Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1089 Weibo 1 year ago

Official communication platform.

Excited martial arts fans were still discussing lively, and the most focused topics were naturally the Five Wonders of the World, Huashan Lunjian, and "Jiuyin Zhenjing".

When it comes to "Jiuyin Zhenjing", there are always some martial arts fans who feel familiar. When they saw it for the first time today, they had such a vague feeling.

It's just that I can't remember where I saw it for a while. It stands to reason that they should have never seen it before.

But that kind of feeling won't be fake. Besides, there are not one or two people who feel this way, but more and more people who feel a little familiar.

And "Jiuyin Zhenjing" is a martial art created by Gu Yong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". .

Suddenly, someone remembered.

"Wow haha! I know why I always feel that the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" is a bit familiar, because I have seen it before."

"Have you seen it before? Is it true or false? Where is it? Could it be that "Jiuyin Zhenjing" is not original by Gu Yong?"

"No, it's Mr. Gu Yong's original work. Do you still remember Mr. Gu Yong's Weibo from a very early time? Probably after the release of "The Sword of Yue Girl"."

"A Weibo post after "The Sword of the Yue Girl"? It's a bit early. I guess many people haven't read it!"

"Haha! I thought of it too. The new martial arts fans probably didn't watch it, but the old martial arts fans definitely did."

"That's right, I just checked it out on purpose. That Weibo is still there. I look at that Weibo now, and I seem to have more feelings than I did at that time. Those who haven't seen it, go and see it."

When it comes to Gu Yong's Weibo, all the old martial arts fans remembered it, while the new martial arts fans were full of doubts, "Could it be that the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" was mentioned on that Weibo?"

Then, whether it is an old martial arts fan or a new martial arts fan, they all log on to Guyong's Weibo. That Weibo was updated after the release of "The Sword of Yue Girl", and there is an approximate time, so it is not difficult to find.

"Someone asked me, 'Gu Yong, is the world far away?'

I said, not far, because people are in the end of the world, how can the end of the world be far away?

Someone else asked me, 'Gu Yong, what is Jianghu? ’

I said, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Others asked me, 'Gu Yong, how big is the river? What else is there in the rivers and lakes? ’

I said, as big as your heart is, the rivers and lakes are as big as the rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes are in the hearts of each of us. In the rivers and lakes, there are swords, lights, swords, shadows, love and hatred, sunflower collections, and Jiuyin scriptures.

The flowers bloom and fall, and the children of the rivers and lakes are also affectionate.

Ladies and gentlemen of the rivers and lakes, let's see you again! "

This is the microblog, there are sunflower collections in the rivers and lakes, and there are nine yin scriptures.

For old martial arts fans, seeing this Weibo now makes them feel more than when they first saw it, because Gu Yong at this time has already made them see what is called Jianghu?

For the new martial arts fans, looking at Gu Yong's Weibo a year ago, they only feel very excited and happy. Fortunately, they have become martial arts fans and have the opportunity to experience the rivers and lakes written by Gu Yong.

"There are sunflower collections in the rivers and lakes, and there are Jiuyin scriptures. I wipe! It turns out that Gu Yong told us a year ago. Wait, did Gu Yong at that time plan to write "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" already?"

"It is possible, but I think Gu Yong at that time did not plan to write "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but had the inspiration for the martial arts "Jiuyin Zhenjing", and planned to write it. Jin, in one of my future works, the answer is already there, and that work is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"."

"Well, this possibility is very high. In this way, this 'Sunflower Collection' should also be a martial art like the "Jiuyin Zhenjing". I just don't know which place Gu Yong will write him in. in the works?"

"It should not be "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" anymore, it may be a later work, maybe that work,

Gu Yong has not yet started to conceive. However, it doesn't matter, I have firmly remembered the "Sunflower Collection", and I am looking forward to which work it will appear in. "

"I remember at that time I had a question, what exactly are these 'Sunflower Collection' and 'Nine Yin Classics'? Now I finally know, it turned out to be two great martial arts works."


A year later, Gu Yong's Weibo reappeared in the rivers and lakes, causing a new heated discussion among martial arts fans.


