Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1028 Tourists are here

On the top of Mount Tai, next to the rock.

Yan Yunqiu and others also saw the news on the Internet and Bai Yi's appreciation of the poem "Wang Yue", and they were finally 100% sure that this poem was left by Li Fan.

Li Fan wrote poems here, they should have been excited. But if that beauty's boyfriend is Li Fan, their shame and bitterness are far greater than their excitement, especially Yan Yunqiu.

"Brother Yan, could that person be Li Fan?" Someone asked in a low voice.

Yan Yunqiu sighed and said, "It shouldn't be wrong, let's step aside first, I guess a large number of tourists will flock here soon."

Everyone in the Yayun Poetry Club nodded in unison and retreated to a place slightly farther away from the big rock, but they did not leave.

On the other side, the tall and thin man and the others saw Yan Yunqiu and others retreating to the side, and they were in a low mood, so they did not continue to sneer.

There is no deep hatred between them, since the situation has been restored, that is enough.

In addition, they also saw Bai Yi's appreciation, and finally fully understood the poem, and their emotions were even more excited.

The tall and thin man said with emotion: "This poem is really extraordinary, even the first seemingly simple question. Mr. Li Fan's poetry is worthy of being the number one in the world."

The rest of the crowd also nodded their heads, their hearts filled with emotion, and another said: "Unfortunately, we didn't see Mr. Li Fan's poems with our own eyes, otherwise it would be more perfect."

This is indeed a very big regret, but the tall and thin man smiled and said: "Although we didn't see Mr. Li Fan's poem with our own eyes, we were the first to discover this poem, and we are already the luckiest. yes."

After everyone heard it, they thought, yes, they are already so lucky, where should they have any regrets?

Immediately, everyone laughed, and the mood was unprecedentedly comfortable.

And just when everyone was laughing, there were extremely surprised voices everywhere on the top of Mount Tai.

"Hold the grass! Everyone, look at the news on the Internet. Mr. Li Fan just left a poem on a rock on the top of Mount Tai, and it has become popular all over the Internet."

"Really? Where is that rock? Did the news say it?"


It's just that someone took a picture, and it is estimated that the news does not know where the rock is now. "

"Let's go, let's find that rock, there should be a lot of people gathered there, and we should be able to find it."

"That's right, I'll look for it right away, haha! I'm so lucky today."

"Hey! Friends in front, are you also looking for that rock?"

"Yeah, that poem is really well written. Just reading it makes people feel proud. It must be witnessed with my own eyes."

"So, do you know where it is?"

"I don't know, but we just saw a lot of people going there, it should be in that direction."

"In that direction? Well, let's all go together."

"Okay, let's go."


There are many tourists staying on the top of Mount Tai, and everyone is scattered in various places.

But now, everyone is heading in the same direction. Although everyone doesn't know where the rock is, it doesn't matter. Just go to the place where there are many people, and it must be correct.

Everyone was rushing to the place where the big rock was, and the first to arrive was the security guard stationed on top of Mount Tai.

Because, through the photo, they knew where the rock was, and they didn't need to look for it, and the speed was naturally faster.

As soon as they received the call from the security headquarters, they set off immediately and rushed here.

There are already a lot of tourists around here, the tourists who have been here before, and the security personnel did not come forward to disturb the tourists.

They came not to prevent tourists from viewing the rock, but to prevent the rock from being damaged until Taishan Scenic Spot took corresponding measures.

Not long after the security guards came to the end, the rest of the tourists also found the place one after another.

"Haha! There are so many people around, it must be there, it's quite easy to find."

In this way, more and more tourists gather here. Everyone looks at the poems on the rocks, and at the endless mountains in the distance. The mood is agitated.

In the crowd, Cui Ming was not idle. He kept taking pictures of the scene with his mobile phone and posted them on the Internet, which caused a lot of netizens to be restless. Ling Jueding, you can see all the small mountains."?

In a place far away from the crowd, Li Fan and Su Qing looked in the direction of the crowd.

Su Qing said, "I didn't expect everyone to like that poem so much."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's the work of the poet, can you not like it?"

What Li Fan said was that the poem "Wang Yue" was the work of Du Fu, a poet in a previous life, but Su Qing obviously didn't know it.

Su Qing rolled her eyes and said, "Can't you be a little more modest? You're still a poet, and netizens know it. You must be inflated and complacent."

Li Fan laughed and said, "That's what I said, how can I dare to be called a poet?"

But who knew Su Qing said: "I really don't dare now, but maybe in the future."

Li Fan smiled, and after strolling around the top of Mount Tai with Su Qing for a while, they returned to the hotel.

Once back at the hotel, Su Qing fell on the bed and climbed the mountain for a day. Su Qing was obviously tired.

Li Fan consciously pinched his leg for Su Qing, and Su Qing took out her mobile phone and started fiddling while enjoying it.

After a while, Su Qing said: "Today's submissions are much more than yesterday. There were only more than 200 submissions yesterday, but now there are 2,000 submissions, which is almost ten times more."

Li Fan nodded and said: "It is indeed a lot more, in addition to today's submissions, which should have been more than yesterday, I think it is also related to the couplet incident this morning, so that more people have it and create a couplet. The urge to compete.”

Su Qing gave an "um" and said again: "This is a good thing. This way, the probability of an excellent couplet for persuading students to learn is even greater. Just like the couplets that are currently ranked in the top few, I feel pretty good."

In fact, as Li Fan said, under the influence of this morning's couplet showdown, more and more people have the urge to create a couplet.

It just so happened that these few days were the time for the Ministry of Education to collect the couplets of persuading students to study, and everyone went all out to create the couplets of persuading students.

Regardless of the quality, everyone's enthusiasm is at least unprecedentedly high. The submissions received by the submission channel today are much more than what everyone expected before.


next to a big rock.

Guo Xuewen and assistant Cai Xu finally arrived here.

At this time, the sky was almost dark, and the tourists also dispersed.

But Guo Xuewen and Cai Xu were very excited.


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