Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1051 The score of each work

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan is also reading through several special edition martial arts magazines issued today.

There are a total of 8 magazines, and more than 300 works are serialized. The number of serialized words in each work ranges from 10,000 words to 20,000 to 30,000 words. Naturally, it is impossible for Li Fan to read all of them.

In each magazine, he randomly selected a few works to read, and then focused on the works of a few people, such as Jian Yishen, Silent Leaves, Guyong, etc.

After reading it, Li Fan couldn't help but nodded.

First of all, the works he has just seen are basically of good quality, and any martial arts fan should be able to watch them.

It is an indisputable fact that the overall level of martial arts novels has risen by more than one grade.

Secondly, Guyon's "Heroes of the Wilderness" made Li Fan's eyes light up. This book is much higher than the average level. Judging from its writing and architectural ability, it should be an old author without a doubt.

"Who could it be? Why do you want to take such a pseudonym again?" Li Fan couldn't help but feel a little bit of interest.

Finally, there are the works of Jian Yishen and Silent Leaves. The level of these two works is much higher than that of "Heroes of the Wilderness".

Since his debut, Jian Yishen has always been on the cutting edge. One of his works is better than the other, and his progress is quite obvious.

This time, "The Prodigal Son Washing Swords", just from the chapter serialized today, is indeed expected to be the best of all his works.

He has always been in a state of rising and growing. Although the degree of growth has slowed down, it is scary enough. He is indeed a very talented author.

As one of the four veteran martial arts masters, Silent Leaves, a work that has been quietly prepared for a long time, this time it debuts, it is really no trivial matter, and it is even better than "The Prodigal Son of Swordsman".

Of course, it can't be said that "The Legend of the Misty Rain" is better than "The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword", and we have to look at the situation behind.

In the same way, it cannot be said now that the three works "The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword", "The Legend of the Misty Rain", and "Heroes of the Wilderness" are definitely better than other works.

There are quite a few books with amazing beginnings and weak later stages. And the beginning is normal, and the books that come up later are also not too few.

After understanding the situation, Li Fan went out and walked in the direction of Yuanlaiju.


Just as Li Fan was on his way to fate, netizens also watched some of the works, and then they couldn't wait to communicate on the exchange platform, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

"How much have you all watched? I watched more than 10 works in one go, it was really enjoyable."

"I have also read more than 10 works, and I feel that the quality is not bad. I am very happy to see so many good books at one time."

"I watched Guyon's "Heroes of the Wilderness", and it was very well written. I doubt it is the vest of an old author."

"My most pleasant surprise is "The Legend of the Fallen Leaves". Before Gu Yong's debut, I was a fan of "The Legend of the Fallen Leaves." The feeling when he created his works. Of course, it’s just a feeling, and in the eyes of his works at that time, I can only make two hilarious sighs.”

"Indeed, Silent Leaves is definitely the return of the king. I feel that "The Legend of the Misty Rain" is better than Jian Yishen's "The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword"."

"I think Jian Yishen's "Prodigal Son Washing the Sword" looks better. Of course, it's only a little better than "The Legend of the Misty Rain"."

"Actually, which one is better? We can't be sure right now, and we can only be basically sure when it's in the middle and late stages."

"It's true, but we're only comparing the beginning. I think "The Legend of the Misty Rain" is better than "The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword"."


Which work is better? Everyone has their own opinion,

Everyone understands this, so everyone doesn't blushing and arguing, whose work is better?

However, everyone still hopes to have an intuitive comparison of the results, so that a family can know, in the eyes of most people, which work is better?

Moreover, such an intuitive result comparison can also give everyone a general understanding of the quality of those works that have not been seen yet.

In addition, people from all walks of life can also understand the quality of each entry through an intuitive comparison of the results, which will obviously be more accurate than the previous list of expectations.

Of course, the premise is that this intuitive comparison of results must be fair and just.

Perhaps knowing that martial arts fans have such an urgent desire, the official page of the Times Literature Award's official martial arts novel Grand Prix has launched a new function, the rating list function.

That is to score each work in real time. The jury of the Times Literature Award will judge each entry from the perspective of absolute fairness and impartiality.

Although the result may not be recognized by everyone, it will definitely be recognized by the majority.

The latest scoring results will be updated within 24 hours after the release of the latest chapter of each work.

As soon as the announcement came out, a lot of martial arts fans cheered. This newly launched scoring function allows them to intuitively see the results of each work.

As for the participating martial arts authors, some are happy and others are worried.

I am happy for those authors who think that their works will definitely be able to rank at the top of the scoring list, which is a manifestation of honor.

The ones who are worried are those authors who have self-awareness and know that their works can only be ranked at the back of the rating list.

If the position is too late, or even the last few, it is somewhat shameful.

However, at this point, it is impossible for them to let the Times Literature Award officially cancel the scoring list. You can only try to write your works as well as possible, so that the ranking of your own works will not be so low.

As for those martial arts writers who did not sign up for the competition, some were secretly grateful, "Fortunately, there was no impulsive sign up at that time, otherwise, how embarrassing would it be to be ranked at the bottom of the scoring list?"


As soon as the rating list came out, a group of martial arts fans began to discuss with interest, which work should get how many points?

"If the full score is 10 points, the silent "Legend of the Misty Rain" would have scored more than 9.5 points."

"Almost, Jian Yishen's "Prodigal Son Washing Swords" should also have a score of about 9.5. In addition, Gu Yong's "Heroes of the Wilderness" should also have a score of about 9.0."

"As for the rest of the works, as far as I've seen, the worst ones should have a score of 7.0 or more, and I think they're all pretty good."


Netizens have a lot of discussions. Although everyone has different views, on the general score, everyone's views are quite consistent.

For example, in the two works "The Legend of the Misty Rain" and "The Voice of the Prodigal Son", who is higher and who is lower in specific scores? Everyone is arguing.

But in general, everyone agrees that their scores should be around 9.5 points.

However, when the official score came out, everyone was collectively dumbfounded.

"The Legend of the Misty Rain": 6.7 points.

"The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword": 6.5 points.

"Heroes of the Wild": 6.0 points.

The scores of all other works are all below 6.0, and the lowest is even only 3.8.

If a score of 6.0 is a passing score, this Nima only has three passing works, and they are still not far from the passing line. )!!

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