Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1185 poems carved on the cliff

The poetry meeting was over, and it was not too early, so everyone was ready to start returning.

At this time, Lin Zhiwen, the director of the Jianmenguan Scenic Spot Office, rushed to the scene.

He came to the scene naturally to find Li Fan. He could have waited until Li Fan and the others returned to the tourist distribution center before going to Li Fan.

But since he saw the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult", he couldn't wait for a moment, and hurried to the scene with his assistant.

Before, the rock where Li Fan left "Wangyue" on the top of Mount Tai has become one of the most famous scenic spots in Mount Tai.

Every day, countless tourists go to the top of Mount Tai just to see the place where Li Fan wrote poems.

And many poetry clubs hold poetry meetings, and they also choose the location next to the rock where Li Fan wrote poems. They always feel more active inspiration when they hold poetry meetings there.

As a result, the number of tourists in Mount Tai has continued to be higher than before, and major scenic spots across the country are very envious of this.

Jianmenguan Scenic Spot is naturally also very envious, but now, they don't need to be envious anymore.

Moreover, it will become the envy of other scenic spots.

Because, Li Fan left a shocking "Shu Road Difficulty" at Jianmen Pass.

Among them, there are even more verses such as, "Jiange is strong and Cui Wei, one husband is the gate, ten thousand people are not open." Such verses.

Jiange, that is the former name of Jianmenguan, or another name.

With this poem, the reputation of Jianmenguan will be improved to a higher level, and the number of tourists will increase, which is already predictable.

Lin Zhiwen was excited and excited. When he arrived at the scene and greeted Pu Guozhong, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan and others, he urged Pu Guozhong to help him introduce Li Fan.

Pu Guozhong naturally understood why Lin Zhiwen came to Li Fan in a hurry, so he introduced Lin Zhiwen to Li Fan with a smile.

After some courtesies, Lin Zhiwen said excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, our scenic spot wants to engrave your song "The Road to Shu" on the cliff of Jianmen Pass, and please ask Mr. Li Fan for permission."

Li Fan smiled lightly: "Director Lin is right now."

Naturally, Li Fan would not refuse, so he engraved Difficulty on the Road of Shu on the cliff of Jianmen Pass.

Good for him too.

It is also a good thing for this "Shu Road Difficulty" by the poet Taibai in the previous life.

Seeing Li Fan's agreement, Lin Zhiwen was even more excited and thanked Li Fan again and again.

To be engraved, it requires Li Fan's handwritten manuscript, which Li Fan has already donated to the National Poetry Association.

Lin Zhiwen carefully took over from Han Zhong, and Li Fan handwritten the original manuscript of "The Road to Shu", and then kept it in person and returned it after the engraving was completed.

He knew that this manuscript was worth more than ten thousand gold? This is the first draft written by Li Fan. Even now, Li Fan will write "The Road to Shu" again by hand.

Its value is also far less than the first draft.

The poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" will be engraved on the cliff by the scenic spot, and it will spread throughout the scene in an instant.

Poets, especially Yan Mu, Mo Bai and others, are very envious.

Poetry lovers and tourists are very excited. In this way, the birth of "Shu Road Difficulty" they witnessed seems to be even more different.

It is conceivable that in the future, countless tourists will come here to experience the "Difficulty of Shu Road" on the cliff.

But how can that experience in person compare to how it feels today?

Thinking of this, a strong sense of superiority arises spontaneously in the hearts of poetry lovers and tourists.


Before long, the crowd began to return.

Different from the anticipation and excitement when they came, on the way back, everyone was excited and a little reluctant.

This is the end of the reluctance poetry party, and even ordinary tourists feel this way.

It was the first time for them that a poem would feel that way.

Then, this poetry meeting is destined to stay in their memory forever.


On the way back, the poem "Shu Dao Difficulty" has become popular all over the Internet.

Countless poetry lovers were intoxicated, and they finally understood the reason why it took so long for the poetry lovers on the scene to share "The Road to Shu" on the Internet.

They are so addicted to watching on the Internet now, so? Those people at the scene, watching the birth of this poem at the scene, what kind of shock should it be?

They couldn't imagine it, they only had deep regrets, and they regretted not being there to witness the birth of "Shu Dao Difficulty" with their own eyes.

More non-poetry lovers also knew that Li Fan was at Jianmenguan and left another classic poem.

They don't like poetry too much, but reading "The Road to Shu is Difficult", they also have a strange pride, and they can see that this is an excellent and excellent poem.

Of course, no one finds it strange that Li Fan wrote such a poem, and only Li Fan can write such a poem.

In addition, the major scenic spots also knew about this for the first time.

When they watched "The Road to Shu is Difficult", they all sighed helplessly. They knew that the Jianmenguan scenic spot was also developed this time.

It seems that to match their thoughts, the official website of Jianmenguan Scenic Spot and the official website Weibo were announced to the outside world at the same time.

At today's Jianmenguan Poetry Conference, Mr. Li Fan left a heart-warming "Difficulty in the Road of Shu". With the authorization of Mr. Li Fan, the scenic spot will follow the original draft of Li Fan's "Difficulty in the Road of Shu". "A poem was engraved on a cliff at Jianmen Pass.

Construction will start tomorrow and it is planned to be completed within a week. At that time, tourists are welcome to visit.

Seeing the announcement of Jianmenguan Pass, the major scenic spots are even more envious and a little jealous, and at the same time secretly despised, the action of Jianmenguan scenic spot is too fast, are you so impatient?

Can't you be more reserved, wait until Mr. Li Fan leaves the scenic spot, and then announce the news to the outside world?

Of course, if this happened in their scenic spot, would they move faster than the Jianmenguan scenic spot? Then it is unknown.

After the announcement of the Jianmen Pass Scenic Spot was posted on the Internet, the effect was immediate.

Countless poetry lovers expressed their excitement that they must go to the site to experience it when it is completed.

If I missed today's poetry meeting, I can make up for some regrets by going to the cliff at Jianmenguan to read this poem in person.

In addition to poetry lovers, the rest of the response was equally strong.

People who have been to Jianmenguan before said that they must go again and feel this poem under the cliff. It is definitely different from the previous experience of traveling to Jianmenguan.

People who have not been to Jianmen Pass before are even more excited. They must personally experience the height of Jianmen Pass, the dangers of Jianmen Pass, and the difficulties and dangers of Jianmen Ancient Shu Road.

Looking at the fierce reaction on the Internet, Jianmenguan Scenic Spot laughed excitedly, while other major scenic spots were all sour and depressed.


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