Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1025 1 must be him

When the lanky man saw the second line of the poem, it seemed that all those people were shaken, and he was proud of himself, and continued to recite: "Swing the chest to give birth to Zeng Yun, decide to become a bird."

As soon as the third sentence came out, Yan Yunqiu and the others were even more excited. Although they were a little proud and complacent, their level of poetry was indeed much higher than that of the tall and thin men.

The understanding of this third verse is naturally much more in-depth.

Yan Yunqiu looked at the tall and thin man in disbelief, could the other party write such a poem? He never believed it.

But where did this poem come from?

Before Yan Yunqiu could understand this question, his head suddenly "hum", a burst of dizziness, a kind of pride that was not under his own control, stirred in his heart.

Because, when he heard the next poem, in his mind at this moment, there was only one voice that kept echoing, "I will be Ling Jueding, and I will see all the mountains and small mountains."

Other than that, there was no other sound.

As for the other members of the Yayun Poetry Club, the situation at this time was similar to that of Yan Yunqiu, and their minds were full of, "I will be the top of the mountain, and I will see all the mountains and small mountains."

They are poets, and they are more easily infected by poetry than tall and thin men and others.

Therefore, the shock that this poem brought to them was actually greater than that of the tall and thin man.

Although they don't want to or don't want to, but a soaring pride, born from the bottom of their hearts, is not under their control.

The people on the lanky man's side were all very proud when they saw the other party's stunned expression by this poem. This was another kind of refreshing feeling.

They also enjoy this feeling.

Although this poem was not made by them, it can also be regarded as not from their camp. At least it came from a rock on the side where they were.

They just focused their attention on the faces of Yan Yunqiu and others in order to observe the changes in the expressions of Yan Yunqiu and others.

So I didn't notice that when the tall and thin man was reading poetry, more and more tourists were standing not far behind him.

These tourists have just come here, and as soon as they come, they happen to hear someone reading poetry here.

This is a normal thing, so everyone didn't pay much attention to it at first, and since the first three lines of the poem were understood by everyone, they didn't care much.

But who knew the last sentence of the poem, they suddenly fully understood. Not only did I understand it, but I suddenly felt a kind of pride that I had never had before, a kind of pride of "seeing all the mountains and small".

Their hearts are full of pride.

If they heard this poem in other places, they might not have such a strong feeling, but they are standing on the top of Mount Tai now, and they really understand what it means to "see all the mountains and small".

They were so excited that they didn't expect that they would hear such a poem as soon as they got here.

Among them, there was a young man who was the most excited. This young man was none other than Cui Ming, who had an intersection with Li Fan at the foot of the mountain.

He won the first couplet match in the morning, and got the second couplet written by Li Fan, "A beautiful woman is against the moon, the heaven and the earth are two beautiful women." After that, he hurried up the mountain and wanted to meet Li Fan. meet again.

Unfortunately, he didn't even know which tour route Li Fan took to go up the mountain, and he never met Li Fan again throughout the day.

He didn't know if Li Fan was going down the mountain halfway, or would he stay on the mountain for one night?

He had some regrets, but he thought that Li Fan might stay on the mountain for one night, and the best place to rest is the top of Mount Tai.

So, he came to the top of Mount Tai and was going to stay here for one night, which was also in line with his previous plan.

And luck, obviously, came to him again.

He heard the poem recited by the tall and thin man, and that poem shocked him and was very excited.

He quickly ran to the tall and thin man,

He asked eagerly, "Dude, what's the name of the poem you just read? Who wrote it?"

The lanky man and the others were enjoying it, seeing the thrill of Yan Yunqiu and the others' shocked faces, they were slightly taken aback by Cui Ming's sudden question.

However, he quickly reacted, and the tall and thin man smiled and said: "It seems that this brother has just heard the poem I read. The name of this poem is "Wang Yue", as for who wrote it? We are now do not know either?"

"I don't know?" This time it was Cui Ming's turn to be stunned and asked, "Then where did your poem come from?"

The tall and thin man smiled again and said, "Brother, did you see that big rock? Is there any writing on it? It's the poem I just read."

This made Cui Ming disappointed for a while, thinking: "Since it is a poem engraved on a stone, it should have existed long ago. It seems that I was wrong. However, such a good poem, why haven't I heard it before?"

Seeing the disappointment on Cui Ming's face, the tall and thin man and the others were also very strange, "Isn't this kid very excited just now? Why did he suddenly look like this again?"

Cui Ming, who was a little disappointed in his heart, walked to the rock pointed by the tall and thin man, ready to take a look at the poem. After all, it was an excellent poem.

And when he set his eyes on the rock, the whole person was suddenly stunned, and then became very excited again.

Because the handwriting of the words on the rock is very similar to the handwriting of the words on a piece of paper that he saw this morning.

So, Cui Ming came to the tall and thin man again and asked excitedly, "Dude, did someone write the poem on the rock just now?"

The tall and thin man and others saw that Cui Ming ran back excitedly again, and his heart became more and more strange, "This kid is startled, what the hell is going on?"

However, the tall and thin man replied: "It should have been written not long ago, but we didn't notice, when it was written, or who wrote it."

"Didn't notice? That's right." Cui Ming not only was not disappointed, but his eyes lit up, he thought about it and asked, "So, have you seen a young man around here before? He Next to him should be a very beautiful woman in a sun hat."

"Huh?" The tall and thin man and others looked at Cui Ming in surprise, and the tall and thin man said, "How did you know? There is indeed such a man, and we have talked about it. Everyone has such a feeling for him. Beautiful girlfriends are envious."

When Cui Ming heard it, he excitedly said, "Then it can't be wrong, absolutely can't be wrong, it must be him."

The tall and thin man wondered: "Brother, what is he? Do you know that person?"

Cui Ming smiled and said, "It should be regarded as an acquaintance. Besides, I can tell you that the song "Wang Yue" on the rock must have been left by him."

The tall and thin man shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be possible. We suspected him before, but it's impossible for him to leave words on such a hard rock with his thin arms and calves."

Cui Ming laughed and said, "Then it can only be him. To write a poem quickly on such a hard rock, no one can do it. And in the legend, he has a very good skill. , It is said that someone has seen him shoot. I didn't believe it before, but now I see the poem on the rock, and I believe it. Alas! It is indeed a legendary figure."

"Hey! Brother, wait. Why am I getting more and more confused?" said the tall and thin man. "Since you know him, you should tell us who he is first?"

Cui Ming laughed and said, "You must have heard his name. Let me ask you, who is the number one person in the poetry world today?"

"Who doesn't know this? Mr. Li Fan." The tall and thin man replied directly without hesitation.

Suddenly, the tall and thin man suffocated and said in disbelief: "You mean he... he is... just...")!!

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