A medical research studio.

Hua Wenshan put down the phone and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Could it be that Li Fan's updated myths and legends today mentioned 'The Art of Qi Huang'?"

Li Fan is serializing works of myths and legends these days. Huawenshan naturally knows it and will take time to read it.

Huawen Mountain is also very concerned about the myths and legends of China.

"Myths and legends and the technique of Qihuang?" Hua Wenshan thought so in his heart, and logged in through the computer. This time, on the exclusive page of the myth and legend works, he clicked on the work called "Yanhuang War".

Looking down all the way, seeing Cangjie's writing, Huawen Mountain is also delighted. The myths and legends of China are indeed brilliant.

When he saw "The Art of Qi Huang", Hua Wenshan became obviously excited, even more excited than Chen Xiaofei.

Because the deeper the research on Chinese traditional medicine, the more eager to know, why is Chinese traditional medicine also called "the art of Qihuang"?

Countless medical scholars have made tireless efforts, but have never found the answer.

Chinese traditional medicine has a high status in international medicine. However, it is precisely because of this that when medical experts from other countries ask why Chinese traditional medicine is called "the art of Qihuang", Chinese medicine When the experts couldn't answer, they wanted to know the origin of the "Qihuang Technique" even more urgently.

It's really a pity that I can't answer those foreign medical scientists.

Huawenshan has been asked this question more than once by medical experts from other countries at an international medical exchange meeting.

Every time, Hua Wenshan had no choice but to prevaricate the past. He wanted to tell others the reason proudly.

This is not a matter of face, but because this is the dignified Chinese medical culture.

It's just a pity that he can't tell people.

However, at this moment, Hua Wenshan finally knew the answer.

Before, Huawenshan was most afraid of medical experts from other countries and asked him why Chinese traditional medicine was called "the art of Qihuang"?

But now, Hua Wenshan very much hopes that medical experts from other countries will come to ask him this question.

In this way, he can tell the medical experts with a smile, "Probably 5,000 years ago, my ancestor Huang Di was born in China, and Qi Bo, a great medical scientist, often discussed medical theory together and co-authored my Chinese medicine. The masterpiece "Huangdi Neijing". In order to commemorate the contributions of Huangdi and Qibo in medicine, later generations called my Chinese medicine 'the art of Qihuang'."

Hua Wenshan thought about it, and then laughed, Huang Di, Qi Bo, "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", Qi Huang Zhi Shu, Li Fan...


Not only Chen Xiaofei and Hua Wenshan were excited, in fact, the entire medical community was excited. The legend about the "Qihuang Technique" spread throughout the medical community in a very short period of time.

The question that has plagued the entire medical community for many years now finally has an answer, and many medical practitioners are all surprised and excited.



Cen Geng and Shen Cong have returned to the capital. They also paid attention to the myth and legend work "The Great War of Yan and Huang" that Li Fan updated today.

Before, the two people had spoken on Weibo about the legend of "Cangjie made characters".

Now, the two talked about the "Qihuang Technique" again.

Cen Geng sighed: "At this time, those practitioners in the medical field must be very happy."

Shen Cong said: "That's true. Not long ago, Mr. Hua Wenshan asked me about the origin of the 'Qihuang Technique', what new discoveries have been made? Now, he doesn't need to ask me anymore. Qibo? Is there any record of Qibo?"

Cen Geng said: "I remember that in the "Tongzhi", there is such a record, 'The Qi family, the former capital of Zhou, is now Fengxiang Qishan. The Taiwang lived in it, and it was not until King Wen moved to Feng. Qi clan. In ancient times, there was Qi clan, who was the emperor's teacher.' Now it seems,

This ancient Youqi clan should refer to Qibo. And 'Di Shi' should refer to the teacher of the Yellow Emperor. "

Shen Cong nodded and said, "There is indeed such a record. According to such a record, the legend of the 'Qihuang Technique' has been inferred. Little friend Li Fan is very personable."

Cen Geng said: "He may have other basis, but we haven't found it yet. However, he is indeed very human!"


Many experts and scholars are sighing, and countless ordinary readers are also expressing their excitement and excitement on the Internet.

And Li Fan's work called "The Great War between Yan and Huang" is not over yet.

Following Yandi, Huangdi, Cangjie, and Qibo, another great god appeared.

This great god is Dukang, and the legend of Dukang is called "Dukang Brewing".

Speaking of Du Kang, everyone doesn't know who he is? But when it comes to "Dukang wine", some people seem to have a little impression.

They remembered that the history books seemed to mention a kind of wine called "Dukang wine".

Could it be that the word "Dukang" in this "Dukang wine" is a person's name and a person from the Yellow Emperor period? Did he invent wine?

Thinking of this, everyone became excited again.

The wine culture of the Chinese nation has a long history. As we all know, the ancients invented wine and started drinking at a very early time.

But about how winemaking originated? Just like how the text originated, there are many different theories, and it is almost impossible to verify it. It should also be an eternal mystery.

But now, the origin of wine seems to be about to have an answer.

Although it is also just a myth and legend, it is enough.

All the readers were excited and excited again, and all kinds of legends continued one after another. It was really exciting and enjoyable.

In Li Fan's previous life, Du Kang was the ancestor of winemaking in ancient myths and legends, and was most respectfully called "Bacchus".

There are many legends about Dukang, among which there are three main theories. One is that Dukang was a minister of the Yellow Emperor and invented brewing during the Yellow Emperor period.

The second said that it was the monarch of the Xia Dynasty. "The ancient Shaokang first made the dustpan, the broom, and the wine. Shaokang, Dukang also."

The third said that Dukang was from the Han Dynasty.

The various legends are inconclusive, and should never be.

But will there be a conclusion? In fact, it doesn't matter. The myths and legends of China are rich and full, and since they are myths and legends, it is very normal for many kinds of legends to coexist.

The important thing is that no matter what kind of legend, Dukang is called "the ancestor of winemaking", which is enough.

In Li Fan's work "The Great War of the Yellow Emperor", he chose Du Kang to speak as a minister of the Yellow Emperor.

All readers, all excited to continue reading.


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