Little Farmer Big Star

1121 The answer will be known tomorrow

Sansheng Village, fate comes first.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng looked at the manuscripts in their respective hands. Not long after they read it, their brows were slightly wrinkled.

After a while, the brows were already stretched out and became more and more dignified.

After three hours, the two slowly put down the manuscript in their hands, and Zheng Jie said, "Lao Liang, what do you think?"

Liang Shengdao: "Shi Shen has designed the most perfect deception. The alibi of Jingzi and Miri's mother and daughter seems to be in jeopardy and will be broken at any time, but it will never be broken. Because that is the real existence. Yes. Such a scam is really perfect."

Zheng Jie also sighed: "It is indeed perfect, and this is a unique layout, a layout that breaks the rules. Coupled with its background, it is still the island country's favorite modern background. This work will Completely conquer the entire island nation's reasoning circle."

Liang Sheng added: "There really is that kid, it's really surprising. I'm thinking that the current competition organizing committee must regret sending that kid an invitation to participate."

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "It must be quite regretful. However, I think they should feel fortunate that they can see such a perfect reasoning work. Moreover, although this work was made by Li Fan in our country, it was made with With their island nation as a backdrop, they should be happy."

Liang Sheng said: "Yes, they should be happy. To be honest, such a classic reasoning work uses their island country as the background. I am really reluctant."

Zheng Jie said: "It doesn't matter, just consider them to hold this competition and invite that kid to participate in the benefits."

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "That's right, just give them a little benefit."


Time is still passing, and soon it will be November 1st.

The submission mailbox for the island nation's "Evergreen Cup" Reasoning Grand Prix was closed yesterday.

And tomorrow, Evergreen Publishing House will release a special work, a collection of all the entries for the Grand Prix.

The reasoning fans of the island countries are talking a lot, and Li Fan is naturally one of the focuses of their discussions.

They want to know now, has Li Fan contributed?

It's just a pity that no one knows the answer.

However, some smart people guessed that Li Fan should have already contributed.

Because, if Li Fan did not submit a manuscript, the organizing committee would definitely release news and publicize something like "Huaguo Li Fan did not dare to contribute."

Moreover, some media should also report on it.

But there is nothing now, which proves that Li Fan should be contributing.

As for the quality? It's hard to say now, but it shouldn't be bad in the future.

After all, Li Fan is also known in China for being good at detectives and reasoning.

These people said their guesses on the Internet, and many people agreed that their analysis should be correct.

But there are also some people who disagree, they firmly believe that Li Fan did not submit the manuscript.

As for why the organizing committee didn't make a fuss about it today? That's because they plan to wait until tomorrow, after all the entries have been made public, before writing related articles on Li Fan.

It doesn't matter if it's a day or two late anyway.


The reasoning fans in the island country are talking, and the detective fans in the Chinese country have not forgotten this matter.

In fact, did they submit any manuscripts for Li Fan? Also very curious and concerned.

From the bottom of their hearts, they hope that Li Fan will participate in the competition, and then use an excellent reasoning work to teach those thoughtful people in the island country a good lesson.

It's just that they also understand that Li Fan is good at reasoning and is not very popular with the islanders.

Therefore, they also hoped that Li Fan would not participate in the competition, so as not to let the conspiracy of some islanders succeed.

"What kind of cup reasoning competition in the island country will officially announce the entries tomorrow? I don't know if Li Fan has participated in the competition?"

"I do not know,

There is no relevant news in the past two days. The competition held by the island country is unreliable, and there is not even a news. "

"I think it's okay to participate in the competition or not. If we participate, we will have another reasoning work to watch. If we don't participate, let the island countries play by themselves, and we won't pay attention."

"I guess Li Fan is very likely to participate. Otherwise, the Organizing Committee of the island country must have been eager to announce to the public that Li Fan dare not participate in the competition. Of course, they will definitely say it very euphemistically and politely. There's art, but that's absolutely what it means."

"It's possible. In fact, you don't have to guess now, because no matter whether you participate in the competition or not, you will know the answer tomorrow. We can just wait for tomorrow's answer quietly."



Island Country, Office of the President of Evergreen Publishing House.

President Nagao Kazuta sighed: "Tomorrow will announce all the works. The reasoning competition held in our country, but Li Fan of China won the championship. What is even more ironic is that we are eager to invite people to come. Participated in the competition. This is really... ah! Shame, I really want to deduct Li Fan's work and not send it."

Mrs. Yongwei really wanted to deduct Li Fan's entry, but he just thought about it, of course he couldn't deduct Li Fan's entry.

Because it is impossible to deduct it. If he deducts it, he can guarantee that the work "The Devotion of Suspect X" will be circulated on the Internet within a day. Such consequences, Simply unimaginable.

Therefore, he just thought about it. Of course, he could complain a few words like now, and regret it in his heart.

At that time, I really shouldn't have listened to Ichiro Suzuki's suggestion to invite some Li Fan to participate in the competition, but now, it's a shame to invite others to win the championship!

Aoyama Yongji also sighed and said, "This is an accident, and I can't blame Ichiro Suzuki for suggesting to us to invite Li Fan to participate. After all, who would have thought that Li Fan would write such a work at that time? Only God's will So, fortunately, this work is based on our island country, which is a kind of consolation."

Qingshan Yongzhi's heart is really very aggrieved.

Last time, Junichi Takano was completely defeated by Li Fan in the comics industry.

This time he switched to the reasoning world, he thought it was an opportunity for revenge, but who knew that Ichiro Suzuki was defeated by Li Fan again.

Although the result of the competition has not yet come out, Aoyama Eiji knows that Suzuki Ichiro's defeat is doomed.

Although he didn't want to admit it, it was the truth.

In fact, Ichiro Suzuki's entry "Two Glasses of Water" is already very good and can be called an absolute masterpiece.

But it's a far cry from The Devotion of Suspect X.

This is an almost perfect work, and Eiji Aoyama gave such an evaluation with great pain.


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