After the official appreciation and comments, a number of media have also carried out relevant reports. ranwen??????`?

All the reports are naturally dominated by Huang Rong, readers are most interested in this topic now, and the media will naturally not miss it.

The two chapters serialized today made all martial arts fans very excited and satisfied when they saw Huang Rong, who was so endearing.

However, there are still no answers to the two topics that everyone was most interested in before, that is, is Huang Rong the daughter of the Huangdao owner of Peach Blossom Island? And the most intelligent person in Qu San's mouth, is it the Lord of Huangdao?

However, although there is no accurate answer yet, after reading the two chapters serialized today, a group of martial arts fans have become more and more certain that Huang Rong is the daughter of the Yellow Island Lord, and the person Qu San said is the Yellow Island Lord.

It's just that the book doesn't have a clear answer yet.

However, in the next issue, there should be a clear answer. Many martial arts fans feel this way.

The next issue will be serialized a few days later. In the past few days, in the eager anticipation of many martial arts fans, it seems a little long, but after all, it has passed.

On October 12th, the answer that many martial arts fans were looking forward to should be revealed today.

Holding the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" in their hands, all martial arts fans can't wait to open it.

This issue is still a two-chapter series, the tenth chapter "The Past is Like Smoke", and the eleventh chapter "Changchun Accepts the Loss".

As mentioned in the previous article, Huang Rong successfully escaped from several masters by virtue of her cleverness and playfulness, but she has not escaped from the palace, and is still trapped in the palace, and several masters are looking for her everywhere.

Among them, Ouyang Ke saw Huang Rong swaying in autumn, and his cheeks were dizzy. Although he was still young, he was truly a stunning beauty that he had never seen in his life. He was fascinated and wanted to include Huang Rong in his harem.

This has attracted a lot of martial arts fans to complain and despise, because this Ouyang Ke is really a playboy, with countless concubines around him, and even more conceited that Chen concubines are all beauties in the world, even the harem of the emperors of Dajin and Song Dynasty. It may not be comparable, but compared with Huang Rong, it is as straight as dung.

"His sister, this kid Ouyang Ke has already had countless concubines, and it's abominable to come to beat my Rong'er's idea!"

This is the voice of many martial arts fans at this time, but in addition to their contempt, they are also envious of Ouyang Ke.

"Mada! Ouyang Ke can do it, he is so happy to be with so many concubines every day. It's really enviable!"

This is also the voice of many martial arts fans at this time.

In addition, many martial arts fans also noticed that the reason why Ouyang Ke can live so well is not only his martial arts skills, but also the support of his uncle, who has been running rampant in the Western Regions for many years.

"Ouyang Ke's uncle? Who is that?" All the martial arts fans thought, could it be another big man?

Because, according to the description in the book, Ouyang Ke's uncle is obviously much more powerful than Ouyang Ke.

With such questions in mind, a group of martial arts fans continued to look down.

And the following content proves that the feeling of martial arts fans before is really correct. The two questions they really want to know the answer to, and the book gives clear answers one after another.

Huang Rong was trapped in the palace, and Guo Jing was also trapped in the palace, and was being hunted down by Liang Ziweng, the old ginseng monster who wanted to suck his blood.

In the process of escaping for his life, in a dark cellar, he unexpectedly encountered Mei Chaofeng, one of the two evil spirits of the black wind.

It turned out that Mei Chaofeng had always been hidden in the palace. Guo Jing met Mei Chaofeng. After a series of situations, Mei Chaofeng fell into a long memory.

In Mei Chaofeng's memories, many martial arts fans knew that the name of Huangdao Master of Peach Blossom Island was Huang Yaoshi.

I also know that Huang Yaoshi has several apprentices in addition to the two apprentices of Heifeng Shuangsha, among which the eldest apprentice is called Qu Lingfeng.

Once Qu Lingfeng angered Huang Yaoshi because of something, his legs were broken by Huang Yaoshi, and he was expelled from Peach Blossom Island.

Seeing this, all martial arts fans easily thought of Qu San, the cripple from Niujia Village.

It turned out that his real name was Qu Lingfeng, and the extremely intelligent person he said was his master, Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island.

Although the answer has already been guessed, but now seeing the clear answer given in the book, all martial arts fans can't help but be excited and excited.

They all clearly remembered how excited they were when they saw Qu San's words for the first time, and it was already a month ago.

Now, they finally know exactly who that person is, and they are just as excited as they were a month ago.

Continuing to look down, many martial arts fans also know the reason why Heifeng Shuangsha defected to Peach Blossom Island.

It turned out that Mei Chaofeng and his second senior brother Chen Xuanfeng were in love with each other back then. Later, due to various reasons, Chen Xuanfeng stole half of Huang Yaoshi's martial arts masterpiece "Jiuyin Zhenjing", and then fled with Mei Chaofeng. Out of Peach Blossom Island.

For various reasons, Huang Yaoshi did not go out of the island to pursue the two. After hiding in Tibet for several years, the two relied on the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" that they had pondered and understood, and practiced the Jiuyin White Bone Claw and the Heart-Destructing Palm, and achieved the name of "Black Wind Shuangsha".

"Fuck! "Jiuyin Zhenjing" is too awesome. Just by the name, you know that this is an absolute martial arts mastery!" All the martial arts fans suddenly suffocated, only to feel a surge of blood in the upwelling.

Just because of the name "Jiuyin Zhenjing".

""Jiuyin Zhenjing"? I'll wipe it! Why do I seem to have a little impression of this name? It's like I've seen it somewhere."

"I also feel a little impressed by what you said."

"You guys are just bragging. You still have some impressions. Do you want to tell me that you have practiced before?"

"Go! It really seems to have an impression."


Some martial arts fans have a vague feeling, where did the name "Jiuyin Zhenjing" seem to have been heard?

Just can't remember for a while.

Mei Chaofeng's memories are very long. Through Mei Chaofeng's memory, some doubts accumulated in the hearts of everyone before, are now finally clear.

After Mei Chaofeng's memories ended, Huang Rong, who was being chased by several masters, also came here.

Huang Rong recognized Mei Chaofeng, and she said to Mei Chaofeng, "The shadow of the peach blossoms falls into the flying sword, and the tide of the blue sea presses the jade flute!"

This is a couplet created by Huang Yaoshi, which contains two martial arts that Huang Yaoshi is quite proud of.

Mei Chaofeng naturally knew that this little girl was her master's beloved daughter. Back then, when Huang Rong was still a baby, she had seen it before.

So far, Huang Rong is the daughter of Peach Blossom Island Master Huang Yaoshi, and it has been officially confirmed.

Two questions that I really wanted to know the answer to before, and now I know the exact answer one after another, a lot of martial arts fans are hooked and satisfied.


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