Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1022 tit for tat

Everyone turned their heads and saw that there were twenty or thirty people coming at the same time, but they were slightly taken aback.

It's not because there are so many people, but these two or thirty people seem to be some kind of group. There are both boys and girls, but there are more boys, almost all of them are young people in their twenties or thirties.

The person who just spoke should be the man at the front, because he continued to say, "There are really a lot of people here. It's a pity that the poems that he wrote are really not flattering."

This made the brows of the people at the scene even more wrinkled. Li Fan's brows also wrinkled. Su Qing hummed softly: "Who is that?"

The face of the man who just wrote the poem was a little red, and he stared at the man who was talking, but he didn't know how to answer?

Next to him was a man in his forties, frowning and said, "Young man, we are writing poems here, is it good or bad? What does it have to do with you?"

The man on the other side didn't seem to know what he just said, which has already aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone, and said indifferently: "It's naturally not my business to write poetry, but since I heard it, how I want to comment is my business, right? ."

"You..." The young man suffocated, not knowing how to interface for a while.

"Brother Yan..." At this time, a slightly older man next to the man opposite shouted, and then said a little apologetically to everyone: "Everyone, sorry, sorry, Brother Yan doesn't actually have any malicious intentions, but it's not too bad. I can speak. If there is any offense, please forgive me, I am here to apologize to everyone. "

These words made everyone's faces soften, and the man who was called "Brother Yan" snorted lightly, but did not continue to say anything.

This is a small episode. The two sides have no grievances in the past, and they have no enmity recently, and everyone will not continue to entangle over this matter.

It's just that the person who just recited the poem will still feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Seeing this, someone next to him smiled and said, "Brother, we don't need to have the same knowledge as that kind of person. The top of Mount Tai is refreshing, but don't let your good mood be destroyed."

After listening to the poem, the person who had just recited the poem finally nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, it's business to enjoy the scenery."

This is the top of Mount Tai, the best place to enjoy the scenery, so most of the tourists will gather here.

"Brother Yan, what do you care about the poems they write? They are all ordinary tourists who don't know how to write poems at all. Aren't you boring yourself?"


Brother Yan, let them entertain themselves there, we are members of the Yayun Poetry Society, so we have to be a bit aggressive. "

"Okay, okay, I just couldn't hold back for a while. It's such a bad poem, but a large group of people applauded, really."

"Brother Yan, you directly say that other people's poems are bad. It's really the worst policy. You've offended so many people while you're not happy, so why bother?"

"Oh? Listening to Brother Tang, is there any plan?"

"Naturally, since that poem is bad, why didn't Brother Yan compose a poem himself and sing it out in public? Who is the better and the worse? It will make the person who just recited the poem feel ashamed, and it will also impress everyone."

"Haha! As far as pretending to force me to serve Brother Tang, Brother Yan, that's really the last thing you did just now."

"Then it's not that simple? Our Yayun Poetry Society is on Mount Tai today, isn't it for the sake of reciting poetry on the top of Mount Tai? Which brother will come to write a poem first? So that the group of people can take a look, what's the point? It's real poetry."

"With what happened just now, it's natural that Brother Yan came first."

"That's right, Brother Yan, come first. Anyway, you're upset right now, so we'll give you the chance."

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome."


"Yayun Poetry Club?" Li Fan nodded. Since he was a member of the Poetry Club, he was at least a semi-professional poet. No wonder he was so confident.

The rest of the people couldn't hear the group's conversation, but Li Fan could hear it clearly.

There are many poetry lovers in China, and there are also many poetry societies around the country. It's just that the Poetry Society can't go in casually.

At least a semi-professional poet level is required to be eligible to join the Poetry Society.

Therefore, anyone who enters the Poetry Society will be somewhat proud in terms of a single poem.

"Who are they?" Su Qing asked.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "It's from the Yayun Poetry Society. They seem to be starting to recite poetry. Let's listen to it too."

"Yayun Poetry Club? Poetry?" Su Qing suddenly became interested and said, "Okay, I want to see what kind of poetry they can make?"

The person called "Brother Yan" was called Yan Yunqiu. At this time, he looked at the crowd on Li Fan's side and whispered, "Everyone cooperate."

"Brother Yan, don't worry, we naturally understand that," said a man named don Juansong.

Afterwards, don Juansong deliberately said loudly: "At the top of Mount Tai, people really feel proud, how can there be no poetry in this situation? Brother Yan, you are known for your quick thinking in normal times. sentence?"

As soon as these words came out, they successfully attracted the attention of many people, including the person who recited the poem before.

Naturally, everyone did not forget that the words of the "Brother Yan" just now made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

Listening to this now, it seems that the "Brother Yan" is about to sing a poem, and all of them can't help but prick up their ears, thinking in their hearts, "Very well, your kid just looked down on others, so now we are going to If you want to listen to it, what kind of poem can you recite?"

Yan Yunqiu looked at everyone's situation from the corner of his eye. Seeing that everyone seemed to be attracted, he smiled proudly and deliberately said loudly: "Brother Tang is wrong. I did feel a little bit just now, although I dare not say how good the poem is, but at least What some people call poetry is much better."

Seeing that Yan Yunqiu had explained what had happened just now, don Juansong felt a little helpless, and said to himself, "Brother Yan, why don't you understand that invisible coercion is the most fatal thing?"

However, the words have already been spoken and cannot be taken back, so I have to continue: "If that's the case, then please recite it, Brother Yan, and let me enjoy it."

Yan Yunqiu said: "It's okay, then I'll recite it and let everyone give their opinions."

Afterwards, Yan Yunqiu recited with a very good feeling about himself:

"Staring at Dongyue Gao, Xiujie is soaring to the sky.

Suddenly a peak fell, and the birds had no way to return. "

"Good poem! Good poem! Brother Yan's poem is quite wonderful!" As soon as Yan Yun's words were finished, the people of Yayun Poetry Club were praising him.

Yan Yunqiu proudly glanced in the direction of Li Fan and others, and then said, "Where, where, it's just some good poetry."

Everyone on Li Fan's side snorted softly after hearing this, and they naturally knew what some of Yan Yunqiukou's poems were.

It's just that although this Yan Yunqiu is a little arrogant, he has some real skills. From an objective point of view, this poem is really good.

Because, everyone wanted to sneer and ridicule a few words, but now they can only give up, except to express their dissatisfaction with a cold snort, there is no other way.


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