Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 909 You must drink toad’s urine

Chen Yueyue was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds, she let out a sigh.

"I remember! A few days before I got sick, I went to Ziyun Mountain with some classmates for a trip."

"We were having so much fun that we forgot about time. When we walked back, it was already dark! And we even got lost!"

"During this period, I vaguely saw a red toad passing by me, but I never touched that toad!"

Zhang Yuan asked again, "Have you ever eaten anything from the mountain?"

"I ate a few wild fruits! But those wild fruits are all edible! I recognize them!" Chen Yueyue said.

Zhang Yuan sighed, "The wild fruit you ate may have just been touched by the Tianzhu Fire Toad, so the venom of the Tianzhu Fire Toad remains on it."

Realizing that she might have eaten the leftover food of a toad, Chen Yueyue felt an inexplicable urge to vomit.

"Then what should I do now? Doctor, can you cure my poison?" Chen Yueyue looked at Zhang Yuan with a sad face.

"The venom of the Tianzhu Fire Toad is said to be venom, but it is completely different from conventional toxic substances. It will not hurt people's lives. At most, it will only cause swelling all over the body. Therefore, even a physical examination with modern instruments cannot detect any clues." Zhang Yuan said.

"You are still in the early stages of the disease. If it reaches the later stage, your whole body will become swollen!"

"Ah, I don't want it!" Thinking of the scene described by Zhang Yuan, Chen Yueyue was so frightened that she shivered all over.

"Doctor, you must cure me!" Chen Yueyue begged.

Zhang Yuan was different from other doctors. Other doctors couldn't even find out how she got sick.

But Zhang Yuan was able to tell straight away that this was caused by the venom of the Tianzhu Fire Toad.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan has become the last straw in Chen Yueyue's heart.

If Zhang Yuan can't cure her, then she will be completely desperate!

Zhang Yuan nodded and assured, "Don't worry, I'm here to treat you."

sickness! I will do my best to cure you! "

After a pause, Zhang Yuan added another sentence.

"Even if it can't be cured, I can eliminate your swollen area and make you return to your original state! It just needs regular repair and treatment!"

Hearing this, Chen Yueyue stood up in surprise.

"Doctor, are you telling the truth? Can you really restore me to my original appearance?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Of course!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Chen Jiayuan stood at the door excitedly.

"Doctor Zhang, can you really restore Yueyue's appearance to her previous appearance? Thank you! Thank you so much!" Chen Jiayuan excitedly stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Yuan's hand with both hands.

After a while, Chen Yueyue continued to rest in the room, while Zhang Yuan and others went downstairs.

In the living room downstairs, after Zhang Yuan took his seat, Chen Jiayuan seemed uneasy and couldn't help but ask him again.

"Doctor Zhang, can you really restore Yueyue's appearance?"

Zhang Yuan laughed and said

"Of course it's true! But this is just a temporary solution, not the root cause! It will still relapse after a while!"

"As for the permanent solution, I'm thinking about it, and I'll be able to figure it out soon!"

"So my personal suggestion is to wait until I come up with a permanent solution before officially starting treatment for your daughter, once and for all!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Jiayuan hurriedly waved his hand

"No, no! Doctor Zhang, please use the temporary treatment method now!"

"Yueyue has suffered too much because of this strange disease. Now I just want to restore her original appearance so that she can be happy."

Liu Ruohai also advised her, "Brother Yuan, just treat the symptoms first. When you think of the root cause later, can't you just treat Yueyue again?"

Seeing both of them saying this, Zhang Yuan did not refuse.

He asked the nanny to get paper and pen and write down a recipe on it.

The prescription is a common prescription for clearing away heat and detoxifying, which is not unusual.

After writing the prescription, Zhang Yuan handed it to Chen Jiayuan.

"This recipe requires a medicinal primer. Only by adding a medicinal primer can it really work!"

Chen Jiayuan quickly asked, "What is Yaoyin?"

"The medicine is the urine of the Chinese giant toad!" Zhang Yuan said solemnly.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Jiayuan and Liu Ruohai were both stunned.

Can toad urine be used as a medicine?

"Brother Yuan, are you kidding? How can a toad's urine be used as a medicine?" Liu Ruohai couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yuan shook his head slightly

"Who said that toad urine cannot be used as medicine? There is a medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine called Renzhongbai, which is the crystallization of human urine."

"There is even a medicinal material called Renzhonghuang, which has similar properties to Renzhongbai!"

"The urine of the Chinese giant toad can contain the venom of the Indian fire toad to a certain extent!"

"If you want to treat the symptoms, you have to add the urine of the Chinese giant toad to the prescription! Otherwise, the prescription just prescribed is a piece of waste paper!"

Seeing what Zhang Yuan said so clearly, Chen Jiayuan had no choice but to grit his teeth and agree.

"Just do as Dr. Zhang says!"

There was nothing they could do. The couple took Chen Yueyue to see so many doctors, but no one could tell what disease Chen Yueyue had.

Only Zhang Yuan spoke out and proposed a treatment plan.

\u003e Right now Chen Jiayuan can only choose to believe Zhang Yuan!

Immediately, Chen Jiayuan asked Zhang Yuan with a strong smile, "Doctor Zhang, I wonder how much toad urine is needed as a medicine?"

Zhang Yuan stretched out a finger.

Chen Jiayuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, "One milliliter!"

Zhang Yuan shook his finger: "It's not one milliliter, it's one hundred milliliters!"

Liu Ruohai next to him almost choked on his own saliva when he heard this.

One hundred milliliters is 2 taels, and Zhang Yuan actually wanted Chen Yueyue to drink 2 taels of toad urine!

Chen Jiayuan grimaced, "Do you really have to drink so much?"

"That's right! It's better to have more! Otherwise, if the medicine is not effective enough, one side of the face will recover and the other will not." Zhang Yuandao.

"This..." Chen Jiayuan looked at Chen Yueyue's room upstairs with a bitter look on his face, thinking that it was better not to let Chen Yueyue know about this matter.

If she knew that the Chinese medicine she drank contained toad urine, she would probably have to vomit it all out on the spot!

At this point, the initial treatment was decided, and Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruohai also bid farewell in a timely manner.

Chen Jiayuan said a few polite words, but when he saw that the two of them refused to stay for dinner, he stopped insisting.

He also has to be busy looking for two ounces of toad urine, which will probably take a lot of effort!

When Chen Jiayuan sent the two of them outside, Zhang Yuan specifically warned him.

"Boss Chen, remember! It must be the urine of the Chinese giant toad! If it is other species of toad, it may not be effective!"

"In this world, one thing must be suppressed, and only the corresponding thing can be restrained!"

Chen Jiayuan nodded repeatedly, "I understand, Divine Doctor Zhang, I will do as you say!"

After Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruohai left, not long after Chen Yueyue's mother Wu Xuemei hurried back after receiving the news about the nanny.

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