Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1005 The end of the novel of pure love

In an office building in a city.

In a small office, a dozen young men and women who look like white-collar workers are working at their respective desks.

Except for the occasional sound of tapping on the keyboard and occasional whispers, there were no other sounds, and the whole office seemed relatively quiet.

"Alas!" A small sigh suddenly came from a corner.

The sound is not loud, but the quiet office can still be heard by everyone in the office.

Everyone could feel that this was not a habitual sigh, but a sigh full of regret.

"Chanchan, what's wrong?" A young woman in her twenties turned to look at a woman next to her, and asked in a low voice, a little worried.

The woman named Chan Chan sitting at the desk next to her is the woman who just sighed.

Hearing this, she turned her head to the woman just now, smiled apologetically, and said, "Yunyun, it's nothing, I was just watching Gu Yong's "In Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together", and when I saw the finale, I couldn't help it. He sighed."

When the woman named Yunyun heard the words, she also sighed softly, and said, "So that's the case, I also watched the finale, which is really regrettable. The front was actually fine, but in the end, Shen Jiayi suddenly stopped. Getting married makes people suddenly feel an inexplicable regret."

Chan Chan nodded and said, "I couldn't help sighing when I saw Shen Jiayi getting married at the end. If this work didn't have the last scene where Shen Jiayi got married, the feeling of regret would not be so strong."

Yunyun nodded and said, "This may be because if they don't get married, they can still give people a space for fantasy, and maybe they will be together in the end. Now that Shen Jiayi is married, there is no such space for fantasy. ."

Chan Chan thought thoughtfully, and said, "It seems to be the case. Do you think the man Shen Jiayi married loves her as much as Ke Jingteng?"

Yunyun smiled and said, "It's hard to say, maybe there is, maybe not. However, since Shen Jiayi chose him, it means that he must love her very much."

Chan Chan sighed: "Oh, I still feel very sorry."

Yunyun said: "It's really a pity, but she and Ke Jingteng both chose to let go at the same time, what can be done? Is this Ke Jingteng's fault? Or is it Shen Jiayi's own fault? Or are they both wrong? Or are they both right? ? These are all unclear and meaningless.

Moreover, I feel sorry, but we think so from our point of view. Perhaps, Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng themselves did not feel regret. "

Chan Chan sighed again and said, "Well, maybe it's exactly what you said. Gu Yong's third pure love novel is over. I don't know if you will continue to write the next one?"

Yunyun said: "It should be, didn't they all say that he won't write martial arts anymore? Then what if he doesn't write about pure love? Should he write dramas? Hey, when it comes to dramas, his "Peony Pavilion" is Aren't you going to release a physical book?"

Chan Chan said: "It's not so fast, didn't he say last time that it will be released in a month? It's only been half a month."

Yunyun said with some regret: "It's only been half a month, I thought it's been a long time. I really hope to see that book sooner."

Chan Chan said: "I want to see it too. When it goes on sale, I must buy a copy as soon as possible."



The two girls were in the office, feeling sorry for the love between Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng.

The same is true on the Internet. Shen Jiayi's wedding shattered the last illusion in everyone's heart.

It made the sigh and sentimental, in the moment before the finale, suddenly become more violent.

It was a bitter love that belonged to Shen Jiayi and Ke Jingteng, as well as many netizens themselves.

Bitter love, many people have had.

"Alas!" Only a sigh can express the mood of netizens at this time.

While everyone was sighing, some classic sentences in the novel were also dug up one after another.

"Youth is a heavy rain. Even if I catch a cold, I look forward to going back and drenching it again."

"We are always in this world, looking for another person to 'connect' with us. There are many ways to connect, some as a companionship, some as a way to warm each other, and some as a A faint tacit understanding. A partner connected through love is the relationship we most yearn for.”

"My love for you has always been a response, not me dancing alone. It's very important to me. My youth is not a monologue. Life is not about one person, like, and not alone. ."

"Love without results, as long as it blooms, the color is brilliant. After seeing that brilliant, my youth, I have no regrets."

"The so-called power is to make this world, because of me, there will be a little difference. And my world is nothing but your heart."

"A tide called youth overwhelmed us. When the waves receded, we sat on the beach, soaking wet, watching our favorite girl waving her hands hard and happily stepping on the other side of life. The next wave Come, we will take away the beautiful footprints that the girl left on the beach. But we are still there. The image of the girl engraved in our hearts will still be there. The pride is not diminished, and we laughed at that time."

"Thank you for loving me, I love you for loving me."

"I like it too, I used to like you."


These sentences have been repeatedly mentioned and sighed by netizens. They are related to the work "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", but they are not related.

Because, rather, these sentences are about youth.

Even if you put aside the work "Those Years", everyone will like these sentences very much.

Who makes youth always make people sentimental?

Many people have changed the personal signature of their social tools to one of the sentences.

A youth storm caused by "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years" did not stop for a while.

As for when will it stop? This is unknown.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan got up from the computer and moved his body. "Those Years" is over, and so is his novel of pure love.

If nothing else, he will not continue to publish pure love novels in the future.

However, this way of serialization on Weibo will continue.

After all, the reason why he chose to use Weibo to serialize is to develop the habit of reading novels on the Internet and prepare for a big plan in the future.

Now, only three novels have been serialized, which is obviously not enough.

As for the next work to be serialized on Weibo, Li Fan also has preliminary considerations.

Well, wait until a suitable opportunity to release.


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