Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 972 The patient comes to the door and something happens to the old man

This old man Ge's life is really bad.

He was very old, and his son died again.

In rural areas, the outcome of the elderly who have no one to care for them is not very good.

Old Man Gao was like this back then, and so is Old Man Ge today.

As for the one thousand yuan, Zhang Yuan hoped to help Old Man Ge.

With this money, at least Old Man Ge should not have to worry about food and clothing.

Towards evening, when everyone got off work from the clinic, Zhang Yuan did not go home directly, but went to Lao Zhengtou's house.

He wants to talk to Lao Zhengtou about Chen Jiuchang!

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Old Zheng was very happy and quickly ordered Zheng Qiuyue to cook some good dishes.

While Zheng Qiuyue was busy in the kitchen, Zhang Yuan and Lao Zhengtou were chatting about business in the main room.

As for Yang Xin, he was sent out by Old Zhengtou to buy wine.

Although there was good wine at home, Old Zhengtou still sent Yang Xin away, obviously to talk to Zhang Yuan alone about business.

"Old village chief, Sister Qiuyue has already told me about Village Chief Chen!" Zhang Yuan said to Old Zhengtou.

Mentioning Chen Jiuchang, Old Zhengtou couldn't help but sigh.

"Lao Chen, I've told him a long time ago that it's okay to receive a red envelope from someone of your own."

"But you must not accept red envelopes from outsiders easily!"

"But he didn't listen! He always felt that he was accepting red envelopes just to help the poor households in the village."

"But after the Dong Chuang incident happened, who would believe what he said!"

At the end of the sentence, Lao Zhengtou couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Zhang Yuan also sighed

"That's right! After word spread about Village Chief Chen receiving the red envelope."

"People will only maliciously speculate that he received the red envelopes and ate and drank, but they never thought about how many poor families his red envelopes helped!"

Although Shangwan Village and Xiawan Village are next to each other, the gap between the poor families in the two villages is very large!

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