Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 800 Wisdom tooth inflammation, relieve pain on the spot

Zhang Yuan asked the patient, "Which tooth is hurting you? Have you ever seen a dentist before?"

When it comes to dentistry, patients are full of worries.

"Forget about those dentists! When I had a toothache, I wanted to pull it out, but they said they wouldn't let me pull it out. I had to wait until the inflammation subsided before pulling it out. The problem is that after the inflammation subsided, my tooth no longer hurts. How could I remember to pull it out?"

"It seems like you have an inflamed wisdom tooth, which is the tooth inside the back molar, right?" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

The patient nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's the tooth! The innermost tooth on the lower left side! This tooth tortured me so much! It hurt so much that I couldn't sleep well for the past two days!"

"Have you ever taken any painkillers?" Zhang Yuan asked casually.

The patient curled his lips, "I've taken several painkillers prescribed by the dentist, and they don't work at all! I even doubt that the painkillers they prescribed are not serious painkillers at all!"

Zhang Yuan didn't speak when he heard this.

Of course, painkillers cannot be fake.

The only possibility is that the patient's wisdom teeth were so inflamed that he couldn't even take painkillers.

"Let me take your pulse and diagnose it!" Zhang Yuan said.

Two minutes later, Zhang Yuan released the patient's wrist.

"Your disease is actually a toothache caused by wind and fire. You are getting angry! You need to take some medicine to relieve the internal heat! I will prescribe a medicine for you to remove the internal heat. You will be completely cured after taking it for two days!" Zhang Yuan picked up the pen. Just make a prescription.

Hearing this, the patient became anxious and hurriedly asked Zhang Yuan.

"Dr. Zhang, it takes two days to take medicine to get better? But my toothache is so severe, how uncomfortable these two days have been! Isn't there any way to help me stop the pain immediately?"

Knowing that the patient wanted immediate relief, Lin Dingxiang, who was not far away, couldn't help but shake her head slightly.

Is there any immediate relief from wisdom tooth toothache?

You can only take some medicine to relieve inflammation and inflammation. Once the inflammation is gone, the pain will naturally disappear.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan’s next words made Lin Ding

Xiang couldn't help but look sideways.

Zhang Yuan said leisurely, "There is a way to relieve the pain immediately! But the fee is a bit expensive! Five hundred yuan!"

The patient and Lin Dingxiang were both surprised when they heard Zhang Yuan's price of five hundred.

The former was surprised that Zhang Yuan actually quoted such a high price.

The latter was surprised that Zhang Yuan actually said that he could help the patient get rid of the fire immediately.

"Five hundred? So expensive?" the patient blurted out.

Zhang Yuan shrugged, "There's no way, the secret recipe is always more expensive! But it's more expensive, but the secret recipe is very effective!"

Hearing this, the patient gritted his teeth and finally nodded in agreement.

"Five hundred is five hundred! As long as it can relieve the pain, let alone five hundred, I will give you even one thousand!"

Zhang Yuan smiled. He knew that the patient was engaged in small business and often went to the town to set up a stall in the market.

Although they are not very rich, they are much better than ordinary rural families.

That's why he "lion opened his mouth" and quoted a price of five hundred.

He did this to establish his own brand.

People these days no longer believe in high quality and low price, but believe that you get what you pay for.

If Zhang Yuan only charges a few dozen yuan.

In that case, even if he cured the patient in front of him.

The other party will not be grateful to him for charging less, but will think that he is just a low-priced dirtbag.

Zhang Yuan just directly quoted 500 yuan, and later cured the patient. The other party would only think that you get what you pay for, and the 500 yuan was not wasted.

When the patient publicizes to the outside world in the future, Zhang Yuan's image will be invisibly elevated and Zhang Yuan's image will be

Differentiate from ordinary Tulangzhong.

Seeing that the other party agreed to pay five hundred yuan for the treatment, Zhang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, got up and went to the Chinese medicine cabinet at the back to get some medicinal materials.

At this time, Lin Dingxiang also came over, but did not come to Zhang Yuan. She just stood not far away and watched how he operated.

After taking the medicinal materials, Zhang Yuan asked Lin Dingxiang to get a medicine pounder. .??.??

After getting the things, Zhang Yuan put the medicinal materials into the medicine pounder and beat them into Chinese medicine powder.

With his strength, the Chinese medicine powder produced is not much worse than the Chinese medicine powder ground by a crusher.

Then Zhang Yuan poured the crushed powder into a medicine bag, took a small bottle of spare Erguotou from the nearby cabinet, and soaked the powder in Erguotou.

After about a few minutes, Zhang Yuan took out tweezers and sterilized cotton, dipped the sterilized cotton in the liquid, and then motioned for the patient to come forward.

"Open your mouth as wide as possible!" Zhang Yuan said to the patient.

The patient opened his mouth wide as instructed, and Zhang Yuan used tweezers to put the cotton dipped in the medicinal solution into the left side of the patient's mouth, and asked him to bite the cotton with his rear molars and wisdom teeth.

After completing this step, Zhang Yuan asked the patient to sit aside to rest and put the trash can in front of him.

"You will drool involuntarily later, but it doesn't matter, just bite this ball of cotton. In ten minutes at most, I will make sure your teeth don't hurt anymore!" Zhang Yuandao.

Although it was the first time for the patient to see Zhang Yuan's treatment method.

But thinking that Zhang Yuan had cured many difficult and complicated diseases before, he asked for 500 yuan for medicine.

If you don't have a few combs, how can you dare to open this mouth?

So he nodded, sat there as Zhang Yuan said, and quietly waited for the results.

While waiting, Zhang Yuan sat leisurely on a chair and played with his mobile phone.

Lin Dingxiang also returned to her seat and sat down, but her beautiful eyes glanced at Zhang Yuan from time to time.

She had many doubts in her heart and wanted to ask Zhang Yuan, but she couldn't do it in front of the patient.

When Lin Dingxiang worked in the hospital, she heard about many cases of wisdom tooth pain.

But without exception, to treat toothache, you can only prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers, and then wait for the wisdom teeth to gradually improve.

But Zhang Yuan dared to say that he would stop the patient's pain on the spot, which seemed incredible to Lin Dingxiang.

During the time she came to the clinic, Lin Dingxiang also heard about Zhang Yuan's past treatment experience.

Even Zhang Yuan's father Zhang Dashan's legs were healed by Zhang Yuan.

But those are rumors after all.

Today is the first time Lin Dingxiang has seen how exquisite Zhang Yuan's medical skills are!

If he could really relieve the toothache patient on the spot, Lin Dingxiang would truly recognize Zhang Yuan as a skilled Chinese doctor!

Time passed by minute by minute.

About five or six minutes later, the patient suddenly said something unclearly.

"Doctor Zhang, it can't be done!"

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows, "You mean, your tooth doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

"That's right! The tooth doesn't hurt anymore! It doesn't hurt anymore!" the patient said with a look of surprise.

Zhang Yuan looked at the time, shook his head and asked him to bite for a few more minutes.

Lin Dingxiang looked at the patient in surprise.

She could see that the patient's face was no longer as anxious and upset as when he first came to the clinic, but instead looked calm.

He really doesn't feel any pain anymore!

Lin Dingxiang wanted to know what recipe Zhang Yuan used to prepare the bottle of "secret recipe" that could relieve the pain of a patient who had a toothache that was so severe that he couldn't sleep on the spot.

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