Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1016 Everyone is very excited

on site.

Both Li Fan and Su Qing have already left, but the rest have not left. Everyone is still gathered here. In addition to chatting about the wonderful couplets just now, there is also the one left by Li Fan. What exactly was written on the paper that Lin Xudong opened ten minutes later?

Why did he ask Lin Xudong to open it in ten minutes?

Everyone remembers that before Li Fan wrote those words, Lin Xudong asked his full name. That piece of paper should be his name, right?

Let's just say it directly, why is it so mysterious?

Also, there should be more than just names on that piece of paper. Because, although you can't see what Li Fan wrote specifically? But it can be seen that a lot of words have been written, so naturally it cannot be just the name.

What is written on it? Everyone is very curious to know.

Someone wanted Lin Xudong to open the piece of paper ahead of time, but to see what happened, the person had already left anyway, so he didn't know if he opened it ahead of time.

But Lin Xudong refused. Since he promised the other party, how could he not believe it?

In fact, he wanted to know what was written in it more than anyone else at the scene? But he absolutely has to keep his word.

At this time, Liu Minghua finally shared the situation of the wonderful couplet showdown just now on the Internet, and finally said: "It's really wonderful, the first couplet was wonderful, and the second couplet was even more wonderful. Moreover, the speed It's so fast that I can't share it in time. Now, the duel is over, and the young man surnamed Li has also left. Let's enjoy it slowly."

It didn't take long for the entire circle of couplet lovers to explode.

"I rub it! It's too awesome. I wasn't there. Now, just by seeing these couplets, I can imagine the splendor of the scene. God! Why didn't I go to Mount Tai? I missed such a wonderful scene, I missed it! "

"Yeah, it's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes at the scene."

"Since then, there have been so many classic couplets in the whole couplet world. This is our luck, but it's a pity that we didn't witness their birth with our own eyes."

"That person named Lin Xudong is really amazing. This first league is simply wonderful. I can't think of such a wonderful first league. No wonder I was able to win 20 games in a row before. However, what I want to say now is, that The young man surnamed Li can no longer be described with the word 'powerful', this Nima is simply against the sky!"

"and many more,

and many more! If Lin Xudong had master-level strength, the strength of the young man surnamed Li was obviously much higher than Lin Xudong's. The last name is Li? young man? The strength of the couplet is unfathomable? Oh my gosh! Don't you remember someone's name? "

"I wipe! You mean Li... Li... Li Fan? This... this is impossible, how could Mr. Li Fan suddenly appear at the foot of Mount Tai?"

"Apart from Li Fan, who else meets the three conditions just now? It's not surprising that Mr. Li Fan appeared at the foot of Mount Tai, and he suddenly appeared on Yulin Road in the capital last time. It's definitely Mr. Li Fan, wrong. No."

"Yes, yes, it's definitely Mr. Li Fan. In this case, the meaning of this competition will be very different. I'll wipe it! That kid named Lin Xudong is going to be popular, this Nima directly confronts Mr. Li Fan, and it's still like this. Wonderful scene, not fire is not enough!"

"Calm down! Calm down! Everyone calm down first! Now it's just our guess. Didn't the young man surnamed Li leave a page for Lin Xudong before he left? Let Lin Xudong open it in ten minutes. Maybe after the paper is opened, everything The truth will come out. Wait, wait, we're waiting, it's been a few minutes."

"I wipe! I feel like I'm burning more and more, and I'm more and more regretful that I didn't go to Mount Tai. The brother who was at the scene, when the paper was opened, what was written in it? Be sure to share it with you as soon as possible. We know it!"


Couplet lovers on the Internet have guessed Li Fan's identity, and couplet lovers on the scene can naturally guess it.

The surname is Li, he is so young, and the couplet level is so high, and finally let Lin Xudong open the piece of paper ten minutes later.

Connecting these, it is not difficult to guess Li Fan's identity.

They didn't guess it before, just because they didn't dare to think that it was Li Fan, so they didn't think about it at all.

Now that Li Fan is gone, the more they think about it, the more they feel that something is wrong. If that person is not Li Fan, who is he?

"What did you say? That person just now... is... Li Fan? We actually witnessed Mr. Li Fan's couplet showdown at the scene just now? This... this... God! Why didn't you say it earlier? ?"

"Calm down, calm down! Everyone calm down, don't get excited, I'm just guessing."

"Hey! Don't guess, it should be Mr. Li Fan. Think about it carefully, who else can meet those conditions except Mr. Li Fan? Alas! It's a pity, we woke up too late, who would have thought that it would be Li Fan? What about Mr. Fan?"

"Damn it! Oh my god! Isn't this true? How can I have such luck today? If it is really Li Fan, today's duel will probably become a good story again, and we are all witnesses at the scene. ...this... this happiness is so sudden!"

"Calm down! Calm down! It's just speculation after all. When that piece of paper is opened, the truth will naturally come out."


The young man surnamed Li just now was the voice of Li Fan, which spread like wildfire at the scene and spread throughout the scene in an instant.

Although it is still just speculation, everyone has become very excited, excited, and deeply regretful at the same time.

Although there are many people at the scene who are not usually interested in couplets, Li Fan is not only famous for couplets, fairy tales, poems, music, novels, comics, etc., he is an absolute master in every field. In the whole country, the Xianyuan Farm that has now begun to go to the world, Li Fan has already become a legendary figure.

Everyone at the scene can be counted as a fan of Li Fan, or because of music, or because of comics, or because of Xianyuan Farm, or because of Li Fan's various or all identities.

And just now, Li Fan was so close to them.

Of all the people, the most excited and excited person was naturally Lin Xudong.

When he heard that that person was Li Fan, he was completely stunned in an instant. He only felt that his whole head was completely dizzy, and his thinking seemed to stop.

After a while, the whole person became a little more awake, and then, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that that person might really be Li Fan, and his hands were shaking slightly with excitement.

Others at the scene are just witnesses, but he is a direct participant!

Started a duel with Li Fan, although he lost very thoroughly, but Nima is Li Fan! He is definitely defeated by Rong.

Moreover, the quality of the first league he produced is also one of the reasons why this matchup will be so exciting.

Imagine, if it was someone else who came, and the first link was too bad, Li Fan might not be interested in it at all.

Then, such a wonderful duel will never happen at all.

Therefore, his role as Lin Xudong in this duel is also extremely important.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Lin Xudong became.


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