Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1167 Named Yang Guo

Zhou Botong, Master Yideng, and Qiu Qianren descended the mountain one after another, leaving only three masters on Mount Hua, Hong Qigong, Ouyang Feng, and Huang Yaoshi.

After another set of twists and turns, Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng took the lead.

Beibei and Xidu have been old rivals for more than 20 years. The martial arts of the two sides are equal in strength, and neither can help the other.

Today we are fighting again on Mount Hua, and it is a life-and-death struggle.

Huang Rong watched from the side, constantly disturbing Ouyang Feng with her words, trying to distract Ouyang Feng. Even a little distraction would give Hong Qigong the upper hand.

At first, it was useless to say a lot. Later, Huang Rong read a few verses from the Jiuyin Sutra, which was where Ouyang Feng was puzzled. Finally, Ouyang Feng was distracted, and Hong Qigong was hit by a trick and escaped. .

Although Ouyang Feng managed to escape, but it was under the interference of Huang Rong, which made Hong Qigong sigh again and again, and the victory was incompetent.

After Ouyang Feng escaped, Huang Yaoshi finally arrived, and there would also be a competition between Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi.

It's just that Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi are not fighting between life and death, but only the winner.

Huang Rong looked at her father and her master, and suddenly had a plan, which would allow Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi to decide the winner without a fight.

That is Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi, who are fighting against Guo Jing respectively. Who can defeat Guo Jing in a shorter time, then who will win?

However, if the two still couldn't defeat Guo Jing within 300 moves, then Guo Jing was victorious.

Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi knew in their hearts that this girl was afraid that she wanted Guo Jing to win the title of number one in the world.

However, both of them agreed with Huang Rong's approach, first of all, Huang Yaoshi and Guo Jing fought.

Huang Yaoshi didn't know Guo Jing's real strength now. At first, he only used 70% of his strength, but he was actually at a disadvantage by Guo Jing.

Huang Yaoshi was surprised in his heart that Guo Jing's martial arts skills had reached such a level, and then he was overjoyed. After all, Guo Jing was his son-in-law, wasn't he.

Huang Yaoshi didn't dare to give in any more, and hurriedly used all his strength. As a result, Guo Jing was naturally at a disadvantage.

However, even though Huang Yaoshi tried his best, he still failed to defeat Guo Jing within 300 moves.

According to Huang Rong's rules, Guo Jing won this battle.

Huang Yaoshi was not angry but happy, that silly boy deserved to be his son-in-law.

Next was the fight between Hong Qigong and Guo Jing. However, when the two were about to fight three hundred moves, Ouyang Feng, who had escaped from the previous move, suddenly appeared again.

Moreover, with tattered clothes and blood stains all over his face, he shouted, "I have already practiced the magical power in the "Jiuyin Zhenjing", and my martial arts are number one in the world!"

Then, waving the snake staff, they attacked Hong Qigong, Huang Yaoshi, Guo Jing, and Huang Rong directly.

After a few tricks, all four of them were stunned. Ouyang Feng's martial arts were originally quite bizarre, but now they are even more bizarre and incoherent, and his mind seems to be a little confused.

It turned out that Ouyang Feng was already dizzy after reading the fake scriptures written by Guo Jingmo, but Huang Rong led him astray everywhere, blindly practicing blindly, and just now he was hit by Hong Qigong with a blow on the head, which made him even more confused. Finally got delirious.

However, Ouyang Feng was the master of martial arts in the end. Although he went the wrong way, he made the wrong move, and his actions were bizarre and absurd. Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi were all at a loss for a while. array.

Then, Hong Qigong, Huang Yaoshi, Guo Jing, and Huang Rong all shot together, but they couldn't help Ouyang Feng who was weird.

And Ouyang Feng's mind was already deranged. He regarded Huang Yaoshi as Duan Huangye and Guo Jing as Ouyang Ke.

After another fight, Hong Qigong, Huang Yaoshi, and Guo Jing all admitted that they lost to Ouyang Feng, who was undoubtedly the best in the world in martial arts.

Ouyang Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, and asked Huang Rongcheng whether he would admit that he is the best in the world in martial arts?

Huang Rong's mind changed, and she said that Ouyang Feng's martial arts is the best in the world, and you can't beat Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng's heart became more and more confused. He just felt that the name "Ouyang Feng" was very familiar. He must be the person closest to him, but who was he?

Then, Huang Rong pointed to Ouyang Feng's shadow and said that it was Ouyang Feng.

In the end, after "fighting" with his shadow, Ouyang Feng fled in panic.

The first generation of martial arts masters ended up going crazy, Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi both groaned.

And the result of this second Huashan sword argument was that Ouyang Feng won the title of No. 1 in the world. Although he was already delirious, he did beat Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi.

The four of them descended to Mount Huashan. Hong Qigong and Huang Yaoshi left successively. Guo Jing and Huang Rong went from west to east, preparing to go to Taohua Island.

One day, he met Mu Nianci on the way, and Mu Nianci was holding a baby in his arms.

It turned out that Mu Nianci lost her life in Yang Kang one day, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son.

After Yang Kang was there, Guo Jing was filled with emotion and joy.

Mu Nianci asked Guo Jing to name the child. Guo Jing thought about it for a while and said, "I married his father Jinlan, but unfortunately it didn't end well. If you have a past, you must correct it, and practice benevolence and righteousness. I will name him Yang Guo, and change the character, can you say it?"

Mu Nianci thanked: "Excellent! I hope it is as Brother Guo said."

After that, Guo Jing and Huang Rong invited Mu Nianci's mother and son to live on Peach Blossom Island, but Mu Nianci declined.

She had to go to the Iron Spear Temple in Jiaxing to see Yang Kang's tomb, and then return to the former residence in Lin'an.

Guo Jing had to give Mu Nianci a lot of silver taels, and then left sadly.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong continued their journey east, and they reached a city in one day. They learned that the Mongolian army was about to attack, and Genghis Khan finally went south to attack Song.

Guo Jing decided to help defend the city, "...Although we are weak, we must do our best to defend the country against insults. Even if we sacrifice our lives in the battlefield, we will not waste our parents, teachers and teachers."

Huang Rong clearly understood his intentions and sighed: "I knew that this day would inevitably come. Stop it, I will live if you live, and I will die if you die!"

Not long after, the vanguard of the Mongolian army had approached the city, but the commander-in-chief was Guo Jing's Yi Yi An, who was dragging the thunder.

After some twists and turns, the Mongolian army temporarily retreated. At night, Guo Jing and Huang Rong sneaked into Tuo Lei's camp, preparing to catch Tuo Lei and make him retreat.

But I saw that Tuo Lei received an urgent order for sweating. It turned out that Genghis Khan fell ill after destroying Xixia.

In the end, he said that he missed Guo Jing very much in the past, and if Tuo Lei Zai in the south knew of his whereabouts, he must be invited to the north to say goodbye to the Great Khan. All the serious crimes he committed will be forgiven.

Guo Jing heard that Genghis Khan was seriously ill and wanted to see him, so he appeared and said, "Torei An replied, I will go with you."

Tuo Lei was surprised at first, then overjoyed.

The next day, Tuo Lei ordered the army to withdraw, and Guo Jing and Huang Rong also went north with the army.

Before January, I came to the golden tent of Genghis Khan in Western Xia and saw Genghis Khan who was already seriously ill.


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