Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1176 Some people are excited and others are depressed

Jianmenguan Tourism Distribution Center.

The poets and poetry lovers who came one after another scattered around in twos and threes, chatting while admiring the beautiful scenery.

Mo Bai, Du Feng, Wang Ling, and Lu Ran, known as the "Four Young Masters in Poetry", were among them.

Hearing others talking about Li Fan, all four of them were shocked. At last year's Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Conference, the scenes they played against Li Fan are still vivid in my mind.

Mo Bai said, "Li Fan? Do you think he will come?"

Du Feng said: "I don't know, maybe, maybe not. However, I hope he can come. I'm very curious about what kind of poems he can make in this strange and dangerous place."

Wang Ling said: "Most of the people who come here today, the poet they most want to see is Li Fan. I just don't know if Yan Muxi doesn't want to see Li Fan?"

Lu Ran said: "Like us, Yan Mu didn't participate in this year's Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Festival. This Jianmen Poetry Festival is a good opportunity for him to show his poetic talents. So, I guess he doesn't want Li Fan to come."

Mo Bai said: "Yanmu, poetry is indeed excellent. Compared with us, it is also better than us, but compared with Li Fan, it is obviously not on the same level. He naturally does not want Li Fan to come."



Just as Mo Bai and the others said, Yan Mu really didn't want Li Fan to come. He and Lin Yunfeng, the overall champion of this year's Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Festival, also happened to be talking about Li Fan.

Yan Mu frowned slightly and said, "Li Fan? I really hope he doesn't show up."

Lin Yunfeng said: "Li Fan has never participated in any poetry festivals, so he probably won't come this time. Besides, isn't he preparing to launch a long mythical work? Then there is no time to come."

Yan Mu said: "Hopefully, he is here, and our limelight will definitely be overshadowed by him."

At last year's Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Conference, although Yan Mu was very unwilling, he had to admit that Li Fan's poetry talent was far ahead of him.

Therefore, he didn't plan to find another chance to compete with Li Fan, but just hoped that he wouldn't meet Li Fan again because of poetry. If he can't afford it, can't we hide?


Everyone is talking about Li Fan,

And Li Fan did not deliberately avoid everyone.

At this moment, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were struttingly walking together.

Then, it will naturally be seen by some people.

"Hey, hey! Look, isn't President Han, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan two great poets over there? Who is the young man next to him? Is he also a poet who came to participate in this poetry meeting?"

"It should be, but I'm afraid it's not small looking like this, who could it be?"

"It's not Yan Mu, or the four young masters in the poem. I've seen them all, and they're not that young. I'm rubbing it! Could it be Mr. Li Fan? Mr. Li Fan is really here?"

"Mr. Li Fan? Impossible. However, looking at President Han and the expressions of the two great poets Bai Yi and Liu Yuan, it is really possible that it is Mr. Li Fan."

"Hey! Why bother guessing here, don't you know if you just go over and ask? Let's go, let's go over together."

"Let's go, let's go together, if it's Mr. Li Fan, it's definitely an exciting thing."


While talking, the group walked towards Li Fan, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan.

After a while, when he walked to the front, one of them said, "President Han, Mr. Bai Yi, Mr. Liu Yuan, how are you! I dare to ask this gentleman but...but..."

He wanted to say, "But Mr. Li Fan?", but he was afraid that the other party was not Li Fan. This question would obviously embarrass the other party. Therefore, the words "Mr. Li Fan" were not spoken after all.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan didn't speak, they just looked at Li Fan with a smile.

Li Fan looked at the person talking in front of him, hehe smiled and said, "I'm Li Fan."

As soon as these words came out, the people in front of them were obviously stunned for a moment, and then there was an uncontrollable surprise and excitement. It turned out to be Li Fan!

"Mr. Li Fan, it's really Mr. Li Fan, hello Mr. Li Fan, I didn't expect you to actually come." The person who spoke before said excitedly.

The rest of the people also said hello quickly, and their voices were a little excited.

Li Fan smiled and exchanged a few words with a few people, and they said goodbye and left.

After a few people left, Han Zhong smiled and said, "Brother Li, your influence is really not small now, and it is much higher than ours."

Li Fan shook his head and said: "President Han's words are wrong, everyone knows that the three of you are coming, so I won't be surprised to see you here. And everyone doesn't know that I'm coming, that's why I'm so surprised. ."

Han Zhong laughed again and said, "Of course there are reasons for this, but it's only a small part. Brother Li, don't be humble."

Several people were talking here, and the news that Li Fan had arrived at the scene was slowly spread by the few people just now.

Most people were very happy and excited when they heard the news.

"Mr. Li Fan is really here? Is the news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable. Now Mr. Li Fan is with President Han, Bai Yi and Liu Yuan, two great poets. If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself. I heard that they are in that direction."

"I'm going, so it seems to be true. Mr. Li Fan is the first time to participate in the poetry festival. Haha! We are so lucky to be here this time."

"Who said no, maybe this time we can be there and feel Mr. Li Fan's style. It's really exciting to think about it."



Mo Bai, Du Feng, Wang Ling, and Lu Ran looked at each other. In addition to being surprised, they were also a little excited.

Mo Bai said: "It's actually here, so the level of this poetry festival obviously needs to be improved."

Du Feng said: "This is the first time he has participated in a poetry festival. I don't know if he will write poetry tomorrow. Even I am looking forward to it. No wonder everyone is so excited."

Wang Lingdao: "Everyone is excited not only because of his identity as a poet, but also because of his many identities. Who made him Li Fan?"

Lu Ran said: "Li Fan is here, some people are probably going to be depressed."


Some of the people Lu Ran said were naturally Yan Mu and a few others, and they were indeed very depressed.

Yan Mu's mouth showed a hint of bitterness, and sighed: "I didn't expect him to come, this is not good news."

Lin Yunfeng said: "Since you're here, there's nothing you can do. However, Brother Yan doesn't have to worry about it. At tomorrow's poetry conference, the poems written by Brother Yan may be able to beat Li Fan. I don't know. , Li Fan hasn't written poetry for a long time, and there is only one "Wang Yue" for so long. It's really uncertain how well he can play tomorrow. Besides, it is completely normal that our poetry is not as good as his. Therefore, we have no pressure."

Yan Mu said: "Brother Lin said that this is the only way to do it. Hopefully, as Brother Lin said, his performance will be poor tomorrow. In this way, we should be glad that he came."


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