Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1179 The article is born in nature, and it is obtained by chance

The Jianmenguan Poetry Festival officially started, everyone was refreshed, the poets were eager to try, and poetry lovers and tourists looked at the poets with great interest, wondering what kind of poems they would make?

Although they can't write poetry, it doesn't mean that they don't appreciate poetry. They can generally tell the difference between good and bad poetry.

Poets are excited and a little excited and nervous, especially those who already have verses in their hearts.

There were so many people at the scene, especially such great poets as Li Fan, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan. They wanted to write the poems in their hearts immediately, but they were hesitant and wanted to continue polishing in their hearts. Try to make it better.

Their poems have been brewing in their hearts a few days ago, and they have basically taken shape, and it would have been difficult to improve them in a short period of time.

But now they are stimulated by Lai Wenyun's remarks before, as well as the strange danger of Jianmen Pass and the atmosphere of the scene, their thinking suddenly becomes extremely active, and inspiration seems to burst out at any time, and it is very possible to modify the poems in their hearts. it is good.

Therefore, everyone is trying their best to modify their poems, and no one has written poems for a while.

Poetry lovers and tourists are not in a hurry and continue to wait with interest.

Li Fan, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan, and Han Zhongguo were not in a hurry.

After a while, a hearty voice said: "It seems that everyone is not in a hurry, then, let me throw some ideas."

The voice of speaking attracted the attention of everyone at the scene, only to see that the speaker was a man with glasses in his thirties.

The man with glasses walked to the writing desk that had already been prepared, picked up a writing brush on the desk, and prepared to write.

To write a poem at a poetry meeting, it all needs to be written, and it is written with a brush.

Being able to use a brush to write is also a basic requirement of a poet. The characters written without speaking are up to the standard of calligraphy masters, at least to the extent that they cannot lose face.

Therefore, poets who dare to participate in poetry festivals still have certain confidence in their calligraphy.

After all, the first thing everyone sees is how well you write? The writing is too bad, it's better not to be embarrassed.

The man with glasses is very confident in his calligraphy, and he is also very confident in his poetry.

As soon as he wrote it, he wrote:

"The road of the world is rough and difficult,

For many years, Wu Wu sat at Chai Pass.

Poetry has to say that the heart is happy first, and things are not lingering in dreams and leisure. "

A seven-character quatrain "Sighing Shu Road".

A large projection screen was erected at the scene, and the writing process of the man with glasses was all projected on the projection screen, so that everyone on the scene could see it.

"Good word." This was everyone's first impression. When the man with glasses finished writing the whole poem, everyone's eyes lit up, what a poem!

This is definitely a good poem, even ordinary tourists can see it, and the praise from the scene suddenly rang out.

"Hey! Xiongtai, what a poem!"

"Brother, great talent, admire and admire!"

"Brother, you're throwing bricks at you, you set the starting point too high, and I'm too embarrassed to take out my poems."


Li Fan's eyes also lit up, and he couldn't help but take a closer look at the man with glasses, this poem is really good.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were overjoyed. Han Zhong laughed and said, "That's right, that's right, that's right. That's it for the first poem that throws bricks at the scene. Today's poetry meeting can be expected!"

The host Lai Wenyun said excitedly: "I really didn't expect that today's first poem is already extraordinary, and now I ask President Han to comment."

Not every poem needs to be criticized, only good poems will be criticized.

This "Sigh of Shu Road" is not only a masterpiece, but also really good, so naturally it has comments.

Immediately, Han Zhong commented on the poem and praised it to the fullest, which made the man with glasses excited and excited.

In the sound of congratulations from the people around, the man with glasses repeatedly expressed his humility, saying that this poem was only obtained by chance and was not worthy of such praise.

At this time, Li Fan laughed and said: "The article is natural, and it is obtained by a clever hand. Xiongtai does not need to be humble."

As soon as Li Fan said this, everyone's hearts were lifted. The article was born in nature, and it was obtained by chance. This Nima is simply a classic famous sentence!

As soon as you say it, it is a classic sentence. Mr. Li Fan is indeed the most talented poet today.

The vast majority of people were all excited. The biggest reason they came to the scene today was to experience Li Fan's style of writing poetry on the spot.

Now, Li Fan has not started to write poetry, but he just said this casually, and he has already said a classic sentence, showing the style of the most talented poet.

Just such a poem has already grabbed the limelight of the previous poem by the man with glasses, and everyone's attention quickly shifted from the poem of the man just now to this poem.

This kind of situation made Li Fan a little surprised. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect that this poem would steal the limelight of the previous poem.

Although Li Fan's words or poems stole the limelight, the man with glasses was very excited and excited.

Li Fan's poem was mainly addressed to him, and it was after he humbly said that his poem was obtained by accident.

In this way, when someone mentions the origin of this poem in the future, he will definitely be mentioned, and even his "Sighing Shu Road" will be mentioned.

He and his "Sighing Shu Road" are linked to this poem by Li Fan.

Over time, I am afraid that there will be an allusion.

Thinking of this, the man with glasses was even more excited, and hurriedly handed over to Li Fan and said, "Mr. Li Fan said yes."

Li Fan bowed his hands in return and said with a smile, "So, Xiongtai doesn't have to be humble."

"Yes, yes." The man with glasses said twice, and then he laughed.

The pride and excitement in the laughter can be heard by anyone.

When everyone thought about it in their hearts, they understood why the man with glasses was so proud and excited.

There is a direct connection with a classic famous sentence of Mr. Li Fan, which is indeed worthy of excitement and pride.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at the man with glasses full of envy.

In the crowd, Yan Mu, Mo Bai, Du Feng and others shook their heads and smiled wryly, and they said a classic poem casually. Li Fan's poetic talent is really not comparable to them.

Han Zhong praised: "The article is natural, and it is wonderful to get it by accident! It is really wonderful to have brother Li Fan in this poetry meeting, and there will be surprises at any time."

Bai Yi and Liu Yuan nodded again and again, Bai Yi smiled and said: "Not only that, with Li Fan brother present, everyone is obviously more excited, and the chance of a good poem appearing is probably much greater. Dao” can see one or two, this time the poetry meeting is indeed expected.”

Liu Yuan also smiled and said: "Now this sentence 'This article is born in nature, and it is obtained by a clever hand.' It also has the function of triggering inspiration, and everyone's thinking will be more active."

Han Zhong nodded and said: "Old Liu is right, this poem does have such a function, I have just felt the burst of inspiration. This poem is not simple!"

Bai Yi nodded and said again: "It's really not simple, my thinking is more active at this time, and it seems that good sentences will appear at any time."

There is nothing wrong with what the three great poets said. All the poets at the scene did feel that their thinking suddenly became more active, a kind of activeness that had never been seen before.

This kind of thinking is so active that they enjoy it very much.

Not to mention them, even those poetry lovers and tourists seem to have an illusion.

The illusion is that they can also write a poem.

This is of course just an illusion, but at this moment, ordinary tourists suddenly have some interest in poetry, which is true.


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