Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1114 Mystery Novel Grand Prix

After reading the invitation letter and Ichiro Suzuki's letter, Li Fan pondered in his heart, this game is also somewhat interesting.

In a mystery novel contest held in the island country, it would be interesting if the final champion was won by himself.

If you participate, will you be able to win the final championship? Li Fan thought for a while and found that there seemed to be no problem.

In this case, Li Fan didn't mind accepting the invitation, but it was just a few more words, simple.

Speaking of mystery novels, the third mystery novel "Detective Di Renjie" that Li Fan was about to release last time was temporarily delayed because of the martial arts novels Grand Prix.

Now, Li Fan estimates that it can almost be officially launched.


island country.

Li Fan's side just received a letter, and Suzuki Ichiro and Takano Junichi, who are far away in the island country, are also talking about this matter.

Takano Jundao: "Brother Suzuki, count the time, the invitation letter should almost be sent, do you think Li Fan will accept the invitation?"

Takano Junichi has always been very worried since he lost to Li Fan last time, although the comics and cultural circles in the island country, as well as most netizens, are quite tolerant of him, thinking that he lost to Li Fan in China , not too embarrassing.

After all, Li Fan of Hua Guo is known as the "Father of Comics", which their island countries have to admit.

Therefore, if you lose, you will lose, and you will find an opportunity to win back later.

However, Junichi Takano himself had a hard time accepting it. One of the reasons was that the treatment of the two works in which the two had a direct dialogue was vastly different now.

His "Basketball Kid" is now almost forgotten, but Li Fan's "Slam Dunk", although it has been completed for a long time, still has a high popularity.

On the Internet, there are still a lot of netizens talking about "Slam Dunk".

Many teenagers fell in love with playing basketball because of "Slam Dunk".

Sakuragi Flower Road, Rukawa Kaede, Mitsui Shou, Xiandao Akira, Akagi Goken and other figures have almost all become celebrities in the island country now.

There are even a number of animation production companies that want to buy the animation copyright of "Slam Dunk", but it seems that they have not succeeded.

Netizens in the island country, on the one hand, are quite tolerant towards Junichi Takano, and on the other hand they like Li Fan's "Slam Dunk" very much, but his own "Basketball Kid" is almost forgotten.

This made Junichi Takano's heart very unbalanced. He couldn't express anything to the netizens in the island country. Naturally, he could only put his grievances on Li Fan.

Challenging Li Fan again and defeating Li Fan is Junichi Takano's greatest wish.

But now, Junichi Takano did not dare to challenge Li Fan easily again. If he loses again, it is estimated that he will never have the courage to challenge Li Fan for the third time.

Therefore, Junichi Takano must be cautious.

Before that, it would obviously be a very happy thing to see Li Fan lose a battle in the hands of their island writers.

Therefore, when Ichiro Suzuki told him that the organizing committee had agreed to invite Li Fan to participate in this mystery novel Grand Prix, Junichi Takano was in a very good mood.

The only worry is whether Li Fan will refuse to accept the invitation? In that case, there is nothing they can do.

Ichiro Suzuki listened to Junichi Takano's question and said, "May or may not accept it, it's hard to say!"

Takano Junyi: "The letter you wrote obviously meant to invite him to fight. It's impossible for him not to see it. He shouldn't run away, right? Besides, the media will also report on this matter. You know, it's even more impossible for him to refuse, otherwise, he'll be embarrassed."

Suzuki Ichiro said: "I hope so, but Li Fan doesn't seem to be a person who is easily influenced by the outside world and public opinion. So, will my letter of invitation to fight have any effect? ​​It's hard to say. However, Anything is better than nothing.”

Takano Junichi: "Brother Suzuki, if Li Fan really accepts the invitation,

Are you sure you can beat him? He also seems to be quite good at reasoning works. "

Ichiro Suzuki smiled and said, "Of course I'm sure, otherwise, wouldn't I try to embarrass myself? Li Fan is indeed good at reasoning works, but what he is good at is the set of sets in the ancient Chinese background.

"Youth Bao Qingtian" is, so is "Da Song's Prison Officer", including the previous comic version of "Youth Di Renjie".

The success of these works, in addition to the design of their own reasoning and detection skills, is also related to those historical celebrities that the Chinese people are familiar with and like, such as Bao Zheng, Song Ci, and Di Renjie. Island countries will not have such a good effect.

Moreover, according to my creative experience, in our island country, more people actually prefer reasoning works under modern background conditions. And this happens to be what I do best. So, I'm absolutely certain to win him, if he accepts the invitation. "

After hearing this, Jun Takano's eyes lit up, and he said, "If that's the case, then congratulations to Brother Suzuki."

Ichiro Suzuki waved his hand and said, "It's still early, it's still early, will Li Fan accept the invitation? Not sure yet. Besides, it's hard to say the result until the final moment of the game."

Takano Jun smiled and said, "Brother Suzuki is humble."

Suzuki Ichiro said: "Where, where, about the competition, it's really hard to say."

However, having said that, Ichiro Suzuki's face clearly showed an expression of "same joy, same joy".


Island Evergreen Publishing House, the largest publishing house in the island country, is also the organizer of this mystery novel competition.

This time, the mystery novel competition was authorized by the Ministry of Culture of the island country, hosted by the Evergreen Publishing House, and co-organized by the Island Writers Association.

The Office of the President of Evergreen Publishing House.

Represented by Eiji Aoyama, vice president of the Writers Association, and Ichita Nagao, the president, all the members of the organizing committee of this competition were present.

This Qingshan Yongzhi happened to be the person in charge of the cultural delegation of the island country who last went to China Magic Capital for cultural exchanges.

That is the time when Junichi Takano challenged Li Fan with "Basketball Kid".

That time Junichi Takano was completely defeated, and Eiji Aoyama took the cultural delegation of the island country and left the Magic Capital of China in a twilight. This made Aoyama Yongzhi feel very faceless, and he also "willed to forget" about that match.

In this mystery novel competition, when Ichiro Suzuki proposed to the organizing committee to invite Li Fan from Huaguo to participate, Aoyama Eiji did not hesitate too much, so he agreed and persuaded the organizing committee to send a message to Li Fan. invite.

He is very confident in Suzuki Ichiro. If Suzuki Ichiro can win against Li Fan this time, it can be considered as revenge for the last time. Aoyama Eiji is naturally very happy to see it.

Of course, inviting Li Fan to participate has many advantages in other aspects.

For example, it can strongly stimulate the mystery writers of the island country, and urge them to work hard to create better works.

If Li Fan from China won the championship this time, it would obviously be a very shameless thing for all the mystery novel writers in the island country.

In addition, the entire organizing committee knew about Li Fan of Huaguo, and also knew that last time, Jun Takano had always challenged Li Fan.

They are naturally very willing to see Li Fan defeated by their island writers.

They also have confidence in Ichiro Suzuki.


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