Wuxia fans have all found out Gu Yong's Weibo a year ago, where will the media let it go?

After the serialization of the "Legend of the Condor Heroes", there are already too many topics that readers are very interested in to report. Now, with the addition of Gu Yong's Weibo a year ago, the media only think that it is worthwhile There is so much to report.

"A year ago, Gu Yong said that there are Jiuyin Zhenjing in Jianghu. Now, "Jiuyin Zhenjing" finally appeared in Jianghu."

"The Five Wonders of the World, Eastern Evil, Western Poison, Southern Emperor, Northern Beggar, and Zhong Shentong, have since become famous in the entire martial arts novel world!"

"Many famous people have been discussing the settings of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", such as the Five Wonders of the World and Huashan on the Sword."

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes is getting more and more popular. Some experts assert that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will push the martial arts to the peak."

"Famous martial arts masters such as Silent Leaves and Vigorously said that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has become an existence they look up to."

"The advantage of "Legend of the Condor Heroes" is even more obvious, and all the other works have been bleak."


Various reports and comments from the media emerged in an endless stream, which dazzled people from all walks of life.


In the afternoon, the official rating list was updated. The rating of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has reached 9.5 points, and it is about to go for full marks.

There is also an update with it, the official appreciation comment "On the Five Wonders of the World".

Since none of the world's five masters have officially appeared, this article is not an appreciation and comment on the five masters, but an analysis of the five titles of Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, and Zhong Shentong. .

The text points out that east, west, south, north, and middle are the five directions, and the five directions correspond to the five elements and the five colors.

The five elements are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The five colors are: blue, white, red, black, and yellow.

Therefore, the five elements, the five directions, and the five colors are set, and the east belongs to wood, mainly blue, the west belongs to gold, mainly white, the south belongs to fire, mainly red, the north belongs to water, mainly black, the center belongs to earth, and mainly yellow.

Combined with the five characters, the East belongs to wood, so the names of Dongxie Huang Yaoshi and his daughter Huang Rong all contain the prefix "Fuck". Namely "medicine" and "Rong".

Furthermore, wood is a tree. The so-called big tree attracts the wind. Therefore, the disciples of Huang Yaoshi, Qu Lingfeng, Chen Xuanfeng, Mei Chaofeng, Lu Chengfeng, etc., all have the word "wind".

Before, the author was still wondering, why are all the disciples of Huang Yaoshi all with "wind"?

Now I finally know why.

After talking about Dongxie, look at Beibei again.

The north belongs to water, so Hong Qigong's name is "氵".

As the saying goes, when people go up, water flows down. Water is the lowest thing in the world, and the lowest among people is the beggar, so Hong Qiping dressed as a beggar when he was a "beggar in the north".

Of course, there is no derogatory connotation here.

Looking at the supernatural power Wang Chongyang, China belongs to the earth, so the words "king" and "weight" are both related to the earth.

It can be seen that the origin of the Five Jue is not written by Gu Yong at will, but there are many considerations.

Therefore, the author can make a bold guess here. The names of "Western Du" and "Southern Emperor" who do not know their names must also be related to the Five Elements.

The West belongs to metal, so the name of West poison must be related to "gold".

Likewise, the name of the Southern Emperor must have something to do with "fire".

In addition, regarding the five elements, there is a saying that the five elements are mutually restrained, namely, wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, fire restrains metal, and metal restrains wood.

The five elements correspond to the five qualities. Therefore, the author can boldly infer that the martial arts of the world's five bests, except for Wang Chongyang, who are superior to one another, although the other four qualities are all in the same league, they are very likely to mutually generate and restrain each other, contain each other, and communicate with each other. There is an inexplicable grievance between them, right and wrong.

After reading this official appreciation and commentary, a group of martial arts fans feel that the Five Wonders of the World are extraordinary, and they admire the setting of Gu Yong's "Five Wonders of the World".

Where did they think of it before, there are so many sayings about the Five Judes.

For the two official inferences, of course, they are extremely recognized.

In this way, they are even more looking forward to the official appearance of Wujue.


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