Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1130 Master Lamp 1

In front of newsstands and bookstores across the country, a large number of martial arts fans chatted while waiting for the boss to open the door.

It didn't take long for the bosses to open their doors one after another and start today's business.

The martial arts fans who have been waiting here for a long time finally got the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

No matter what kind of results the Times Literary Award official will announce today, you must first read the latest chapters of the two serialized chapters today.

Chapter 29 "The Hidden Girl of the Black Marsh", and Chapter 30 "Master Yideng".

With the help of the two eagles, Guo Jing and Huang Rong escaped from the top of Iron Palm Peak, but they didn't escape very far. Then, they found a family in a dense forest near Iron Palm Peak.

Because Huang Rong was injured, Guo Jing wanted to go to that person's house to rest for a while and ask for a bowl of water to drink.

However, Guo Jing clearly saw the lights in front of him, but he couldn't get past it.

It turned out that this dense forest was artificially created according to the Qimen's Five Elements Technique. Guo Jing didn't understand it, so naturally he couldn't walk through it.

Later, under the guidance of Huang Rong, who was awake, she finally came.

Go to the hut built in the muddy lake.

The owner of the hut is a young woman with gray hair, calling herself Aunt Ying.

Guo Jing revealed his and Huang Rong's identities to Aunt Ying. After Aunt Ying knew that Huang Rong was the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, she couldn't help sighing.

It turned out that the reason why Ying Gu lived in seclusion in this muddy lake was to study the Qimen Five Elements Technique, and then go to Peach Blossom Island to save a person.

However, she discovered that Huang Rong's Qimen Five Elements technique was a hundred times better than hers, not to mention Huang Yaoshi. Even if she studies for another hundred years, she is afraid that she will not be able to move an inch on Peach Blossom Island.

Ying Gu is going to Peach Blossom Island to save people? Apart from Master Huang Yao and his daughter, and all the servants, there was only one Zhou Botong on Peach Blossom Island.

Could it be that Aunt Ying is going to save Zhou Botong? Is there any affair between her and Zhou Botong?

Zhou Botong, an old urchin with a childlike heart, has an affair with a man and a woman? This is really an oddity.

A group of martial arts fans were amazed, and their intense curiosity was burning.

Of course, Zhou Botong had already left Peach Blossom Island, but Aunt Ying didn't know it.

When Ying Gu saw that it was hopeless to save people on Peach Blossom Island, she was already disheartened, but she was suddenly excited and bluntly said that this was an opportunity for God to arrange her revenge.

Ying Gu told Guo Jing that Huang Rong was injured by Qiu Qianren's iron palm. Although she didn't die on the spot for some unknown reason, it only took three days at most. There was only one person in the world who could save Huang Rong's life, and that person was not far from here. It may arrive within three days. But would the man be willing to save him? That's not good to say.

Guo Jing was overjoyed and thanked her repeatedly, but Aunt Ying made Guo Jing not need to be grateful to her. She was not trying to save Huang Rong, she was doing it for herself. He also said that people are not for themselves, and they will be destroyed.

This made Guo Jing very puzzled, and all the martial arts fans were equally puzzled, and they were looking forward to the next story.

Ying Gu gave Guo Jing three cloth sacks and asked Guo Jing to do as instructed by the sacks, or there was a chance of survival.

The first cloth bag was to instruct Guo Jing to go to a place called Taoyuan. After Guo Jing brought Huang Rong to Taoyuan, he opened the second cloth bag.

In the second cloth bag, it was written that Huang Rong's injury could only be saved by the Emperor Duan. Now, the Emperor Duan is living in seclusion in the Taoyuan, and it is extremely rare for outsiders to see it. Dengqitang, has already been poisoned by the fishing and woodcutter's farming and reading.

Duan Huangye, that is the Southern Emperor among the five best in the world, that is, the emperor of the Dali Kingdom.

This has been mentioned many times in the previous article, but Duan Huangye never officially appeared.

Now, it seems that Duan Huangye is about to make an official appearance, and many martial arts fans are looking forward to it.

It's just that Duan Huangye is not the emperor in Dali? Why did you come to Taoyuan to live in seclusion again? And what happened to Yuqiao's farming study?

A crowd of martial arts fans felt strange in their hearts. If they continued to read, they soon understood what Yu Qiao Gengdu was?

It turned out that this Yuqiao Gengdu was the four disciples of Emperor Duan and went to Taoyuan with Emperor Duan.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong,

First, they met the fisherman at the foot of the mountain. The fisherman heard that the two had come to see Emperor Duan for treatment, so he refused to let the two go up the mountain.

Even if Huang Rong is Dongxie's beloved daughter, Beibei's disciple is not good enough, and also said that Duan Huangye is no longer in this world.

This made Guo Jing and Huang Rong very strange, as were all martial arts fans.

The fisherman tried his best to prevent Guo Jing and Huang Rong from going up the mountain, but Huang Rong, who was smart and witty, managed to go up the mountain.

After passing the Fisherman's level, they were blocked by a woodcutter, a farmer, and a scholar one after another, but Guo Jing and Huang Rong passed the level one by one, and finally succeeded in meeting the Duan Emperor.

And at this time, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, and a group of martial arts fans finally knew that Yu Qiao Geng and read the four people, why do they say that Duan Huang Ye is no longer in this world.

It turned out that Duan Huangye had converted to the Three Treasures and became a monk with long eyebrows, called Monk Yideng.

Master Yideng was kind and kind, and was very kind to Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Only then did all the martial arts fans understand that it was the idea of ​​the four of them to try their best to prevent Guo Jing and Huang Rong from going up the mountain.

Why didn't the four people in Yuqiao, farming and reading, let them go up the mountain to seek medical treatment? Many martial arts fans do not understand.

But soon, they understood.

It turned out that after Master Yideng rescued Huang Rong, he lost all his skills, and it would take five years to recover, and there was still a certain risk.

And the person who guided Guo Jing and Huang Rong to come to Master Yideng to heal the wounds would definitely not have any good intentions, and most of them were the enemies of Master Yideng.

It must be to take advantage of the fact that after Master Yideng rescued Huang Rong, when his skills were exhausted, he would come to the door to find trouble.

It turns out that all the martial arts fans not only understood why the four Yuqiao Gengdu members tried their best to prevent Guo Jing and Huang Rong from going up the mountain, but also understood why Ying Gu told Guo Jing not to appreciate her before, she was just for herself.

It seems that Aunt Ying is the enemy of Master Yideng. She knew that Master Yideng would lose all his skills after saving people, and then she could come to seek revenge.

This girl is really for herself.

It's just, why did Master Yideng have a grudge against Yinggu? It's really a problem that has been clarified, and another problem has come again.

A group of martial arts fans whispered to themselves, but they were looking forward to it more and more in their hearts.

Next, Master Yideng chose to heal Huang Rong without hesitation.

After the wound was healed, Master Yideng lost all his skills, and Na Ying was ready to take the opportunity to come.

After Guo Jing and Huang Rong learned the story, they decided to stay and help Master Yideng deal with Yinggu.


After reading the two chapters serialized today, all martial arts fans are excited.

Emperor Duan of the Southern Emperor officially appeared, um, it should be called Master Yideng now.

Huang Rong's injury was finally healed.

And the reason why Ying Gu regards Master Yideng as an enemy seems to be related to Zhou Botong. What is right and wrong, kindness and grievance?

But we can only find out until the next issue.

Today's serialization is over, and the end of today's serialization is destined to have extraordinary significance.


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