Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 988 The black shadow in the night, completely captured

Zhang Yuan smiled and hit Xiao Ma on the shoulder.

"Brother Ma, if you say that, I won't let you go!"

"No matter how valuable that patient's life is, it's not as important as your life, Brother Xiao Ma!"

"At that time, you just have to protect this patient to the best of your ability!" .??.??

"If Zhuge Liang really sends a very powerful killer, you must not fight him head-on!"

"To put it bluntly, even if the patient dies and the patient's family members cause trouble, won't there still be Brother Wei?"

"With him here, I don't think the patient's family members would dare to cause trouble!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan say this, Xiao Ma's eyes suddenly lit up.

Wei Tianming smiled even more, "Brother is right! As long as I am here, no matter how big the problem is, it can be settled!"

At noon that day, Zhang Yuan had a drink with Wei Tianming and Xiao Ma.

However, Xiao Ma only drank two bottles of beer, mainly Zhang Yuan and Wei Tianming.

After dinner, Zhang Yuan drove home, while Xiao Ma went straight to the county hospital to protect the patient Zhang Yuan mentioned.

Late at night, the corridor where the county hospital's intensive care unit is located.

There was no one in the corridor at this point, and even the lights in the corridor had been turned off.

As for Xin Shangwei, who was caring for the patients, he did not like to sleep in the same room as the patients. Instead, he lived in the luxurious dormitory arranged for him by the county hospital and was fast asleep.

Xin Shangwei never imagined that the patient who was related to his future career was suffering a life-or-death crisis at this moment!

As the night deepened, a black shadow quietly appeared in the corridor of the intensive care unit. Under the cover of the night, he quietly approached the ward where the patient was.

Soon, the black shadow came to the door of the ward, holding a thin wire in his hand.

An ordinary thin wire turned into a sharp weapon for opening the door in his hands!

Insert the wire into the keyhole, stir it a few times, and the door lock will open!


The corner of Ying's mouth curled up, this mission really shouldn't be too easy!

It is much easier to assassinate a patient in a county hospital ward than to assassinate big bosses protected by bodyguards!

Immediately, the shadow opened the door and quietly entered the room.

There is a faint fragrance of Chinese medicine in the room, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The black shadow walked step by step to the hospital bed and remembered his employer's request, so he set his sights on the oxygen machine next to him!

When the patient sleeps at night, he must plug in an oxygen machine, otherwise he will die from lack of oxygen!

As long as he snuffs out the oxygen machine, the patient will be dead!

The black shadow had a sinister smile on his face, and his sinful hand reached for the oxygen machine.

Just when he touched the switch of the oxygen machine, suddenly, a person came out from under the bed and punched him fiercely.

Feeling the fierce and domineering fist wind, the black shadow was startled and hurriedly retreated.

But the other party refused to give up and continued to attack the black shadow.

The shadow hurriedly took out the dagger and tried his best to kill the opponent, but soon he desperately discovered that the opponent was actually stronger than him!

What frightened him even more was that the other party was also a killer!

When two killers fight, what will be the result?

Naturally, the killer who is more proficient in killing skills will win!

Soon, as a silver-white sword flashed by, the black shadow screamed, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

His hand tendons have been severed by the opponent, and his right hand is useless!

The opponent's grappler took him down, took out the beef tendon rope tied to his waist, and tied him up.

So far, the shadow

The killer was completely captured!

Early the next morning, Zhang Yuan hurriedly drove to the county seat without even having time to eat breakfast.

He had just woken up when he saw a text message from Wei Tianming, saying that the killer had been captured and was being locked up in his villa.

After hearing this news, how could Zhang Yuan still sit still?

He hurried to Wei Tianming's villa, where both Wei Tianming and Xiao Ma were waiting for him.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Wei Tianming didn't waste any time and took him directly to the room where the killer was kept.

At this time, the killer was tied up and huddled in the corner, seemingly resigned to his fate.

Seeing someone coming, the killer said something very forcefully.

"Don't expect to know about your employer from me!"

"As killers, the most important thing for us is credibility!"

"Even if I die, I will not leak my employer's information!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ma couldn't help but sneered disdainfully.

"Assassin? Do you think you can be an assassin again in the future? I have already severed the tendon in your right hand!"

"When I return to your organization, I'm afraid the first thing your organization's boss will do is to kill you!"

Hearing this, the killer's face turned pale, as if he had thought of something, and then he lowered his head and refused to speak any more.

Wei Tianming looked at Xiao Ma with complicated eyes.

He knew what Pony had been through.

Xiao Ma was also the ace killer of the killer organization at the beginning, and he has always been loyal to the organization.

Later, one of Xiao Ma's friends became disabled during a mission and could no longer be a killer, so he proposed to retire.

But what Xiaoma didn't expect was that the boss of the organization not only refused to allow his friend to retire, but actually killed him. The reason was that he couldn't let his friend reveal the secrets of the organization!

Death of friend

, let Xiao Ma see the killer organization clearly, and then chose to quit.

Zhang Yuan saw that the killer refused to say anything after Xiao Ma's two words, so he spoke calmly.

"I don't care what killer organization you belong to! I won't ask you who your employer is! You just need to answer me one thing! How your employer wants you to kill that patient!"

"Answering this question shouldn't violate your credibility as a killer, right?"

"If your answer satisfies me, I may consider not using torture on you!"

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, the killer raised his head and hesitated before speaking.

"The employer does not allow us to kill the target in conventional ways, but to create the illusion that the target died due to a medical accident!"

"So I plan to stop his oxygen machine and let him suffocate to death from lack of oxygen!"

After listening to the killer's words, a cold light flashed in Zhang Yuan's eyes.

He is now 100% sure that the person who hired the killer to harm the patient is Zhuge Liang!

Except for Zhuge Liang, no one else would harm the patient in this way!

Zhuge Liang did this purely to make people mistakenly think that the patient died of a medical accident, and then let the patient's family come to trouble him!

Wei Tianming obviously thought of this and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"This Zhuge Liang deserves to die! Brother Zhang, how about I lead people and surround the Zhuge family now?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head, "Not yet! Brother Wei, don't forget! There is someone covering Zhuge Liang's back!"

Speaking of the people behind Zhuge Liang, Wei Tianming also looked a little ugly.

The man behind Zhuge Liang is none other than Mu Zhengyuan, a former gangster who lived in seclusion in Liushu Town!

Wei Tianming underestimated Mu Zhengyuan before.

But since Mu Zhengyuan came forward to mediate for him last time, he was surprised to find that Mu Zhengyuan was still a treasure trove!

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