Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 874 Kuiliu came to the door and hung up the banner

Unexpectedly, something happened a few days later that changed his mind.

That day Li Xianli went to see the attending physician and made confirmation and preparations before the operation.

There he happened to meet a patient who also had cancer.

The other party had liver cancer, and it was still in the middle stage. His condition was much more serious than his.

But after this instrumental examination, the patient's tumor miraculously shrank a lot!

The attending physician couldn't believe it himself, and asked whether there was an error in the instrument examination. He asked the other party to check again, and then confirmed that the patient's liver cancer had indeed improved!

At this time, the patient told his own experience, saying that he was cured by a very young Chinese medicine doctor. The doctor not only had exquisite medical skills, but also had great medical ethics. He was preparing to make a banner to thank him!

Li Xianli was envious when he learned that the patient's condition improved with only a small amount of money.

He had already consulted the attending physician and learned that he had to undergo tumor removal surgery, which would cost at least a small hundred thousand!

If we could take Chinese medicine for treatment like the patient with liver cancer, wouldn't we be able to save a lot of money?

So Li Xianli sealed a red envelope for the patient and asked him to tell him the contact information of the young Chinese medicine doctor who treated him.

The patient was very happy and did not take away the red envelope. He only asked Li Xianli to mention him when he passed by, and also said that he would come to deliver a banner to the Chinese medicine doctor in two days.

It wasn't until Li Xianli got the contact information of the young Chinese medicine doctor that he was shocked as if he had been struck by lightning.

That young Chinese medicine doctor was actually the Zhang Yuan he had been looking for!

Even when he beat Li Xianli to death, he never thought that the native doctor he thought was so capable could even cure cancer!

But then, Li Xianli withered.

If it was a few days ago, he would definitely be happy if he knew about this

He rushed to see Zhang Yuan for medical treatment.

But it happened that Lin Dingxiang called a few days ago.

He made rude remarks on the phone and said that Zhang Yuan was a local doctor, which must have offended Zhang Yuan.

Under such circumstances, how could Zhang Yuan treat him?

After thinking about it, Li Xianli finally licked his face and came to the clinic to see Zhang Yuan, hoping to see if he could ask for Zhang Yuan's forgiveness.

After listening to Li Xianli explain the cause and effect of the matter, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel happy.

He remembered who the patient Li Xianli was talking about.

If I remember correctly, this person should be Kuiliu, a patient with mid-stage liver cancer that he treated some time ago!

Unexpectedly, Kuiliu was quite grateful. Not only did he help him with free publicity, but he also prepared to make banners to show his gratitude.

When Zhang Yuancai thought of Cao Cao and Cao Cao's arrival, Kui Liu came on a motorcycle with a banner in his hand.

He walked into the clinic holding a banner, and when he saw Zhang Yuan, he immediately hurried forward with excitement on his face.

"Doctor Zhang, do you still remember me? I'm Kuiliu! You treated me for liver cancer some time ago! Now my liver cancer is in the middle stage and has become early stage! Even the previous attending physician couldn't believe it! You are really Wonderful rejuvenation!" Kui Liu said.

Zhang Yuan chuckled and said, "Kui Liu, you are so polite! What else are you doing with the banner!"

He glanced at the banner, which read "Miaoshou rejuvenating, saving lives and healing the wounded."

"It's appropriate to send a banner! You saved me, which is equivalent to being my savior! In addition to this banner, I also prepared a red envelope for you! Don't be too little!" Kui Liu said, taking it out of his pocket received a thick red envelope.

A rough estimate would be at least 20,000 yuan.

Seeing Kui Liu take out the red envelope, Zhang Yuan's expression immediately became serious.

"Kui Liu, I accept the banner! I also accept the kindness! But you should take back this red envelope! Your family's conditions are not good, and this money will be of great use to you! When you live your life in the future Well, it’s not too late to seal me a thicker red envelope!”

With that said, Zhang Yuan said to Lin Dingxiang, "Dingxiang, take the banner and hang it on the wall!"

Not far away, Zhao Yan also volunteered, "Ding Xiang and I will hang the banner together!"

Liu Ruolan looked at Zhang Yuan with beautiful eyes and a smile. This was the man she had chosen. He was not only capable, but also had a compassionate heart.

When Kui Liu heard Zhang Yuan's words, he was almost moved to tears. ??

"Doctor Zhang, you are so kind and kind! Thank you!" Kui Liu said with tears in his eyes.

Zhang Yuanqi stepped forward and patted Kui Liu on the shoulder, "This is what I should do as a traditional Chinese medicine doctor! By the way, since your condition has improved, I will prescribe you a new prescription later. Follow this prescription." In two months, your liver cancer will be completely cured!”

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang, thank you, Doctor Zhang!" Kuiliu nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Yuan joked, "The cost of medicine will not be waived for you. It's just how much you pay! Don't even think about paying a penny less!"

Seeing Zhang Yuan making a joke, Kuiliu also laughed.

It was only then that he noticed Li Xianli standing next to him and recognized him as the person he had befriended in the county hospital.

"Aren't you that brother Li from the county hospital? Brother Li, you really listened to me and came to see Dr. Zhang for treatment! Haha, Dr. Zhang has wonderful rejuvenation skills and can even cure mid-stage liver cancer! What's more, you are only in the early stage of lung cancer! Kui Liu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Xianli could only laugh twice. What else could he say?

Zhang Yuan glanced at Li Xianli, shook his head, returned to his seat and sat down, saying

"This Mr. Li is different from you! He has been to my clinic before, but people thought I was a local doctor and were unwilling to treat him here. He insisted on treating him in the county hospital!"

Upon hearing this, Kuiliu became angry and pointed at Li Xianli.

"You are so ungrateful! What kind of person is Dr. Zhang? It is not an exaggeration to call him a miracle doctor! How dare you say that Dr. Zhang is a local doctor? You should be beaten!"

Li Xianli's face was full of embarrassment, "I...I was blind and ignorant before! If I had known that Dr. Zhang's medical skills were so good, even if he killed me, I would not dare to say that he was a local doctor!"

"Doctor Zhang, do you want me to kick this guy out?" Kuiliu rolled up his sleeves and asked Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan nodded noncommittally, "That's okay! Staying here is quite an eyesore! Anyway, the county hospital can treat his disease, so let him go to the county hospital for treatment!"

Hearing this, Kui Liu did what he said and pushed Li Xianli out.

Li Xianli wanted to cry but had no tears. If he had known that Kui Liu would be here today, he shouldn't have come.

It's better now. I came to apologize and was kicked out of the clinic instead.

There was no other way, so Li Xianli had no choice but to leave in despair. The only way waiting for him was to lose money and eliminate disaster.

After Li Xianli left, Zhang Yuan prescribed medicine to Kui Liu and told him what to pay attention to in his daily life before letting him leave.

When he was the only one left in the clinic, Zhang Yuan walked to the wall hanging the banner with his hands behind his back, a smile on his face.

Half of the pennants are already hanging on the wall!

Soon, the entire wall will be covered with pennants!

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