Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 837 Sudden poisoning, what happened?

Zhang Yuan went to the back garden to rest for a while. The housekeeper was a good person and asked the nanny to bring him tea and snacks.

While eating snacks, I admired the scenery of the back garden, which was quite pleasing to the eye.

Looking at the flowers blooming in the back garden, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but think that one day he would make enough money and get himself a villa like this.

The front is for living, and the back is for enjoying the scenery.

It's definitely a unique experience to come here to eat in the summer evening, with the cool breeze blowing and the smell of flowers.

Just when Zhang Yuangang finished drinking a cup of tea, he was about to pour himself a second cup. ??

Suddenly, a scream came from the villa.

Zhang Yuan turned his head suddenly, what happened?

He used his ears to hear what was going on over there, but he heard words like "My wife is vomiting blood" and "Hurry up and call 120".

Zhang Yuan was surprised. The wife the nanny mentioned could only be Mrs. He.

Why did Mrs. He vomit blood?

Could it be because he drank the medicine he prescribed?


The medicine I just prescribed is very symptomatic.

Even if the effect is not obvious, it is impossible to cause Mrs. He to vomit blood?

He was about to step forward to see what was going on, but unexpectedly he saw the housekeeper and several security guards walking toward him aggressively, with a guy in his hand.

When the housekeeper saw Zhang Yuan, he pointed at him and shouted loudly.

"That's him! He prescribed the medicine to his wife, but she vomited blood after drinking the medicine! Let me catch him and wait for the people from the police station to come and take him away!"

When the security guards heard this, they all wanted to rush forward and capture Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan shouted, "Wait! What's going on? There can't be something wrong with the medicine I prescribed! There must be another reason why Mrs. He vomited blood!"

Hearing this, the housekeeper sneered, "Zhang Yuan, until now you

Still want to defend? Let me ask you, did you prescribe the medicine? After the medicine was caught, did you personally check it and say it was OK? Now my wife drank your medicine and vomited blood, and you dare not admit it! "

"Hmph! There is nothing wrong with my prescription. It is absolutely impossible for Mrs. He to vomit blood! Please let me go over and check Mrs. He's pulse. Otherwise, something will happen to her too late. Don't blame me for not reminding you!" Zhang Yuanchen vocal channel.

The housekeeper curled his lips and said, "Let you go over, and nothing will happen to my wife! Come on, and take him down!"

Upon hearing this, several security guards immediately rushed over, brandishing electric batons.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan didn't want to tangle with them, so he dodged away from them and ran forward.

He wanted to check Mrs. He's pulse and see what was going on with her.

Zhang Yuan was full of confidence in his prescription. He personally supervised the preparation of the medicine. There was absolutely no way it would cause Mrs. He to vomit blood!

Seeing Zhang Yuan running away, the housekeeper shouted anxiously.

"You bunch of losers, the boss usually raises you all in vain! Hurry up and catch that kid! Don't let him escape from the villa!"

The security guards were a little angry when Zhang Yuan escaped, and each of them roared and chased him.

But how can their speed compare to Zhang Yuan?

Within a few breaths, Zhang Yuan was shaken off.

Zhang Yuan came to the front and went straight to the villa upstairs, where a group of nannies were busy taking care of Mrs. He.

Mrs. He was lying weakly on the bed, with blood stains on her clothes and the corners of her mouth, and her face was still a little blue.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. Mrs. He really looked like she was poisoned!

What's going on

What's going on?

The nanny noticed Zhang Yuan at this time and immediately shouted in horror.

At this time, Zhang Yuan had become a poisoner in their eyes.

Mrs. He on the bed looked even more horrified, "Don't let him come over! Don't let him come over!"

Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice, "Mrs. He! You were poisoned, not because you drank my medicine! If you want to live, let me detoxify you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the angry voice of the housekeeper sounded from downstairs.

"What harm you have done to our wife is due to the poison you gave her. If you are allowed to get close to my wife again, what should I do if you murder her?"

Zhang Yuan shouted angrily, "That's nonsense! There is absolutely no problem with my medicine! Let me diagnose Mrs. He quickly, otherwise it will be too late in a while!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a siren suddenly sounded outside.

When the housekeeper heard the siren, he was overjoyed.

"The comrades from the police station are here! You're done!"

Zhang Yuan's heart sank. When the police came, he would have no chance to detoxify Mrs. He and prove his innocence.

what to do? Now how to do?

Soon, several police officers rushed into the villa.

Behind them were two middle-aged men in suits.

One of the middle-aged men looked anxious, "How is my wife? Who poisoned her and made her vomit blood?"

Another middle-aged man kept comforting him, "Old He, don't be too anxious. Your wife has her own destiny. It'll be okay! It'll be okay!"

While they were talking, the group walked into the living room and happened to see the butler leading a confrontation with Zhang Yuan.

The housekeeper saw the police coming, followed by the boss He Sanfan, and hurried up

Describe it with added words before.

"Boss, fellow police comrades! Arrest the boy upstairs quickly! My wife asked me to invite that boy to treat her, but I didn't expect that he actually poisoned my wife. My wife vomited blood after drinking the medicine!" the housekeeper said.

Hearing this, the policemen looked at Zhang Yuan and immediately became alert. The leading policeman raised his hand, preparing to order someone to arrest Zhang Yuan.

Then He Sanfan gritted his teeth and said, "Arrest him! I want to ask him personally why he poisoned my wife and what kind of grudge he has against us!"

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand, the middle-aged man next to He Sanfan suddenly shouted loudly.

"Wait! There's a misunderstanding! There must be a misunderstanding! This Doctor Zhang is a miracle doctor! He just saved my life a few days ago! How could he poison people?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Only then did Zhang Yuan notice who the person was. It was none other than Chu Yunlong, who had been to his clinic a few days ago to see a doctor!

I really didn’t expect to meet Chu Yunlong here!

"Old Chu, are you kidding me? This guy poisoned my wife, and you actually said he was a miracle doctor?" He Sanfan looked at Chu Yunlong in shock.

Chu Yunlong had a serious look on his face, "Old He, I think there must be something fishy in this! I admire Dr. Zhang both for his medical skills and his medical ethics! I don't believe he would do such a thing as poisoning a patient!" "

At this time, Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up and he suddenly shouted towards Chu Yunlong.

"Boss Chu, please help me be a witness! Tell Boss He and let me check Mrs. He! Mrs. He is poisoned and must detoxify as soon as possible! As time goes by, I am worried that she will die Danger!"

Hearing this, Chu Yunlong nodded, turned to He Sanfan and said.

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