Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1111 Official debut

After Li Fu left, Li Fan continued to return to the study to surf the Internet.

In the past few days, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has always been one of the hottest focuses on the Internet.

Looking at the world's famous celebrities, various media, and a large number of martial arts fans, Li Fan found it very interesting to evaluate and discuss "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Li Fan is also quite concerned about whether "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can be obtained, which has been a lot of controversy in the past two days, and the official full score of 10 points.

Can "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" get 10 points? He was also curious and expectant.

Of course, in his opinion, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is absolutely eligible for a 10-point rating.

This is not to say that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has no shortcomings, but just like the views of some media, this special period background has created the special significance and status of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

This is similar to what people often say, the times create heroes.


In this way, until noon, after lunch, Li Fan went to the construction site at the entrance of the village for a walk, and asked Fengzi to talk about the construction of a small rental courtyard in the village.

At around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Li Fan saw the little girl and Lucy coming back from school in the village. The two little girls were chatting, speaking Mandarin at one time, and Lan language at the same time. Of course, they were all relatively simple.

"Lucy, how does it feel to go to school here?" Li Fan asked.

Lucy looked very excited and said, "I feel very good, I met a lot of friends, there is a teacher who is very beautiful, I heard Linlin say that she is your girlfriend, brother Li Fan, your girlfriend is so beautiful! The most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Li Fan laughed and said, "So, what do you think of that teacher?"

Lucy said: "Very good! I like her very much. She speaks Lan very well. She talked to me a lot and taught me to speak Chinese. I invited her to play in Lan Guo, and she agreed. "

"Oh? Is that so?" Li Fan said again, "Then, you don't invite Li Fan's brother to play in Languo?"

Lucy said, "Yes, yes! When I was at home, I told my father that I would invite brother Li Fan to play in Languo, and my father really wanted to invite you to Languo to play."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Okay! Lucy is so good, we must go to play, okay? Lucy will be our tour guide then."

Lucy said excitedly: "Okay! Okay! And Linlin, she's coming too."

Li Fan said: "Okay! No problem."

Lucy cheered and said happily to the little girl: "Linlin, brother Li Fan said that he wants to take you to our Languo to play."

It's just that Lucy's words were too fast and a little complicated. The little girl didn't understand it, and she said in a daze: "Lucy, what did you say? I don't understand, and you were talking to my brother just now. What? So happy to say."

The little girl doesn't understand Lucy's words, and Lucy doesn't quite understand what the little girl just said.

The two girls stared wide-eyed again.

Li Fan laughed and left. He didn't help the two girls translate.

The situation of the two girls is the norm these two days, and they will find a solution.

As for visiting Lan Guo, Li Fan obviously would not refuse. The world is so big and there are many places that are worth visiting.


The next day, October 18.

Lucy still followed the little girl to school. Jared came here this time to play for a few days.

It's just that Lucy fell in love with going to school with the little girl, which was somewhat unexpected to him.

However, he very much approves and supports Lucy to go to school with him. Apart from the rest, being able to learn a little more Chinese is enough to make people happy.

In this world, with the huge influence of China in the world, Chinese is very popular internationally.

Many countries have Chinese classes, and there are many people who like Chinese.

The Chinese language is extensive and profound, and the more you study and learn, the more you can appreciate its charm and fun.

However, it is very difficult to learn, but this does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for learning Chinese.

Therefore, Jared is very supportive of his daughter going to school with the little girl.

Such a good learning opportunity is simply impossible to get in normal times.

Li Fan is coding at home, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has not been completely written, but there are not many left.

And for all martial arts fans, today is a very happy and exciting day.

Because, the latest issue of the special edition of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" has been released, and there are two more chapters in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to meet them.

They were already looking forward to seeing it.

The fourteenth chapter "Peach Blossom Island Lord", and the fifteenth chapter "The Dragon's Tail".

"Peach Blossom Island Lord?" A crowd of martial arts fans. Looking at the title of Chapter 14, you know that the green-robed weirdo who appeared in the previous chapter is definitely Dongxie Huang Yaoshi.

Although it has been confirmed for a long time, thinking that in this chapter, Huang Yaoshi will finally make an official appearance, he is still excited and excited.

Ever since they saw the Peach Blossom Island owner in the chapter "Black Wind Shuangsha", martial arts fans have deeply remembered such a character.

Afterwards, I got to know more about the Peach Blossom Island Master, and I knew that he was called Huang Yaoshi, the Eastern Evil among the Five Greats in the World, with a grotesque temper and a bit evil in his actions.

I also know that he is the very smart person Qu San said in the first chapter.

The expectations of martial arts fans for Huang Yaoshi are getting bigger and bigger.

Now, he's finally making his official debut.

Lu Chengfeng, the owner of Villa Lu, was waiting for Mei Chaofeng to come to rescue Yang Kang, but before Mei Chaofeng came, Qiu Qianren and the six monsters of Jiangnan came one after another.

Qiu Qianren's reputation is very great, not weaker than the world's five best. And Qiu Qianren's skill in front of everyone really shocked everyone.

However, just when all the martial arts fans were secretly excited for another master to appear, Zhu Cong, the second child of the six monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, cooperated with Huang Rong to expose Qiu Qianren's true face.

It turned out that Qiu Qianren's martial arts were sparse and ordinary, and the high-level martial arts that he showed in front of everyone before were all blindfolded and fake.

Qiu Qianren is so famous, but it turns out that he is a deceiver. Lu Chengfeng, the six monsters of Jiangnan and others can't laugh or cry, and so are all the martial arts fans.

They thought that there was another master who was not weaker in martial arts than the five masters in the world, but it turned out to be a master who deceived the world.

Then, Mei Chaofeng came, and the green-robed weirdo also followed behind Mei Chaofeng, but Mei Chaofeng still didn't know it.

However, Lu Chengfeng, the six monsters of Jiangnan, Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others could see the green-robed monster. When they saw Mei Chaofeng's martial arts, they used their ears instead of their eyes, and they had excellent hearing, but they didn't know that there was someone behind them. horrified.

Then, after a series of storms, the conflict between Lu Chengfeng and Mei Chaofeng was resolved, and Lu Chengfeng agreed with her to take Yang Kang away.

However, Mei Chaofeng decided to avenge her husband Chen Xuanfeng after knowing that the six monsters of Jiangnan and Guo Jing were after this.

Guo Jing took the lead with Mei Chaofeng. Guo Jing learned Hong Qigong's eighteen missing three palms for subduing the dragon, and he received Hong Qigong's guidance in various aspects. His martial arts have already advanced greatly.

In addition to being shocked, Mei Chaofeng was eager for revenge, and there was nothing he could do about Guo Jing.

The six monsters in Jiangnan couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw that Guo Jing's martial arts had progressed so much and that he had acquired a very good martial arts.

After that, Mei Chaofeng suffered a small loss in the fight because he was blind.

At this time, the green-robed geek suddenly took action and took Mei Chaofeng away.

After a while, the green-robed geek grabbed Mei Chaofeng and returned.

After another disturbance, Huang Rong recognized that the green-robed eccentric was her father.

And the green-robed geek also lifted the mask on his face. Once the mask was lifted, he saw that he was clear-faced, handsome and handsome, Xiao Shuxuanju, Zhan Ran Ruo Shen, it was Dong Xie Huang Yaoshi.

At this point, Huang Yaoshi finally made his debut, and the series of turmoil before his debut made a lot of martial arts fans extremely enjoyable and excited.


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