Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1032 It will soon be known to the whole country

"The mountain of books has travel and diligence as the path, and the sea of ​​learning has no end to work hard." This alliance quickly climbed to the first position in the rankings, and sat firmly, and the gap between the second place and the second place was getting bigger and bigger. Big, there is almost no possibility of being overtaken by the second place.

Since it is in the first position, naturally everyone can see it at first glance.

Although there is no author's name, almost everyone believes that this is Li Fan's work.

Of course, some people are praying, this is not Li Fan's work, but they can only pray in their hearts.

comment area.

"Wow, haha, it was Mr. Li Fan's work that quickly rushed to the first position, right? I finally saw what it looked like. Really Nima is indeed Mr. Li Fan's work, it's very emotional to read."

"Indeed, some of the other couplets are actually good, but in terms of feeling, they are too far from Mr. Li Fan's couplets."

"If you can't help it, you have to read it out. It's still the kind of cadence and emotion."

"Haha! I've read it many times, and the more I read it, the more I feel."


Countless netizens were excited and left messages in the comment area. For the majority of couplet lovers, Li Fan's couplet not only excited them, but also made them very helpless.

"Mr. Li Fan's couplet is really classic. Well, it's not only classic, but also has an indescribable feeling. I can't help but read it at the first sight. Look at my couplet again, alas. !"

"Who said before that Mr. Li Fan might not be able to make a good couplet for persuading students to study? He also said that we can all make a couplet that is better than Mr. Li Fan and become famous. Now, Mr. Li Fan's persuasion to persuade learning. The couplet is out, who will go beyond it?"

"Cough cough! Pay attention to the auxiliary words like 'not necessarily' and 'maybe' before. In theory, it is indeed possible, right? Everyone should have confidence."

"Before I saw Mr. Li Fan's couplet, I was quite confident. But now, I have no confidence. Although as long as it is a good couplet, it is possible to be selected, but the problem now is, Mr. Li Fan The couplet is much better than ours. Under such circumstances, the official's vision will undoubtedly improve a lot, and maybe it will only look at Mr. Li Fan's couplet, which is really not good news. "

"Damn it! If that's the case, it would be too painful. That doesn't mean that Mr. Li Fan's couplet,

Just wipe out my chance to be selected for the couplet? I really don't hope that will be the case. "

"I hope that's not the case. However, even if there is no chance to be selected, it is worth seeing this couplet of Mr. Li Fan now."

"Indeed, this couplet is not only suitable for students studying in school, but also for us. I feel an invisible power from this couplet now."

"Mr. Li Fan's inspiration for this couplet, shouldn't he have felt it on Mount Tai?"

"Don't say it, there is such a possibility. Let's see, 'Shushan has road and diligence as a path', this is most likely what Mr. Li Fan realized in the process of staring at Taishan. Taishan is also good, Shushan is Anyway, they all have a way, as long as they work hard to climb, they can eventually reach the top of Mount Tai. And 'the sea of ​​learning is boundless and hard work' is realized by the sea of ​​clouds on the top of Mount Tai. Wonderful, wonderful Yay!"

"I rub it! The analysis upstairs makes a lot of sense. But I am on the top of Mount Tai now, and I am also staring up step by step. Now I also see the sea of ​​​​clouds, and I also see Mr. Li Fan's 'Reserved Poetry Stone'. , why can't I make such a couplet?"

"I'm going, there are thousands of people who have climbed Mount Tai, why is it only Mr. Li Fan who makes such a couplet? Everyone's comprehension ability is very different, okay?"



The eastern suburbs of the magic capital, Love Moon Bend.

Standing on a field ridge, Qin Lie looked at the mountains and forests in the distance, and the white clouds in the sky, thinking in his heart the next link of "the sea is falling."

He believed that this pair of first couplets must have a second couplet, and he already had some clues, and it seemed that he was about to get it right, which made him very excited. He couldn't be stumped by that kid's couplet.

At this time, Qin Yuqin's little girl ran over and said, "Grandpa, Grandpa Lin asked me to tell you that brother Li Fan's couplet has come out."

"Oh? It's out." Qin Lie smiled kindly and said, "Okay, Qinqin is good, then let's go back now and see how brother Li Fan's couplet is?"

Qin Yuqin naturally didn't understand what a couplet was, but she liked "Brother Li Fan" very much, so she walked back.

Qin Lie smiled and followed behind.

When I walked into the study, I heard Lin Liangquan laugh and say, "Come on, see your grandson-in-law's couplet this time."

Qin Lie said, "I'll just see if that kid ranks first? If not, where is the love girl that he can marry if he wants?"

Having said that, Qin Lie had a smile on his face.

When he walked to the computer, Qin Lie went straight to the number one couplet. After seeing it clearly, he opened his mouth and read: "The mountain of books has a path of diligence, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless and hard work. Well, not bad, not bad. good."

Lin Liangquan smiled and said, "I said Brother Qin, but it's alright?"

Qin Lie said with a tiger's eyes, "That's natural, it's okay."

Lin Liangquan laughed again, and stopped arguing with Qin Lie.

He knew that Qin Lie was very pleasantly surprised at this moment.

In fact, it was the same with him. When he saw this couplet for the first time, he couldn't be more pleasantly surprised. It was much more pleasant than the couplets before Li Fan.

He believes that this pair of couplets will soon be known to the whole country, and it will play a very positive role. This is the charm that Li Fan's previous couplets never had.

Lin Liangquan was like this, and Qin Lie was naturally the same. The surprise this couplet gave him was also huge, and he also believed that this couplet would soon be known to the whole country.

"It seems that the expectations for that kid can be set a little higher." Qin Lie thought in his heart.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Fan and Su Qing returned to the entrance of Sansheng Village.

The workers of the engineering team are still busy, and all kinds of engineering equipment are still making a "boom" roar.

Although it has only been out for a few days, the new projects under construction at the entrance of the village have undergone relatively obvious changes.

When the workers of the engineering team saw Li Fan and Su Qing coming back, they greeted each other enthusiastically, and Li Fan naturally responded enthusiastically.

Walking into the village, acquaintances greeted each other along the way, and the little girl also ran over, holding Su Qing's hand, chatting non-stop.

Back at home, put down the simple salute, Su Qing and the little girl rested at home, and Li Fan swayed towards Yuanlaiju.


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