Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1055 It must be possible

Official communication platform.

Those martial arts fans who haven't watched "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" look at it, "I rub it! What's the situation? Why are so many people saying they want to watch it a second time?"

"I said, can someone explain it? Why does everyone have to watch it a second time? Is it too beautiful? Or can't you understand it only after watching it once?"

"Hey! The answer is of course too good-looking. I've finished watching it for the second time now, and I want to watch it for the third time."

"Is it really that good-looking? It's even better than yesterday's works by Jian Yishen and Silent Leaves?"

"Certainly, and much better looking, at least I think so."

When I got the answer, those who haven't watched "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" were surprised, "Isn't everyone saying that Gu Yong is currently in a creative bottleneck period, won't this time's work be too exciting? This is the first issue of Nima. Just slapped in the face? Well, then I'll take a look too."

With doubts in their hearts, they also opened "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

Of course, the entire communication platform is not all about the discussion of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

After all, the works of Vigor, Meniscus, Qin Sheng, Shang Buer, Xiao Liang, and Yun Huasheng are also very popular from the outside world.

There are also many people who choose to watch their works first, and they are very happy after reading it.

"Haha! Has anyone watched the "Blood Wind Chime" by a vigorous brushstroke? It feels no worse than yesterday's silent "The Legend of the Misty Rain". It seems that a strong stroke is also the return of the king."

"Not only did I make a big effort, but I watched Meniscus' "Jian Sang Jiang Hu" first, which also felt no worse than "The Legend of the Misty Rain".

"I watched Qin Sheng's "Chivalrous Love", and it was very exciting at the same time."

"So, the four Silent Leaves were inseparable in the past, and this time it is equally indistinguishable when they come back?"

"I think it should be like this. In addition, some people have seen the works of Shang Buer, Xiao Liang, and Yun Huasheng, and they are also very exciting. It is no worse than yesterday's "Prodigal Son Washing the Sword". How much. There are so many wonderful works this time, I feel dizzying.”

"The works of Dali Yiyi and others are indeed wonderful, but the most exaggerated is Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". I have seen those who have seen it and said that they will watch it a second time. I haven't watched it yet, and I don't know if it's really that beautiful?"

"I was just about to say about Guyong, just now I saw a lot of people saying to watch it for the second time, and it doesn't look like a navy, so it should be really nice. Forget it, I'll go take a look now, Sooner or later, you will see it.”

"Well, then I went to see it too."



Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Deputy Director Yang Qiming has always liked martial arts very much. Over the past year or so, martial arts have suddenly risen and entered a new era. The literary and readable martial arts are getting higher and higher, which makes Yang Qiming very happy. Already have, get the selection qualification of Times Literature Award.

He then applied to the jury, which was approved by some jury members, but also met with strong opposition from the jury members headed by another deputy director, Li Bo.

The two sides discussed for a long time, and they did not reach a consensus, which is why this time the martial arts grand prix was born.

"I hope this time, a work that is convincing enough will appear." Yang Qiming thought so in his heart.

Yesterday, Yang Qiming naturally read the works of Jian Yishen and Silent Leaves. After reading it, Yang Qiming was still very satisfied.

It's just, it's not enough, with this level alone, it's impossible to convince Lipa's group.

Of course, the two's work has only just started serialization, and it is still too early to draw conclusions.

It's just that Yang Qiming feels that his hope is relatively slim.

However, Yang Qiming did not feel regret, because the work of the person he valued most,

He hasn't seen it yet.

That is Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Although the outside world is not optimistic about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Yang Qiming obviously does not think so.

If Jian Yishen, Ye Zisheng and others are talented martial arts writers, then Gu Yong has obviously surpassed this level.

How can the works of such people be judged by ordinary standards?

Therefore, on the way to work this morning, Yang Qiming personally bought a copy of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" at a newsstand.

After arriving at the office, let the assistant make a cup of his favorite tea, and then open the magazine "Xiaojianghu" with anticipation to find the serialized page of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

After watching it for the first time, Yang Qiming's eyes flashed with deep surprise, and then watched it again for the second time.

The second pass is slower and more careful than the first pass.

After reading it, Yang Qiming wanted to laugh a few times. Gu Yong's works never disappoint.

Of course, this does not mean that the first chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" alone can convince Li Bo and others.

In fact, just looking at the first chapter, the gap between trying to convince Li Bo and others is still not small.

However, Yang Qiming had a rather strong hunch that this "Legend of the Condor Heroes" would be much better than he imagined, and in the end, he would be able to successfully persuade Li Bo's group.

Delighted in his heart, Yang Qiming came to Lipa's office cheerfully with the magazine "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

Seeing Yang Qiming come in, Li Bo smiled faintly: "Old Yang, are you here to seek information? It's a pity, if all the works this time, the highest level is "The Legend of the Misty Rain" and "The Prodigal Son" We are afraid that we will not be able to pass works like Jianlu. Of course, I also admit that these works do have a certain degree of literature and readability, but our requirements cannot be so low."

Although the two had different opinions on this incident, it was just a matter of work, and there was no problem with the relationship between the two.

After listening to Li Bo, Yang Qiming laughed and said: "Old Li, I certainly agree with the high requirements. The reason why I put forward the application of martial arts to be eligible for the selection of the Times Literature Award is that the quality of martial arts is indeed not low. , but also take a fancy to its huge development potential.”

Li Bo nodded and said, "I naturally understand this, so I don't completely reject it. Martial arts are eligible for selection. When martial arts really develop to that day, I will naturally agree."

Yang Qiming laughed and said, "That day may come soon."

"Oh?" Li Bo said, "It is far from enough to rely on works of the level of "The Legend of the Misty Rain" and "The Prodigal Son Washing the Sword."

Yang Qiming said: "Of course not, you haven't watched Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?"

Li Bo said, "Not yet. Could it be that you think "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can meet my requirements?"

Yang Qiming said: "It's naturally not possible now, but I think it will definitely be possible as the plot unfolds."

"Really?" Li Bo couldn't help but have a hint of interest and smiled: "Then I have to take a good look at it. See how it can make you so confident in Lao Yang?"

Yang Qiming put the magazine in his hand on the desk in Li Bo's office and said with a smile, "Look, I have brought you all the magazines."

After speaking, Yang Qiming walked out of Li Bo's office slowly.

Li Po shook his head with a smile, and said in a low voice, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes? Then let me take a good look at it.")!!

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