai safely arranged for Zhang Erniu to be on duty at the chicken farm to prevent the secretly watching person from coming in to steal things or even cause damage!

Zhang Yuan knew very well that the person hiding in the dark was probably jealous of the money he had made by opening a chicken farm.

Once the other party is allowed into the chicken farm, they may wreak havoc out of jealousy.

In that case, Zhang Yuanke would really lose a lot of money!

To put it more seriously, if the other party poisons all the Phoenix chickens, Zhang Yuan will not be able to deliver the goods to Tianhe Hotel on time.

The damage caused will be even greater then!

After warning Zhang Erniu, Zhang Yuan felt relieved.

With Zhang Erniu's physique, no one might be his opponent.

If someone wants to sneak into the chicken farm to steal things and cause damage, Zhang Erniu will let him experience the power of the bull!

After dealing with an annoying matter, Zhang Yuan walked briskly and went to the supervisor's office humming a tune.

In the office, Li Qiuju is practicing the one-word horse!

During this period, she has been changing her tricks to deal with Zhang Yuan, and she has also worked hard to fulfill her original promise to Zhang Yuan and practice the one-word horse. She has achieved considerable results so far!

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