Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 929 Procurement matters, showing good intentions

Looking at Du Hengsheng's suspicious eyes, Zhang Yuan smiled.

"Boss Du, actually you already have the answer in your mind! Right?"

"Do you think I would use fakes to pass off as the ecological fish I raise?"

"Apart from ruining my reputation in the industry, what good will that do to me?"

Hearing this, Du Hengsheng fell silent.

Zhang Yuan is right.

He really has no reason to pass off the ecological fish he bought from outside as being raised by him.

Even if I deceive Du Hengsheng today, the secret will definitely be revealed when the goods are officially shipped in the future!

By then, Zhang Yuan will be notorious in the catering industry and will be labeled a liar.

The ecological fish he raised can no longer be sold!

Du Hengsheng took a deep breath. He still couldn't believe it. Zhang Yuan actually raised the most authentic ecological fish in the paddy field!

You know, there are a lot of ecological fish on the market today.

However, there are not many truly authentic ecological fish, and they are in short supply.

If anyone has original ecological fish in his hands, he is simply the top girl of Wanhualou, so he doesn’t have to worry about selling it!

After being surprised for a while, Du Hengsheng calmed down, picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish again and put it into his mouth, savoring the pure natural fragrance and deliciousness.

"Delicious! It's so delicious!" Du Hengsheng couldn't help but sigh.

“It’s so intoxicating to see such purely natural and authentic ecological fish!”

Seeing that the other party had such a high opinion of ecological grass carp, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

"Boss Du, if that's the case, are you interested in purchasing my ecological fish?" Zhang Yuan asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, Du Hengsheng nodded repeatedly.

"Purchasing! Must purchase!"

"Doctor Zhang, although your ecological fish is not as magical as the Phoenix Chicken."

“But there are not many such purely natural ecological fish on the market anymore!”

"how much do you have,

How much do I want! "

"Just sell it to me, don't sell it to anyone else!"

Hearing what the other party said, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

"Boss Du, I raise ecological fish in six acres of paddy fields. I'm afraid you won't be able to eat them all by yourself!"

"I..." Du Hengsheng's expression froze.

Although his hotel is large in scale, it is still just a restaurant, and the number of guests eating fish every day is also limited.

Zhang Yuan raised so many ecological fish, but Du Hengsheng alone didn't have the appetite to eat them all.

He could only say helplessly, "Okay! It seems that this good thing will give their two hotels a piece of the pie!"

Zhang Yuan laughed and said

"It's not just your three hotels, I've calculated."

"The three of you can only eat at most one-third of my ecological fish."

"So I am also planning to find an agent in the aquatic product market to represent my ecological fish!"

Du Hengsheng nodded

"That's right! Anyone who can represent your ecological fish will be doing a great job!"

“You will never have to worry about selling your ecological fish when you get it to the market!”

"What a pity! I wish you could give me some quota for your Phoenix Chicken!"

Having said this, Du Hengsheng sighed again.

Zhang Yuan smiled and did not answer.

Phoenix Chicken has signed a contract, and Zhang Yuan will not destroy the contract himself.

Besides, Zhang Yuan is an upright man and would not do anything like that.

"Boss Du, if that's the case, then the purchase of ecological fish is settled!" Zhang Yuandao.

"As for the purchase price of ecological fish, what do you think is a better price?"

"Or, after I contact the other two hotels, the three of you will decide together?"

"No need." Du Hengsheng waved his hand

"There is no need to discuss this matter with them! Just pay three times the market price!"

"The price of grass carp in the market is five yuan per catty. I will buy your ecological grass carp for fifteen yuan per catty!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but swallowed when he heard Du Hengsheng's quotation.

The price... was much higher than he imagined!

According to Zhang Yuan's estimate, one mu of paddy field can produce about two thousand kilograms of ecological fish.

According to the price given by Du Hengsheng, the equivalent of ecological fish raised in one acre of paddy field can be sold for a high price of 30,000 yuan!

Six acres of paddy fields add up to 180,000 yuan!

And this is only the price of ecological grass carp, plus other varieties, the total can be sold for almost 200,000!

The cycle of ecological fish farming is about two months, and the average monthly income is nearly 100,000!

After calculation, it is simply more profitable than raising phoenix chickens!

"Wait a minute, I'm afraid only your three major hotels can afford such a high price, right?" Zhang Yuan couldn't help but say.

"If it were sold on the market, the price might not be good!"

Hearing this, Du Hengsheng smiled

"Doctor Zhang, I admit that your medical skills are very good, and you are also good at breeding."

"But when it comes to doing business, you still need to learn more!"

"What I quoted before was just the purchase price!"

"In the future, the price you quote to your dealer will also be this price!"

"As for the final sales price, it depends on how your dealer arranges it!"

"The price that customers buy from the market will only be higher! Because the dealer's profit is added to it!"

Zhang Yuan's pupils shrank, "You mean, zero fish in the aquatic product market?"

The selling price is higher than the price you quoted? "

"Of course! Don't forget, you are not an ordinary grass carp, but a serious ecological fish!" Du Hengsheng said with a matter-of-fact expression.

"The average person can buy an ecological grass carp like this for 20 yuan per pound, which is already a big advantage!"

"If I switch to those places of origin, I'm afraid the price will be even higher!"

“But you can rest assured that people now have money and can afford ecological grass carp!”

After hearing this, Zhang Yuan finally understood.

Indeed, Du Hengsheng is right.

I am really a novice in business and I don’t understand many things.

Fortunately, I booked the price with Du Hengsheng in advance.

Otherwise, if the price of the order is lower in the future, wouldn’t it be a huge loss?

Zhang Yuan looked at Du Hengsheng seriously

"Boss Du, thank you!"

"I have remembered your affection! If I get something good in the future, I will definitely think of you!"

Du Hengsheng also smiled at this time. Zhang Yuan was indeed a smart man and saw his good intentions.

In fact, Du Hengsheng could bully Zhang Yuan into offering a lower price because he didn't know the market price of pure ecological fish.

If the price is lowered, Zhang Yuan will definitely be able to accept it.

Because his ecological grass carp is not caught from the original wild lake, but raised by himself, the cost is much lower than the original ecological fish!

But Du Hengsheng still quoted such a high price just to show his favor to Zhang Yuan.

After this period of understanding, Du Hengsheng was able to figure out Zhang Yuan's temper.

Zhang Yuan is a soft-spoken person, so if you want to make friends with him, you have to be sincere.

Therefore, Du Hengsheng deliberately quoted a high price to let Zhang Yuan earn more.

Of course, if Zhang Yuan earns more, their three major hotels will only earn more!

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