Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1172 My peak period is very long

Among the many media, Rao Qianqian chose a local media called "Zhou Entertainment".

Zhou Entertainment can be regarded as the most powerful entertainment media in the local area.

Wei Chuanyang is an entertainment reporter of Zhou Entertainment. He has been squatting at the entrance of Xiaojianghu Studio every day for a long time these days.

He didn't expect to be able to interview Gu Yong in this way. His main purpose was to make him look familiar in the eyes of Gu Yong's assistant, Rao Qianqian.

In this way, if Gu Yong is willing to be interviewed and let Rao Qianqian choose the media, the chances of him being selected are even greater.

The fact is as he expected. Today, after the conclusion of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Gu Yong is finally willing to accept the interview with the media.

Moreover, it is indeed to let Rao Qianqian choose the media. Or maybe it was because he was really familiar in Rao Qianqian's eyes, and Rao Qianqian really picked them Zhou Entertainment.

What is there to say? Efforts will always be rewarded, Wei Chuanyang is excited and excited.

As for other media, they also paid for it, why didn't they pay back? Then he can't handle it.

He only knows that there are countless people from all walks of life now looking forward to an interview with Guyong. If any media can successfully win the interview with Guyong, it will be absolutely eye-catching.

As an exclusive interviewer, it is naturally the same.

Of course, more importantly, if this interview is done well, not to mention promotion and salary increase, the bonus will definitely not be less.

In addition, Wei Chuanyang also knows that what people from all walks of life want most is an interactive interview.

The so-called interactive interview is the process of the interview, which is broadcast live on the Internet, and there are a few lucky people who can ask questions to the interviewee.

Therefore, after being selected by Rao Qianqian, Wei Chuanyang tried to express to Rao Qianqian, hoping to be an interactive interview.

After Rao Qianqian contacted Gu Yong again, Gu Yong agreed to the interactive interview, which made Wei Chuanyang even more excited and excited.

He passed the news back to Zhou Entertainment, and the whole Zhou Entertainment also seemed very excited.

Even if the editor-in-chief praised him, let him prepare well, and make sure to do a good job in tomorrow's interview.

at the same time,

Star Entertainment also announced to the outside world at the first time that there will be an interactive interview with Guyong at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

Once the news is announced, it will spread on the Internet at an extremely fast speed without any publicity.

Countless people were excited after learning the news, and soon there were bursts of heated discussions.

"Wow! No, Guyong actually accepted an interview, and it was an interactive interview."

"You don't need to be so exaggerated upstairs. This is not the first time that Gu Yong has been interviewed. Although it is difficult for Gu Yong to accept an interview, it does happen once in a while."

"There are too many media who want to interview Guyong now. I heard that the door of Xiaojianghu Studio has been trampled. This time, Zhou Entertainment has become the luckiest media."

"Haha! I was saying before that it would be great if there was an exclusive interview with Guyong, but I didn't expect it to happen. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, everyone will meet on time."

"Interactive interview, I really hope to be the lucky one and ask Gu Yong a big question in person."

"Hey! There will always be someone who will be the lucky one. I hope the question he asks is the one that everyone wants to know the most, so don't waste the opportunity in vain."

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock? Well, Entertainment Zhou did a great job this time!"



On November 24th, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" ended the second day.

At 9:30 in the morning, there is still half an hour before Guyong's exclusive interview, but countless people can't wait to wait online.

Of course, not just waiting, but waiting while chatting.

Many people are discussing, if someone becomes the lucky one who can ask Guyong a question later, what kind of question should be asked?

Everyone enjoys each other, and they will not be busy, because lucky people will definitely be born.

Netizens are excited to discuss what questions should be asked? But Wei Chuanyang was getting more and more nervous.

Not only because the person he is going to interview is Gu Yong, but also because this interview has attracted a lot of attention. Countless people from all walks of life, other reporters in the same industry, company leaders and colleagues are all staring at it.

The interview is fine, and that's an honor, but if you screw it up, it's not just a matter of shame.

He has been preparing carefully since yesterday.

How should I have a good relationship with Gu Yong? What questions should be asked, are the questions that everyone cares most about and want to know the answer to?

When asking questions, what skills should be used, or traps, etc., all need to be well prepared.


No matter how nervous Wei Chuanyang was, the time was slowly approaching ten o'clock in the morning.

Countless netizens were excited for a while, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

On the other hand, Wei Chuanyang felt a sudden suddenness in his heart. He was nervous and excited. He took a few deep breaths and tried his best to adjust his state.

"Mr. Gu Yong, hello, this is Wei Chuanyang, a reporter from Zhou Entertainment. We are very grateful and honored that you can accept our exclusive interview."

"Mr. Wei is very polite. I am honored to receive the exclusive interview invitation."

"Mr. Gu Yong is too modest. Teacher Gu Yong, this time we have an interactive interview. At this time, countless netizens are paying attention to our interview, and also ask Mr. Gu Yong to say hello to the netizens."

"Okay, friends on the Internet, hello, I'm Guyong, thank you very much and welcome you to pay attention to my interview."

After the opening remarks, countless netizens were very excited. This was the first time they felt that they were so close to Gu Yong.

"Mr. Gu Yong, the outside world has highly praised your "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". How do you evaluate this work yourself?"

"It is indeed a very good work, and I have a high opinion of it myself."

"The outside world said that this will be the pinnacle of martial arts novels, and it is also the pinnacle of your martial arts novels. Do you think so?"

"The evaluation from the outside world is everyone's love, but for me, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can indeed be called the pinnacle."

"Teacher Gu Yong means that if you launch another martial arts work, you won't be able to surpass "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", right?"

"If you say this, I don't deny it. However, my peak works will not only be "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but also the second and third... My peak period is very long."

"It turns out that I absolutely believe that Mr. Gu Yong has such abilities. I think netizens, especially martial arts fans, will be very excited to hear what Mr. Gu Yong has said."

"As authors of martial arts novels, our purpose is to bring you more wonderful martial arts novels."

"Mr. Gu Yong said it very well. However, Mr. Gu Yong, we all know that you are not only good at martial arts works. You are also very popular in pure love novels and opera works. It has been a while since the end of the novel, and countless fans of pure love novels must be looking forward to your next pure love novel. I don’t know what kind of work are you going to release in Teacher Gu Yong’s next work?”

"First of all, martial arts works will definitely continue to be released. Friends who like martial arts can rest assured. In addition, I will take this opportunity to tell my friends who like pure love works. About pure love works, I should not continue in the future. Released, sorry to everyone, let everyone down.

However, I will keep the way of serializing works on the Internet. Moreover, I am still preparing some brand new works, the types of works that are not yet available in this world, to replace the previous pure love works, I think I will not disappoint everyone. Everyone can look forward to it. "



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