Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 945: Someone sabotaged it, the mastermind behind it

With his flesh and blood body, he was blocked!

Zheng Qiuyue covered her mouth, her beautiful eyes filled with shock.

Is this the man she chose?

As expected, he is a macho among macho men, Lu Bu among Lu Bu!

It turned out that Zhang Yuan jumped out of the car in a hurry just now, not to escape alone.

His real purpose is to use his flesh and blood to block the pickup truck from hitting the guardrail!

Seeing Zhang Yuan struggling to block the car, Zheng Qiuyue couldn't help but burst into tears.

Her original choice was right, Zhang Yuan is definitely a man worth trusting!

Soon, the car's inertia disappeared and the whole car stopped.

Zhang Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was not sure that he could do this.

Fortunately, the zhenqi in his body has increased a lot recently. Just now he poured the zhenqi into his hands, and his strength instantly increased tenfold!

Otherwise, with the strength of ordinary people, it would be difficult to block the horsepower of the car.

At this time, Zheng Qiuyue quickly ran out of the car and threw herself into Zhang Yuan's arms while crying.

"Aww, Brother Yuan, you scared me to death just now!"

"Why are you so stupid! What if you can't stop the car?"

"Fool, I would rather the two of us fall together than see you in trouble alone!"

Hearing Zheng Qiuyue's crying and complaining in his arms, Zhang Yuan's eyes became gentle.

Caressing Zheng Qiuyue's hair, Zhang Yuan said with a smile

"Sister Qiuyue, didn't I say it? I will be responsible for you!"

"I said responsible, but I will be responsible for you for the rest of my life!"

Zheng Qiuyue raised her head, pear blossoms brought rain.

Regardless of the fact that it was outside, she stood up on tiptoes and kissed Zhang Yuan.

The two kissed passionately, as if they had forgotten time.

It wasn't until a while later that they came back to their senses and quickly looked around.

Fortunately no one was passing by, otherwise they would be seen

, it is estimated that there will be another scandal in Shiliba Village tomorrow.

"Ahem, Sister Qiuyue, your kissing skills are pretty good! It's better than before!" Zhang Yuan said with two dry coughs.

Zheng Qiuyue blushed. She rarely kissed Yang Xin before.

Ever since I got together with Zhang Yuan, I started kissing frequently, and my kissing skills have improved a lot, which I learned from Zhang Yuan.

Zheng Qiuyue didn't know how Zhang Yuan knew so many tricks.

Not just kissing, but that too...

"Brother Yuan, don't talk about this! What should we do now?" Zheng Qiuyue said with a blushing face.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but frowned when he mentioned this matter.

"There's something wrong with the car's brakes, so we have to call a tow truck!"

"As for the two of us... let's walk to town first!"

"This place is only two miles away from the town!"

Zheng Qiuyue nodded in agreement, and the two walked to town together.

During this period, Zhang Yuan called the car repair shop in the county and asked them to tow the car.

This car repair shop was originally introduced to Zhang Yuan by Xu Pingsheng, saying that he could go to this car repair shop for daily maintenance and repairs on his car.

As long as Zhang Yuan's name is reported, the car repair shop will provide him with the best service.

Sure enough, when the other party heard that Zhang Yuan introduced himself, his attitude immediately became much more polite.

"Mr. Zhang, please tell me your address, and we will send someone to find you right away!"

After Zhang Yuan and Zheng Qiuyue had dinner in the town, the people from the car repair shop also arrived.

They even thoughtfully brought a second-hand car for Zhang Yuan to use temporarily, and then exchanged it for the pickup truck after it was repaired.

When they came to the bridge, the staff of the car repair shop made a brief inspection and then told Zhang Yuan with a serious expression.

"Mr. Zhang, after inspection, it was found that your brake system was maliciously damaged!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be surprised.

He thought it was a problem with the car itself, but he didn't expect that someone had maliciously damaged the braking system!

"Are you sure?" Zhang Yuan asked quickly.

Staff expressions are serious

"Sure! Absolutely sure!"

"My personal suggestion is that you can choose to call the police!"

"This is considered deliberate murder!"

Zhang Yuan took a deep breath

"thank you, I know now!"

"When I look back at the situation, I will choose to call the police!"

The staff didn't say much after hearing this. They just used a tow truck to take the pickup truck away and left the second-hand car with Zhang Yuan.

Knowing that the car's braking system had been maliciously damaged, Zhang Yuan and Zheng Qiuyue no longer wanted to play.

Zhang Yuan sent her home, then drove his second-hand car to Zheng Shuai's place and parked the car at his house.

Zhang Yuan did not plan to tell the old couple about the accident of the pickup truck, so as to save them from worrying.

The most important thing right now is to find out who is the person who destroyed the braking system!

In fact, when Zhang Yuan learned that the brakes were maliciously damaged, he already had suspicions in his mind. It was none other than the village chief Zhang Weimin.

Before he went to the village committee, the car was still in good condition.

After leaving the village committee, the car's braking system was damaged.

More importantly, Zhang Weimin was very unusual today. He actually stopped Zhang Yuan on purpose and asked him to listen to the village committee's accounts together. He also said that he wanted to train Zhang Yuan as the next village chief.

Zhang Yuan doesn’t believe these words from the bottom of his heart!

At that time, he was still confused as to what Zhang Weimin was doing.

Reminiscing that the car's braking system was damaged, Zhang Weimin's whereabouts became very suspicious!

Zhang Yuan's eyes flashed coldly. Did Zhang Weimin deliberately not let him go out?

While the three of them were chatting, someone damaged the brake system of the pickup truck!

That night, Zhang Yuan had a rare insomnia.

Despite the previous fights between him and Zhang Weimin, both of them cared about the friendship between fellow villagers and did not use cruelty.

Just like when Zhang Weimin and Lin Zhongfei teamed up to drug the widow in the village and asked her to frame Zhang Yuan.

In fact, if Zhang Weimin is smart enough, he can directly poison the widow.

Once the widow dies, they will blame Zhang Yuan. Even if Zhang Yuan jumps into the Yellow River, he won't be able to cleanse himself!

But this time is different!

This time Zhang Weimin really came with the purpose of killing Zhang Yuan and Zheng Qiuyue!

It was precisely for this reason that Zhang Yuan was a little unsure.

Is Zhang Weimin really going to kill the two of them?

Or is there someone else who really wants to harm them both?

Early the next morning, Zhang Yuan found Zheng Shuai and asked him if Li Wenjian had done anything unusual recently.

Last time, Li Wenjian and Wu Lei teamed up and led a group of people to the clinic to cause trouble, but they were slapped in the face by Zhang Yuan.

From then on, Zhang Yuan asked Zheng Shuai's brothers to keep an eye on Li Wenjian.

Zheng Shuai quickly found out Li Wenjian's movements. Li Wenjian was not in the village at all yesterday!

After learning the news, Zhang Yuan was even more unsure whether Zhang Weimin was behind it.

If Zhang Weimin sent someone to destroy the braking system, his first choice should be Li Wenjian!

But Li Wenjian was not in the village. Could it be that the man behind yesterday's incident really wasn't Zhang Weimin?

After leaving Zheng Shuai's house, Zhang Yuan went to Lao Zhengtou's house again.

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