Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1163 Have a drink with Li Fan (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)


On the Internet, extremely satisfied readers are talking about it.

"Finally know the story of the great god Fuxi, this feeling is really good. The eight trigrams, such a mysterious thing, turned out to be created by the great god Fuxi."

"Haha! Only I, the great god Fuxi, can create such a mysterious thing."

"That's right, aren't today's scientists unable to use scientific evidence to speculate on the origin of the Eight Diagrams? Then, in the future, it is enough to know that the Eight Diagrams were created by the Great God Fuxi. Wow, haha!"

"By the way, does the gossip map really contain a database of advanced civilization systems? This is too amazing. I hope that one day, scientists can reveal all the secrets of the gossip map. Although we don't understand, we know that It's going to be amazing."

"The Eight Diagrams is too magical and mysterious, and I really don't understand it. However, this also proves the greatness of Fuxi God. Of course, in reality, we have to admire the wisdom of the ancient sages. It is possible to create such a magical thing as a gossip map."

"The greatness of God Fuxi is not just the creation of the gossip map. It turns out that my Chinese totem 'dragon' was also created by God Fuxi. There are also knotting ropes as a net, changing the marriage system, first taking surnames, etc., no doubt it is not very important. The meaning. Fuxi deserves to be the common human ancestor of all our human races.”

"From the beginning of Pangu to today's Fuxi, in just ten days, we have learned the stories of so many great gods, which is really satisfying."

"These great gods are the most famous gods in ancient myths and legends. We all know their stories and contributions. We are really grateful to Mr. Li Fan."

"However, it's a pity that the story of the great god Fuxi is also the story of the last great god."

"Oh! Yes, I suddenly feel a little empty in my heart."


After being excited and excited about Fuxi's story, all the readers thought that Fuxi's story was the story of the last great god. At two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, there will be no new story of the great god, and their hearts could not help but feel lost.

And this kind of loss is a little different from the loss in my heart yesterday.

Yesterday can still look forward to today's story, but today, but can no longer look forward to tomorrow's story.

Today is completely over.

Fortunately, because I started to lose yesterday, the loss today is not too strong.

However, despite this, there are still many readers on the Internet, all expressing their reluctance.

No way, who let these myths and legends make everyone too surprised and excited.


Sansheng Village.

The banquet in front of the newly built rental courtyard has not been finished yet. Of course, only the guests who were drinking were left, joking and tasting wine.

This wine is a fine wine in the Xianyuan Building. It is usually expensive, so everyone should have enough of it.

Of course, this is just a joke, mainly because of the strong atmosphere at the scene, which made everyone in high spirits and had a good time drinking, so naturally it wouldn't end so quickly.

Moreover, this kind of wine unique to Xianyuanlou not only tastes very good, but also is not easy to intoxicate.

Even if you are drunk, more people are not guilty of alcohol, and people are self-intoxicated.

Li Fan, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, the village chief Li Fu, and the head of the engineering team, Wang Qian, were still with the guests tasting wine and laughing.

One of them looked at the time and said with a smile, "It's already past two o'clock. The last piece of Master Li's work should have been updated, right?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "It has been updated, and the settings are automatically updated."

The man said again: "Then I'll take a look first. I'm very interested in Fuxi's story. I'll read it on my mobile phone. Everyone drinks first, and I'll come after reading it. The article is not long, and I'll finish it soon. "

When everyone heard him say this, their hearts were suddenly itchy, and they were also very interested in Fuxi's story.

So they all said: "I'll take a look first, and we'll continue after reading it.

Soon anyway. "

Afterwards, everyone took out their mobile phones, logged in to the exclusive page through their mobile phones, and clicked on the works.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng smiled when they saw this. Zheng Jie said, "Well, let's take a look first. I'm also very interested."

Liang Sheng also said: "That's it, let's watch it together, and then talk about it after reading it."

Wang Qian added: "I also want to know about Fuxi's story, brother Li, then I will also look at it."

For a while, everyone was staring at the mobile phones in their hands, only Li Fan and the village chief Li Fu were not watching, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

Li Fan shook his head with a smile, clinked glasses with a few people from village chief Li Fu, and said with a smile, "Let them see, let's eat ours."

Li Fu smiled and said, "Fanzi, although I don't read the things you wrote, I know that their influence is getting bigger and bigger."

Li Fan said: "Uncle has won the award, everyone likes it."


The work "Fuxi and Bagua" is not long, and after a few minutes, the guests finished reading it one after another.

Their feelings at this time are completely different from before. It has nothing to do with the content of "Fuxi and Bagua", but because they are now having a drink with the famous Li Fan, the author of "Fuxi and Bagua".

As soon as this is said on the Internet, absolutely no one will believe it, and will think that they are bragging.

But this is the truth. Thinking of this, all the guests at the scene became excited.

This is definitely the perfect opportunity to slap on the web.

As a result, some guests who were swaying in their hearts couldn't help but excitedly said on the Internet: "Everyone is discussing the story of the Great God Fuxi! Do you have any questions for Mr. Li Fan? I can immediately pass on your questions to Mr. Li Fan."

As soon as these words came out, as expected, no one believed them.

"Pfft! Are you kidding me upstairs? Are you telling me that you are with Mr. Li Fan now? Well, I believe, really believe."

"Hey! Congratulations, you got the answer right. I am indeed with Mr. Li Fan now. We are having a drink together."

"Pfft! It's the same as the truth, OK, OK, we believe in you, please continue your performance."

"Hey! I knew you wouldn't believe it. Well, you can check it on the Internet, about the news that Sansheng Village has built fifty new rental courtyards, and then I'll continue."

"You don't need to check. Many people know that news about Sansheng Village spreads very quickly on the Internet. Then, you continue."

"It's good to know, as for me, I happen to be one of the tenants of these fifty small courtyards. Today, yes, today, Li Fu, the mayor of Sansheng Village, invited us tenants to attend the inauguration ceremony of the rental courtyard. , After the completion ceremony, it is naturally a banquet. Hehe! Mr. Li Fan also came to the banquet."

"I rub it! Is this true? The village chief of Sansheng Village really invited you to attend the inauguration ceremony? If it is true, then I believe what you said is true. Because, if there is a banquet, Li Fan It is indeed very likely that Mr.

"Haha! What he said is true. I am also one of the tenants. We are all at the scene now, and Mr. Li Fan is also there."

"I'll go, what they said seems to be true. The village chief of Sansheng Village invited the tenants of the rental courtyard to participate in the inauguration ceremony, although it was not made public on the Internet. But today there are people on the Internet saying that today in Sansheng Village, What kind of banquet is there? It is estimated that the tourists who went to Sansheng Village today said."

"Well, I also heard that there is a banquet in Sansheng Village today. It seems that what they said is indeed true."



Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a happy holiday! Everyone eat well, come and have a drink with Li Fan.


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