Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 954 Treat it as a joke and secretly rejoice

"Otherwise, such a person will be flustered when encountering trivial matters. Such a person will definitely not be able to take on important positions!" Zhang Yuan agreed.

Old Zheng glanced at Zhang Yuan with a smile

"That's right! Brother Yuan, it would be great if you could understand this!"

"Since you rejected the position of village chief, I have also seen that you are definitely not limited by the position of village chief!"

"In the future you should soar in the vast sky and experience violent storms!"

"So, you should develop a big heart more than Qiuyue!"

"No matter what happens, stay calm! Do the thing at hand first!"

"Some things cannot be rushed! The more anxious you are, the more it will affect your judgment!"

Zhang Yuan's expression was serious: "I've been taught a lesson! Old village chief, I will work hard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Zhengtou's cell phone beeped twice.

Old Zhengtou picked up the phone and looked at it, with a smile on his face.

"It's time! It's time for both of us to appear!"

The two got out of the car immediately and walked towards the village committee.

At this time, in the village committee meeting room, the election campaign also reached the critical voting stage.

The first thing to start is Zheng Qiuyue’s election voting!

After the village cadre presiding over the meeting announced the start of voting, Zhang Danian was the first to take the stage to vote.

He voted for Zheng Qiuyue, and no one was surprised.

In the morning, Zhang Danian and Lao Zhengtou went to the financial office together, and many people saw it.

In their hearts, they have classified Zhang Danian as the leader of Lao Zheng's group.

After Zhang Danian, a village cadre who had a good personal relationship with him also came forward to vote.

Later, two old subordinates of Old Zhengtou also came to the stage to vote for Zheng Qiuyue.

In this way, Zheng Qiuyue got four votes!

But her votes only ended there.

Except for the four people in front who came to the stage to vote, everyone else was sitting below with no intention of voting.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Qiuyue

My heart suddenly became colder.

She only had four votes. Even if she added her own vote, it would still be less than half!

It is conceivable that the remaining tickets will definitely be collected by Zhu Dafa!

Zhu Dafa was full of pride at the moment and even started to cross his legs.

Seeing his proud look, Li Wenjian's face looked a little ugly.

He originally thought that Zhang Yuan would definitely come to support Zheng Qiuyue.

Unexpectedly, it was already the voting session, but Zhang Yuan still didn’t show up.

Did he guess wrong and Zhang Yuan never thought of helping Zheng Qiuyue run for acting village head?

This thought flashed through his mind, and Li Wenjian couldn't help but grit his teeth.

If that's the case, then he will suffer a huge loss this time!

The great opportunity to be the acting village chief was missed!

What he missed was not just an acting village chief, but the village chief of Xiawan Village!

At this time, the village cadre presiding over the stage spoke

"Did anyone else vote for Accountant Zheng?"

"I'll count to five more! If you haven't voted yet, this vote will be over!"

"one two three……"

When the village cadre counted to the third count, Zheng Qiuyue had already bowed her head deeply.

She knew that she lost this time!

She failed to run for acting village chief this time. With her qualifications, she will have no chance of running for village head in the future!

Just when Zheng Qiuyue sighed secretly in her heart, I am afraid that her work will be in vain this time.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan's calm voice sounded outside.

"Wait! Don't count yet!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan's voice, everyone in the conference room looked at the door.

Only Zhang Yuan and Lao Zhengtou were seen

Walked in side by side.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Zheng Qiuyue was startled at first, and then showed surprise.

She knew that Zhang Yuan must be here to support her!

Li Wenjian, who was also desperate at first, couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw Zhang Yuan coming.

Zhang Yuan is here, which means that his plan can continue!

Zhu Dafa was surprised when he saw Zhang Yuan and Lao Zheng coming here.

The two of them appeared together, certainly not to support him, Zhu Dafa. ??

"Don't stop! Keep counting! No one is willing to vote for Zheng Qiuyue!" Zhu Dafa shouted hurriedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yuan sneered.

"Who says no one is willing to vote for Accountant Zheng? If I, Zhang Yuan, were a village cadre, I would be willing to vote for her!"

"An outstanding village cadre like her is the best candidate to act as the village chief!"

"Everyone here, what do you think?"

"Or do you think what I, Zhang Yuan, said is wrong?"

As he spoke, Zhang Yuan looked around, his sharp eyes scanning every village cadre. He just had to say in public that I have finished my words. Who is in favor and who is against?

The village cadres who were swept by Zhang Yuan's eyes trembled all over.

Zhang Weimin is dead, and no one in the village can compete with Zhang Yuan, not to mention that he and Lao Zhengtou have joined forces!

Under such circumstances, if you go against Zhang Yuan, you are simply asking for trouble!

Immediately, a village cadre from Zhang Weimin's faction stood up and hurriedly came to the stage to vote for Zheng Qiuyue.

With him taking the lead, other village cadres also stepped forward.

In less than two minutes, except for Zhu Dafa, almost all village cadres voted for Zheng Qiuyue.

At this time, Li Wenjian glanced at Zhu Dafa with a smile, walked to the stage, and cast his vote for Zheng Qiuyue.

"Zhu Dafa, I personally think it would be better for Accountant Zheng to be the acting village head!"

"As for you! Just keep practicing!"

Faced with Li Wenjian's ridicule, Zhu Dafa almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not have thought that he had a chance of victory.

Just because of Zhang Yuan's appearance, everyone lost the game!

Zhu Dafa gritted his teeth and wanted to say something to support the scene.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan spoke again

"It seems that Accountant Zheng basically approved it unanimously!"

"But I'm a bit of a germaphobe! It was almost unanimously approved, which really makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

"Cadre Zhu, why don't you also vote for Accountant Zheng? Your vote is the only one missing anyway! Do you agree?"

Although Zhang Yuan smiled when talking to Zhu Dafa, there was no smile in his eyes.

How dare he compete with his woman for the position of acting village head? This Zhu Dafa is really a bit in need!

Under Zhang Yuan's "threat", Zhu Dafa, who was still very arrogant just now, instantly became speechless.

How dare he go against Zhang Yuan who is in full swing!

Zhu Dafa immediately said with a smile

"Brother Yuan, you are right! Accountant Zheng is indeed very suitable for the position of acting village head!"

"My vote is also for her!"

With that said, Zhu Dafa walked onto the stage and voted for Zheng Qiuyue.

At this moment, his heart was bleeding.

As one of the candidates, you have to vote for your competitor.

If this matter spreads, Zhu Dafa will definitely be treated as a joke!

Seeing him in such misery, Li Wenjian was secretly grateful.

Fortunately, I was smart and didn't choose to stand up to Zheng Qiuyue to run for acting village chief.

Otherwise, the person who can't get off stage in public right now is Li Wenjian!

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