Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1095 The beggar who smelled the fragrance

Everyone's barbecue is still going on, and gradually there is a more and more intense fragrance floating around.

The things in each person's hands were roasted one after another. Although the technique was not very good, the outer layer was burnt, but when the outer layer was torn apart, the meat inside was very white and tender, with a strong aroma.

Everyone laughed and laughed loudly while eating meat. Due to the ingredients themselves, although there was only meat, everyone didn't feel tired of eating it, but the more they ate it, the more fragrant they became, the more they wanted to eat it.

After eating the baked food, everyone laughed and started the second round of barbecue.

In this way, until 10 o'clock in the evening, everyone's interest was still very high, and they were still talking and laughing loudly.

And by this time, the beggar chicken buried in the fire should have been roasted.

Everyone used a shovel to open the fire and took out the beggar chicken. The mud on the surface was already dry, and it was very hot.

"Is it ripe?" Su Qing asked.

Li Fan nodded and said, "It should be familiar."

After speaking, I used a wooden stick to break the mud block, and the chicken feathers fell off along with the mud block, very clean, and a strong fragrance also spread.

"Haha! This stuff is so delicious!"

"It's really fragrant, definitely more fragrant than the one roasted by Huang Rong."

The strong fragrance attracted everyone to talk.

Su Qing also said, "It's really fragrant!"

The little girl was even more greedy, staring at the two fragrant beggar chickens.

Li Fan laughed and tore off the four drumsticks of the two chickens and gave them to Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Su Qing, and the little girl.

"Girl, you're almost done eating this chicken leg. You've already eaten a lot tonight." Li Fan said to the little girl.

The little girl answered vaguely, and she didn't know what she said, so she didn't hear it clearly.

Just after 11 o'clock in the evening, all the ingredients were eaten by everyone, and everyone sighed that this meal was really enjoyable.

After eating, everyone did not go to rest immediately, but continued chatting and laughing around the fire.

With such a good atmosphere tonight, everyone is really reluctant to go to bed. Second, I ate a bit too much tonight. Let’s chat and let the food digest.

It was not until 12 o'clock in the evening that everyone put out the fire, said "good night" to each other, and entered their respective tents, ready to sleep.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng also returned to their tents.

The little girl fell asleep in Su Qing's arms.

Li Fan carefully picked up the little girl and returned to his tent with Su Qing.


Without the hustle and bustle of tourists, the top of Baiyun Mountain in the middle of the night became very silent, only a variety of small animals, small insects, and various sounds.

A few hours later, the sky was a little brighter, and the tourists got up one after another.

They spent the night on the top of Baiyun Mountain, one of the purposes was to watch the sunrise in the early morning, and naturally they would not miss it.

Li Fan and Su Qing also got up, the little girl was still very sleepy, but in order to watch the sunrise, she still struggled to get up, holding Su Qing's hand, her eyes drowsy.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng couldn't help smiling when they saw the little girl's appearance.

"Master Li, are you ready? Let's go when we are ready." Someone asked Li Fandao.

Li Fan replied: "Ready, let's go."

Everyone walked towards the best place to watch the sunrise together, and after about ten minutes, they reached their destination.

It is also on a platform, which is almost the highest point of the entire Baiyun Mountain, with a very wide field of vision.

Looking towards the east, the mountains are faint and endless, and the shadows are hidden in the haze.

Many tourists sighed that the area of ​​Baiyun Mountain is really not small.

About ten minutes later, a red line appeared on the horizon in the east, and it gradually spread out. The colors of red, yellow, pink, and purple were mixed and dazzling.

Everyone was shocked, and the sunrise had already begun.

"Linlin, look, the sunrise has begun." Su Qing said.

Gradually, an arc emerged, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning illuminated the top of Baiyun Mountain and illuminated the entire earth.

Such a spectacular sight made the little girl's sleepiness go away and she cheered loudly.

The sun finally jumped out completely from below the horizon, and everyone sighed, "No matter how many times you watch it, the scene is always so shocking."

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng are also very emotional, this kind of natural wonder is really a gift from nature to mankind.

Su Qing said: "The sunrise here is still the same beauty."

After another ten minutes, the sun has risen a little high, and everyone turned around and walked towards the camp.

Back at the camp, everyone started to pack up and prepare to go down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, everyone also walked in no hurry. They stopped and went all the way, and when they returned to the bottom of the mountain, it was already afternoon.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng returned to their predestined residence, and Li Fan, Su Qing and the little girl also returned home.

After resting at home for a while, Li Fan sent Su Qing back to school. Tomorrow Monday, Su Qing has to go to class again.

Walking to the entrance of the village, the roar of various engineering equipment is still there, and the construction of the second project of the farm is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

The workers greeted Li Fan enthusiastically, and Li Fan responded equally enthusiastically. Together with Su Qing, they walked out of the village entrance to the Longshan Township Market.


In the past few days, there has been a lot of heated discussion on the Internet about "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Everyone is speculating. Next, among the five greats in the world, besides Wang Chongyang, who will be the first to make an official appearance?

The one with the highest approval rate is Huang Yaoshi, followed by Hong Qigong.

As for the other two, because they don't know their names yet, everyone is not optimistic about them appearing first.

So, who's going to play first? There may be an answer in the next installment.

A lot of martial arts fans are looking forward to it, and the time has finally come to October 16th, the latest issue of the special edition of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" will be released.

The twelfth chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Dragon Has Regrets", and the thirteenth chapter, "The Five Lakes and the Waste" finally meet you.

At the beginning of today's chapter 12, I gave everyone a surprise. In the past few days, everyone has been paying great attention to the question of who will be the first to appear in the Four Absolutes. At the beginning of today, there is already an answer. .

The first to appear was the Northern Beggar Hong Qigong.

At the end of the previous chapter, Huang Rong baked a fragrant roast chicken by wrapping the chicken in mud.

And at the beginning of this chapter, there is a middle-aged beggar who is attracted by the smell of roast chicken.

This middle-aged beggar has a rectangular face, a slight beard under the chin, gray hair, thick hands and big feet. His clothes are covered with patches, but he is clean. He holds a green bamboo stick in his hand. , Yingbi is like jade, carrying a large gourd of vermilion lacquer on his back.

To the delight of all martial arts fans, the beggar only has four fingers on his right hand.

Seeing this, many martial arts fans still don't understand, this beggar must be Hong Qigong, the god beggar with nine fingers.

Hong Qigong appeared and was attracted by Huang Rong's roast chicken.

Could it be that this kid Guo Jing is about to develop?

Thinking of this, a group of martial arts fans became even more excited.


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