
There are still many voices about myths and legends, and the closer the time is to two in the afternoon, the more lively the atmosphere is.

Because, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Fan will update the second myth and legend work, and many people have logged in to the exclusive page early and waited.

"Who will be the second great god to appear? The answer is about to be revealed, and I can't help but be excited."

"No matter who it is, it will definitely be a great god. So, what I'm looking forward to more is, what kind of earth-shattering event did the upcoming god do?"

"Let's all look forward to it. There are only a few minutes left, and the answer will be revealed."


More and more people landed on the dedicated page, and the time finally arrived at 2:00 in the afternoon.

Everyone's mind moved, refreshed the page, and sure enough, there was another work.

""Nuwa Creates a Man"!" Like yesterday, there are still many people who couldn't help but read the name of the work aloud.

The answer was revealed, the second ancient god to appear was Nuwa, and the big thing that the goddess did was to create people.

Everyone was excited. Just like who created the world yesterday, in the West, people think that after God created the world, he created the man Adam, and then created Eve from Adam's rib, and then there is human beings.

But the Chinese children obviously don't think so. They also believe that in the splendid mythology of Huaxia, there must be an ancient god who created human beings.

Who is that ancient god? Now Li Fan has told everyone the answer, that is Nuwa.

Nuwa, as we all know, is a very important god like Pangu, and she has also made very important contributions to mankind.

Just, what is the contribution? But it has been lost.

But now, Li Fan told everyone the answer.

Everyone excitedly opened the work, and the story of Nuwa's creation of human beings was displayed in front of them.

After Pangu opened up the world, the world had sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, vegetation, and even birds, beasts, insects, and fish, but there were only no humans.

I don't know since when, a goddess with great powers appeared in heaven and earth, called Nuwa.

Nuwa can change seventy times in a day. She walks between heaven and earth and feels very lonely. She thinks that something should be added to this world to make it lively.

One day, she was by a pool, using a mass of yellow mud, according to the reflection of herself in the pool, she squeezed a small thing out.

This little thing came to life as soon as it landed, and she also called Nuwa "mother".

Nuwa was so happy that she called the little things "people".

After that, Nuwa began to create people constantly, and she wanted people to fill the whole earth.

Pinch one by one with her hands, the speed was too slow, and Nuwa pulled a dead vine from the cliff wall, stretched it into a quagmire, and stirred it into muddy yellow mud.

Then, when he swayed towards the ground, where the mud splashed down, there were many small people screaming and jumping, exactly the same as the little people made of yellow mud before.

After working like this for a long time, the whole earth finally has traces of human beings.

After Nuwa created human beings, she divided the human beings she created into men and women, and created the ceremony of marriage and marriage, allowing men and women to cooperate and create the next generation by herself.

In this way, the number of human beings is increasing and multiplying.


After reading this article "Nuwa Creates Humans", all the people said that human beings were created by the goddess Nuwa out of yellow clay.

It still feels the same as before, this is a real myth and legend that has been lost in history.

One of the myths and legends of China finally has the myth and legend of the creation of man. There are Adam and Eve in the West, and we finally have Nuwa in China.

Moreover, just like Pangu's creation of the world, the myths and legends of Nuwa's creation of man are much more vivid, interesting, and even more real in the West's Adam and Eve.

Cen Geng, a famous historian in China, wrote on Weibo: "The myth of Nuwa's creation of man,

The imagination is very bold, and it seems a little weird at first glance, but it is actually quite reasonable.

We all know that in the earliest days of human society, it was a matriarchal society, women occupied the dominant position of human production, and men were at a disadvantage.

And Nuwa is the image of a goddess, so it was at that time that Nuwa created people, and women were the embodiment of their dominant position. "

The famous historian Shen Cong also said: "After watching "Nuwa Creates a Human", the imagination is bold, but the plot is very reasonable.

Why did Nuwa create people? How to create man? How to create more people? How to let human beings reproduce by themselves? These questions have reasonable explanations.

Why create man?

Because, the vast world, the wild fields, and the atmosphere of death, make the goddess Nuwa, who has great supernatural powers, feel lonely and lonely, and the desire to create a man seems natural and real.

How to create man? How to create more people? It is also described in great detail.

And the people created by Nu Wa shouted "mother", which made the dead world suddenly gain vitality, and it was full of the warmth and love of the world, as well as the joy of family.

In the sunset, under the starlight, Nuwa's busy and tiredness also revealed a diligent, intelligent and great figure of a mother. "

The comments of Cen Geng and Shen Cong also quickly spread on the Internet, and countless friends talked about it.

"Nuwa's creation of human beings does feel very real and vivid. It is better to have myths and legends in China."

"Of course, from the few words passed down, you can feel its splendor. I hope Mr. Li Fan can launch as many myths and legends as possible this time."

"Hey! I feel that this time there should be no less, we can thoroughly watch the addiction."

"In the past, Pangu created the world, and now there is Nuwa who created man. These two stories seem to have a certain key."

"It does have a certain key, so the charm of these myths and legends is even greater."

"Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa created a human, I don't know what tomorrow will be? I'm looking forward to it!"



Sansheng Village.

Li Fan also saw the comments of Cen Geng and Shen Cong, and Li Fan agreed with this.

The reason why the legend of Nuwa's creation of human beings is so famous has a great relationship with its rationality and vividness.

Of course, the legend about Nuwa's creation of man is not limited to this one. When Nuwa created man, other gods came to help. The Yellow Emperor created the gender of women and men, Pian created ears and eyes, Sanglin created arms and palms, and so on.

There are also sayings that Nuwa and Fuxi are actually brothers and sisters.

However, the saying that Nu Wa used loess to create a villain is the most famous and the most widely spread.


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