Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 827: The body is not weak, but poisoned

"Boss Chu, have you ever given a speech at the town middle school before and donated a sum of money to the town middle school?" Zhang Yuan asked Chu Yunlong.

"Um..." Chu Yunlong was a little surprised. "It did happen. Doctor Zhang, were you studying in the town middle school at that time? Could it be that you had received my scholarship?"

Zhang Yuan looked a little embarrassed when he mentioned this.

"That's not true. I'm a bad student. How can I be qualified to receive a scholarship?"

Chu Yunlong laughed when he heard this, and then changed the topic.

"No wonder Doctor Zhang said that I look familiar, we are really destined! I went to your school to give a speech, but I didn't expect that Doctor Zhang would remember me!" Chu Yunlong said with a smile. ??

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Yes, Boss Chu donated 200,000 yuan at once, which was a big deal at the time!"

"Nothing, nothing. I also graduated from the middle school in the town. Now that I have the ability, it is natural for me to give back to my alma mater." Chu Yunlong said with a smile.

After finishing the gossip, Zhang Yuan coughed slightly and turned to the topic.

"Boss Chu, do you feel uncomfortable coming to my place?"

Hearing this, Chu Yunlong's eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he subconsciously glanced at Lin Dingxiang who was not far away.

Zhang Yuan understood and knew that it was time to let Lin Dingxiang go to the back to avoid suspicion.

"Dingxiang, yesterday I asked you to take out the mattress to dry it, but you didn't move. Today you have to dry the mattress!" Zhang Yuan immediately ordered Lin Dingxiang.

Lin Dingxiang responded and went directly to the backyard.

She had no intention of eavesdropping this time, and she didn't actually need to eavesdrop. She could guess it by just guessing.

A man went to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic to see a doctor, but he was too embarrassed to let others be present.

In this situation, there are only two possibilities. First, he is not good at that. Second, he has a heart disease!

Seeing Lin Dingxiang leave, Chu Yunlong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Doctor Zhang, have you ever sold something called strong and yang honey to Boss Meng Xingyun before? I came here just to buy this!"

Zhang Yuan suddenly realized that the co-author was a client introduced by Meng Xingyun!

It seems that Meng Xingyun is really quite righteous. After experiencing the benefits of Zhuang and Yang honey, he also knows how to introduce Zhuang and Yang honey to others.

Zhang Yuan immediately laughed, "That's right! I did sell Zhuang and Yang honey to Boss Meng! And I only have this stuff here, this is the only one, there is no other one!"

Chu Yunlong's eyes lit up, "That's great! Dr. Zhang, please give me two bottles too! I've been feeling out of sorts lately and my energy is a bit lacking. Last time, I accidentally drank Boss Meng's Zhuang and Yang Honey. , I immediately felt a lot more energetic the next day!”

"No problem! Boss Chu, tell me, let alone two bottles, even a few more bottles are enough!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

"But since you are here, Boss Chu, why don't I take your pulse and diagnose it! If your situation is special, I can also adjust the formula according to your physique!"

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Chu Yunlong kept nodding his head, and his eyes towards Zhang Yuan became more kind.

Zhang Yuan is indeed a good and dedicated Chinese medicine doctor!

Then Zhang Yuan took Chu Yunlong's pulse and diagnosed it.

After more than ten seconds, his expression suddenly changed, and his hand holding Chu Yunlong's wrist increased a bit more forcefully.

Chu Yunlong looked at Zhang Yuan in surprise, wondering why he suddenly changed his face.

After another few dozen seconds, Zhang Yuan slowly let go of Chu Yunlong's wrist and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Boss Chu, why do you

You will feel lack of energy and lack of energy during sexual intercourse. The reason is not because you are not good at that, but because you are poisoned! "

Chu Yunlong's pupils shrank, "What? I was poisoned? How is this possible?"

Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice, "I'm just telling the truth based on your pulse! Your pulse is disordered and your pulse speed is faster than ordinary people. If you guessed correctly, this should be a chronic toxin. You have been poisoned for almost two or three times so far." It’s a month!”

"Two or three months...that's right! It's only in the past two months that I've felt listless all day long! I thought it was because I was failing in that area, so I took a lot of kidney-tonifying medicine, but it didn't work!" Chu Yunlong couldn't help but said.

Zhang Yuan picked up the cup and took a sip of water. "Your body is actually not weak. Taking kidney-tonifying medicine will naturally not work. As for whether you will feel better after drinking Zhuang Yang honey, that is because Zhuang Yang honey contains purple Su and honeysuckle are two detoxifying herbs.”

After listening to Zhang Yuan's analysis, Chu Yunlong couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"I've actually been poisoned! Who wants to harm me?" Chu Yunlong said to himself.

Zhang Yuan said nothing.

This kind of thing is beyond his control. He is just a Chinese medicine doctor, not a famous detective.

Suddenly, Chu Yunlong suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Yuan with eyes full of hope.

"Doctor Zhang, if you can detect that I'm poisoned, then you can definitely help me detoxify, right? I don't want to be poisoned to death!"

Zhang Yuan touched his nose, "You are lucky. The person who poisoned you poisoned you in a very small dose each time, and you were not poisoned for a long time. It is not difficult to detoxify. If you had come two months later, When the toxins penetrate deeply into the meridians, it will be difficult to remove them!"

Chu Yunlong breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he could be saved.

Zhang Yuan wrote down a prescription specially used to detoxify.

Add or subtract based on the soup.

In addition to the original Coptis chinensis, Scutellaria cypress, Phellodendron cypress, and Gardenia jasminata, several detoxifying herbs such as honeysuckle, forsythia suspensa, and perilla are added.

A variety of medicinal materials complement each other, increasing the efficacy of the original Coptis detoxification soup several times, but reducing the side effects a lot.

After all, coptis is a bitter and cold thing. If taken in large amounts, it will harm the body.

After writing the prescription, Zhang Yuan called Lin Dingxiang over and asked him to prepare medicine for Chu Yunlong.

While Lin Dingxiang was taking medicine, Zhang Yuan asked Chu Yunlong.

"Boss Chu, regarding your poisoning, have you ever thought about how you were poisoned?"

Chu Yunlong smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I just thought about it. Recently, my eating and drinking have been about the same as usual. I never thought about how I got poisoned."

"Oh? That's a little strange! Who usually cooks in your family?" Zhang Yuan asked.

Chu Yunlong said, "Sometimes my mother cooks, and sometimes my wife cooks. Sometimes when I am free, I will cook by myself. I can guarantee that no one in our family will cook for me." Poisonous!"

Seeing that Chu Yunlong was so sure, Zhang Yuan asked again.

"What about when you were outside?"

Chu Yunlong still shook his head, "Eating out is random, and everyone eats the same dishes. If there is something wrong with the food, I won't be the only one who is poisoned!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but frown.

He was actually a little curious as to who was the person who poisoned Chu Yunlong.

At this time, Zhang Yuan's eyes inadvertently fell on the water glass on the table, and he was suddenly inspired.

"Boss Chu, does anyone else have a chance to touch the cup you usually drink tea from?" Zhang Yuan's mouth curled up.

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