Little Farmer Big Star

1093 Beggar Chicken

Everyone is busy with division of labor and cooperation, and a small number of people organize the venue and make barbecue brackets. Most people look for firewood. It is autumn, and firewood is still very easy to find.

After a while, the barbecue site was sorted out, and the people who went to find firewood also returned in twos and threes, carrying large and small bundles of dead branches in their hands.

At this time, only a crisp whistling sound came from high in the sky, and everyone's heart was suddenly excited, and they hurriedly looked up at the sky.

They knew that this must be the protector of the village, Xiaotian. Some of them have seen Xiaotian, and some have not.

But no matter whether you have seen it or not, it is the same excitement and anticipation at this time.

They had guessed before that Xiaotian would probably show up tonight and bring them game.

So, they have actually been looking forward to it for a long time.

Now, hearing this howling, they knew that Xiaotian was really here.

Sure enough, after the whistle, a huge figure appeared in the sky, and then got closer and closer to the top of everyone's heads. The speed was not fast, but everyone still felt huge pressure and fear.

Because Xiaotian's body is really too big, an absolute behemoth, and that pair of huge sharp claws make people terrified.

Fortunately, everyone knew that Xiaotian would not hurt them, so they had the courage to stand all the time, and they were still excited and excited in fear.

When it was lowered to a certain height, Xiaotian's sharp claws loosened, and a lot of things fell out and fell on the ground. Tourists with sharp eyes could see that they were wild rabbits, pheasants, wild ducks and other game.

After putting the game down, Xiaotian let out a soft whistle, then went straight into the sky and disappeared.

After Xiaotian disappeared, the pressure and fear on everyone slowly receded, and the only thing left was excitement and excitement.

Especially those tourists who saw Xiaotian for the first time were even more excited. The Xiaotian they saw with their own eyes was more handsome, more shocking, and more terrifying than the legendary one.

Li Fan looked at the excited crowd, smiled lightly, and said, "Okay, the game has already arrived, let's start taking care of it, and try to take care of it all before dark."

After listening to Li Fan's words, everyone came back to their senses, cheered, and walked towards the pile of game.

Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng also went to help, while Su Qing took the little girl and went to Baiyun Lake to see the scenery.

When the crowd came to the game, they found hares, pheasants, wild ducks, and fish, all of which were good things.

And there are a lot of them, all add up to more than 100, enough to eat tonight.

A tourist asked: "Master Li, is it all from the game farming area?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "The fish naturally come from the fish pond, and the rest come from the game breeding area."

The people around let out a wave of innocent laughter, and the person who just asked the question also smiled and said, "It's great, the prices of these things are not low, I usually don't want to buy them, and I will take them tonight."

This is true. Whether it is fish or these game meats, they are sold in farms, but the prices are not low, especially wild rabbits, pheasants and other game. Many people are reluctant to buy them at ordinary times, but they only buy some occasionally.

But it's delicious and mouth-watering, and with so much game tonight, it's really satisfying.

The rest of the tourists heard it, and their eyes were bright. These are all good things in the farm, and they are usually expensive.

Without waiting for Li Fan's orders, everyone went ahead, plucked the hair, peeled off the skin, and then ripped open the belly. It was so lively.

There is a clear spring not far away, the water is pure and sweet, which can be used for game cleaning.

And while everyone was taking care of the game, new tourists kept arriving.

"Haha! I finally caught up, it's really great." Every new tourist would roar in such excitement.

Then they set up camp skillfully and quickly, and then joined the preparations for game management.

The sky gradually darkened, and a bright full moon hung high in the sky, making the surrounding scenery still vaguely visible.

All the game was taken care of, and everyone returned to the venue that had been sorted out.

Someone has already lit the fire here, a total of more than a dozen piles, and it is burning vigorously at this time.

Su Qing and the little girl were squatting beside a fire, slowly adding firewood to the fire.

Li Fan said at this time: "Let's start baking now, everyone thinks that their craftsmanship is good, now it's time for you to perform!"

"Haha! I can't wait, everyone, watch me."

"Hey! I'll come too, I'm good at baking this."


Everyone responded with a bang, no matter whether the technology was good or not, they were all ready to show their hands.

Everyone knows that with the ingredients produced by the farm, as long as they are cooked, the taste will not be bad. Naturally, you have to do it yourself.

Li Fan laughed, holding an oval mud ball in one hand, and walked towards the fire where Su Qing and the little girl were with Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng.

The little girl watched Li Fantuo come back with the two mud balls, and pouted, "Brother, what are you doing with the two mud balls back?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "The outside is mud, but the inside is not mud, but a chicken wrapped in it. It will be roasted later, and it will be fragrant."

The little girl's eyes lit up with anticipation.

Li Fan put the two mud balls on the ground, got a small shovel, moved the fire to one side temporarily, then dug a small pit where the fire was originally, and buried the two mud balls in the pit. Fill in the hole, then move the fire back into place, and you're done.

The chicken roasted in this way was called the beggar chicken in the previous life, and it was quite famous.

Of course, Li Fan's beggar is just the most primitive beggar. Although the method is primitive, it is the most convenient and simple, and the taste is also very good.

This world naturally has this barbecue method, but it has no name. It is a barbecue method commonly used by people when they live in the wild.

After burying the beggar chicken, Li Fan put a rabbit on each of the two branches and handed it to Su Qing and the little girl to let them bake and play.

Then they prepared to roast a chicken, while Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng each chose a big carp and prepared to roast two fish to eat first.

At this time, each fire was already crowded with people, each of them was roasting the things in their hands, and the fire kept making crackling sounds.

While grilling, everyone laughed loudly. It was not the first time they spent the night on this mountain, but how could it be so lively and interesting before?

"By the way, your kid just said that the chicken roasted in the way of wrapping the chicken with mud has a name. What's the name?" Liang Sheng asked while roasting the fish.

Li Fan said, "I call him a beggar chicken."

"Oh, Beggar Chicken?" Liang Sheng said, "This name is not very good, why is it called Beggar Chicken?"

Li Fan smiled and whispered: "Because this is a kind of chicken that Hong Qigong likes to eat, Hong Qigong calls it a beggar chicken, and it is naturally called a beggar chicken."

Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie were stunned at the same time, and then laughed, Liang Sheng said: "You really have a lot of ambitions. However, if it doesn't work well in the future, chickens grilled in this way are really called beggars. Chicken."

Why did Liang Sheng say this?

Because at the end of Chapter 11 of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", when Guo Jing and Huang Rong were in the wild, Huang Rong used this method to make a chicken.

Huang Rong used an Emei steel thorn to cut open the belly of the rooster, washed and peeled off the internal organs, but did not pluck the hair.

After roasting for a while, the sweet fragrance will emerge from the mud. When the wet mud is dry, peel off the dry mud. The chicken feathers will fall off with the mud, and the chicken will be tender and fragrant.

If Hong Qigong calls the chicken roasted in this way "beggar chicken" in the following text, with the huge influence of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the name "beggar chicken" may really be known. popular.

Gradually, the name "Beggar Chicken" was settled.

In this way, Li Fan succeeded in naming the chicken made by this method.

Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie felt a throbbing in their hearts.


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