Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1034 The result of the couplet competition

Fate comes first.

Seeing that Li Fan understood, Liang Sheng smiled and said, "This is an excellent opportunity to change the status of martial arts novels, and it is also a prosperous age of martial arts novels. Without any mobilization, every martial arts novel author will go all out. Because the status of martial arts novels has increased, the status of martial arts novel authors will also increase accordingly. But, to be honest, I don’t have much confidence in other martial arts novel authors.”

"Oh?" Li Fan also smiled and said, "Lao Liang means that you want to pin your hopes on me?"

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "Indeed, in order to get the unanimous approval of the Times Literature Award jury, at least one must appear this time, and its literary and readable far exceeds the previous works, including your previous martial arts works. . And to do that, at the moment, only you have the greatest possibility. Of course, it will be difficult, but I think you can give it a try."

Li Fandao: "Leaves Silent and others, known as the Four Great Masters of Martial Arts, and Wolong, the Four Great Masters of Xiangjiang Martial Arts, have not released new works for a long time. I guess they also heard some kind of news, and have been secretly preparing new ones. Works, waiting for the time to come. And this time, the martial arts novels Grand Prix is ​​obviously the time they are waiting for. Therefore, this time they will definitely shoot them all, and their works should also be worth looking forward to.”

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "Their works are indeed worth looking forward to, and they will have a qualitative leap compared to their previous works, but I am still most optimistic about you. Of course, you don't have to be under pressure, just follow what you have prepared before. Just create. If it doesn't work this time, we can continue to wait for the next opportunity."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Try as much as possible, try as much as possible."

Afterwards, Li Fan said goodbye and left after chatting with the second old man.

After Li Fan left, Zheng Jie asked, "How sure do you think you are?"

Liang Sheng sighed: "It's hard, it's hard! Even though that kid is an extraordinary genius, he's still too young. It's really hard to write works that far surpass the previous ones. And Silent Leaf, Wolong and others, they A work will definitely have a big breakthrough than before, but it is equally difficult to get the unanimous approval of the jury.”

Zheng Jie chuckled and said, "Objectively speaking, that's true. But that kid is an unknown and cannot be reasoned with common sense. Maybe he can create a miracle."

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "Indeed, so I pin all my hopes on him, I hope he won't feel the pressure."

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "Old Liang, you can rest assured. It's hard to say whether that kid can create a miracle.

But it's strange that he can feel the pressure or something. "

Liang Sheng said, "That's good."


When he was about to get home, Li Fan saw Su Qing and the little girl from a distance picking vegetables in the field outside the yard.

Naturally, the dishes are picked for dinner. Before each cooking, the dishes are freshly picked and absolutely fresh.

"Is mom back?" Li Fan asked after approaching.

"Auntie hasn't come back yet. I will cook together with Teacher Su tonight." The little girl pouted, and then glanced at Li Fan, which clearly meant that Li Fan was a lazy guy who only knew how to eat ready-made delicious food.

"Oh! This little girl is going against the sky." Li Fan rolled up his sleeves and prepared to "educate" the little girl.

Su Qing next to him gave a "pochi" smile, handed the basket for vegetables to Li Fan, and said, "Hold it for me."

"Oh, okay." Li Fan took the basket and temporarily let go of the little girl.

The little girl stuck out her tongue at Li Fan, looking very proud.

Su Qing made the dinner, um, and the little girl. The taste is still good, but it is obviously too exaggerated to be praised by my mother that this dish should only be found in the sky.

After dinner, the night was getting darker, and Li Fan was typing in front of the computer. Since the martial arts novels Grand Prix is ​​coming, it is time for Li Fan to make preparations.

Su Qing was lying on the sofa fiddling with her mobile phone, and she was reading the news about this couplet contest for persuading students to study.

Although Li Fan's couplets are too good, the possibility of other couplets being selected is getting smaller and smaller, but everyone's enthusiasm for submitting manuscripts has not been affected.

So far, the number of submissions in the submission channel has exceeded 60,000.

It was getting late, Li Fan and Su Qing had fallen asleep, but they were still very active on the Internet, and there were not a few night owls.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, the submission channel was closed on time, and the number of submissions was fixed at 752,392.

At the moment when the submission channel was closed, the comment area suddenly became much more active.

"It's officially over, tsk tsk, there are more than 70,000 submissions in total, and everyone's enthusiasm is very high."

"I just don't know how many couplets will be selected this time?"

"Mr. Li Fan's couplet will definitely be selected, and it's hard to say for the rest. Maybe none of them will be selected. It's enough to have Mr. Li Fan's."

"Let's see the official results tomorrow."



The next day, September 3, at 10 am. The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China has officially announced the final results of the contest of encouraging students to study couplets.

The result was beyond everyone's expectations, but also as expected, only the one, "Book Mountain has road diligence as a path, and learning is boundless and hard work." was selected.

And the author of this couplet is Li Fan.

A group of couplet lovers shook their heads with a wry smile, but they were not disappointed. If there was another event like this, they would still participate actively and enthusiastically.

In two or three days, schools across the country will start to reopen one after another.

The document from the Ministry of Education was immediately communicated to each school, so that each school could make good use of the couplet so as to have positive works for students, teachers, parents, and society.

Of course, it is not mandatory.

But such a couplet is exactly the couplet that every school urgently needs, and each school naturally takes the initiative to learn and use this couplet.

In this way, this couplet came in, and every school in the country, large and small, students could see this couplet as soon as the school started.

Some primary school Chinese teachers are also planning to organize students in the class to study this couplet well after school starts, so that the children can better understand this couplet.

Among all the schools, Longshan Township Middle School is undoubtedly the luckiest.

Because, they invited Li Fan to write this couplet in person, and then engraved it on both sides of the school's gate.

I believe that it will not take long for this couplet to become known to everyone.


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