Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 922: Recovering from illness, involving Zhang Yuan

Zhang Yuan immediately asked Li Qiushi to call the young people in the village who were not infected and ask them to follow him to the back mountain.

As for Chen Xuancheng, Zhang Yuan did not intend to let him go with him.

"Mr. Chen, climbing is too tiring. You are old, why not stay in the village! Village Chief Li and I went up the mountain to look for the source of infection!" Zhang Yuan said to Chen Xuancheng.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuancheng shook his head, "No! I want to go too! I can't let go until I see the source of the infection with my own eyes!"

Seeing Chen Xuancheng's insistence, Zhang Yuan could no longer dissuade him, so he had to take Chen Xuancheng with him.

A group of people went up the mountain and walked up in the direction of the mountain spring water.

When he got close to the mountain spring water, Zhang Yuan stepped forward, picked up the water and smelled it, and then his eyes lit up.

"It shouldn't be wrong, it's the problem with the spring water! There is a strange smell in the spring water!" Zhang Yuan said loudly.

When everyone heard this, they all became energetic. .??.

Although before coming, everyone had guessed that the source of infection was probably the spring water in the back mountain.

But it’s not certain whether that is the case.

If not, their trip would have been in vain!

Now that it was learned from Zhang Yuan that mountain spring water was the real source of infection, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The unknown is the scariest thing!

At least they already know where the source of infection is. As long as the source of infection is eliminated, the plague in Pingshan Village can be completely ended!

Under the leadership of Zhang Yuan, a group of people walked toward the mountain in a mighty manner.

Until they came to a bamboo forest, the village chief Li Qiushi took the initiative to introduce them.

"Mr. Chen, Doctor Zhang, the clear spring is deep in this small bamboo forest!"

"Because everyone in our village usually drinks spring water, in order to avoid contaminating the water source, this area has been designated as a restricted area."

"There are many traps set up nearby! Unfamiliar people can easily fall into the traps if they enter!"

The voice fell

, said a muscular young man next to him

"I know traps best!"

"These traps were all designed by my father with us!"

Li Qiushi nodded, "Yes, Ali is familiar with traps. With him leading the way, we don't have to worry!"

Immediately, Ali, a strong young man, took the lead and led everyone through traps one after another, and finally came to the source of the mountain spring.

When they saw the source of the mountain spring, everyone in Pingshui Village couldn't help but vomited.

I saw a wild boar that had been dead for who knows how many days in the clear spring!

The carcass of the wild boar was rotting, with countless flies and insects hovering above it.

It looks as disgusting as you want!

You don’t need to think about it to know that wild boars are the source of this plague!

Zhang Yuan observed carefully and noticed that there were several wounds caused by traps on the wild boar, and he suddenly understood.

"If I'm not wrong, this wild boar must have accidentally fallen into a trap and been seriously injured."

"In the end, he died in the source of the mountain spring! The decay of his body led to the emergence of the plague!"

Zhang Yuan expressed his analysis and was immediately affirmed by Chen Xuancheng.

"It should be like this! The environment here is special. There are rotting carcasses of large animals, which can easily breed bacteria." Chen Xuancheng said.

At this time, Li Qiushi, who had been vomiting for a while, came over and looked a little pale.

"Chen...Mr. Chen, Doctor Zhang, what should we do now?"

Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice

"What else can we do? Of course we should take out the wild boar's body and burn it on fire!"

"As for this mountain spring, we have to use it.

Disinfect all the poisons! "

Chen Xuancheng nodded, "That's right! We also need to inform the villagers at the foot of the mountain not to drink mountain spring water during this period! And don't use it as domestic water!"

Li Qiushi quickly shook his head, "I will never drink this mountain spring water again even to death! The scene in front of me is so... disgusting, vomit..."

When everyone was almost done vomiting, Zhang Yuan ordered them to use tools to move the wild boar carcass out, and then ordered a few strong young men to collect firewood.

When the firewood was almost collected, Zhang Yuan poured the alcohol he carried on top of the wild boar carcass and the firewood.

Then a fire was lit!

Catalyzed by alcohol, a raging fire burned.

After the wild boar carcass was burned, Chen Xuancheng asked everyone to find a place to dig a hole and bury the burned remains of the wild boar.

On the other side, Zhang Yuan also ordered people to pour special disinfectant into the source of the mountain spring.

The source of the plague was dealt with, and the mountain spring water was disinfected with disinfectant. The work of disinfecting the source was finally completed.

Next, as long as we cure the villagers who have the plague and control the spread of the plague, that will be enough!

By the time Zhang Yuan and his party returned to the village, Cheng Zhichao's work was almost ready.

Just wait for the people from the medicinal material company to deliver the medicinal materials, and then collectively decoct the medicinal materials and send them to the water plant.

The villagers in Pingshui Village also received decoctions distributed.

As for the wild boar carcasses at the source of the mountain spring water, Zhang Yuan and Chen Xuancheng did not make it public at Li Qiushi's request.

After all, mountain spring water can be regarded as the signature of their Pingshui Village.

If anyone knew, a dead wild boar once bathed in the source of the mountain spring.

I guess no one will drink mountain spring water in the future!

In the following days, the villagers of Pingshui Village obeyed

After taking the medicine prescribed by Zhang Yuan, his condition was cured.

The waterworks also followed Zhang Yuan's plan and put in tap water mixed with traditional Chinese medicine decoction every day.

People in the town use tap water to cook every day. Those who are sick can be treated, and those who are not sick can be prevented.

After a few days, no one showed any symptoms of the plague!

After several days of continuous monitoring, Cheng Zhichao finally felt relieved.

He immediately told Chen Xuancheng the good news.

Chen Xuancheng immediately told Zhang Yuan the news. He thought that Zhang Yuan would be very happy to hear the news.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan only said that he knew.

Seeing this, Chen Xuancheng was a little puzzled. After asking, he found out that Zhang Yuan's clinic had been affected by the plague!

Except for the fact that there was no publicity about the plague in Pingshui Village on the first day, by the second day, people in the surrounding villages basically knew that there was a plague in Pingshui Village!

And they also knew that those villagers in Pingshui Village who were infected with the plague had gone to Zhang Yuan's clinic to buy medicine.

Even though Zhang Yuan has already claimed that the clinic has been fully disinfected inside and outside.

But everyone in the village didn’t believe it!

They were worried that if they went to Zhang Yuan's clinic to see a doctor and buy medicine at this time, they would be infected with the plague.

Even passing by a clinic can cause you to contract the plague!

As a result, Zhang Yuan's clinic became the epitome of plague.

In recent days, none of the villagers dared to come here.

Even Zhao Yan was kept at home by her parents and did not allow her to come to work in the clinic.

The clinic had little business all day long, and Zhang Yuan and the other three could only sit in the clinic in a daze.

The only thing that comforts Zhang Yuan is that the employees of the chicken farm and ecological fish farming projects have shown extremely high loyalty.

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