Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1187 Remnants of Snow on the Broken Bridge

On November 29, at eight in the morning, Li Fan, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan took a bus to the West Lake.

Last night, Li Fan deliberately searched the Internet for information about the West Lake in this world.

Generally speaking, there is no difference from the previous life, but there are some differences from the previous life in the cultural connotation of a few scenic spots and names.

For example, "Bai Causeway", in the previous life, the name "Bai Causeway" was related to Bai Juyi, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty.

The original name of Baidi was Baishadi. When Bai Juyi was appointed as the provincial governor, he left a poem like this: "I love the east of the lake is not enough, and the white sand dike is in the shade of green poplars".

In order to commemorate the great poet, later generations called it Baidi.

In addition, there is another saying that people at that time thought that this embankment was built under the auspices of Bai Juyi, so they called it Baidi.

But in fact, Bai Juyi presided over the construction of another embankment, which was located near the stone culvert bridge outside Qiantang Gate in the old days, and there is no trace of it now.

Later, although people knew that the current "white embankment" was not the one built by Bai Juyi, but in order to commemorate Bai Juyi, the name of the white embankment was not changed, and it was still called "white embankment".

In any case, in the previous life, "Bai Causeway" was related to Bai Juyi, and there is no such relationship in this world.

Baidi is the abbreviation of Baishadi.

Another example is the Broken Bridge. There are many bridges in the entire West Lake. In the past life, the Broken Bridge was undoubtedly the most famous.

The reason is because of the famous folklore "The Legend of the White Snake" in the previous life, which adds endless romance to the Broken Bridge.

There is no legend of the Legend of the White Snake in this world, and the Broken Bridge is not as famous as it was in the previous life. It is just one of the many ordinary bridges in the West Lake.


It takes about an hour's drive from the hotel where the four people stayed to the West Lake.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the four of them had already arrived at the edge of the West Lake. Although it was still early, there were already quite a few tourists in the West Lake.

The West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the lake is divided into five water surfaces: Outer West Lake, Xili Lake, Beili Lake, Xiaonan Lake and Yuehu Lake by Gushan, Baidi, Sudi and Yanggongdi.

Su Causeway and Bai Causeway cross the lake, and three small islands, Xiaoyingzhou, Huxinting and Ruangongdun, stand in the middle of the Outer West Lake.

The Leifeng Pagoda in Xizhao Mountain and Baochu Pagoda in Baoshi Mountain are opposite each other across the lake, thus forming the basic pattern of "one mountain, two towers, three islands, three embankments and five lakes".

The place where Li Fan and the others are now is on the west side of Bai Causeway.

Coming to the West Lake today is naturally completely different from the feeling of coming here in the previous life.

Standing on the white embankment, looking at the clear waters of the West Lake on both sides, there is no difference from the previous life, but these are two different worlds after all, and Li Fan is filled with emotion.

"Let's walk from west to east along the white embankment, Brother Li, what do you think?" Han Zhong asked.

Li Fan put away his emotions and said with a smile, "Of course it can. I have heard the name of the White Causeway of West Lake for a long time, and now I see it, it really deserves its reputation."

Bai Yi said: "The Bai Causeway is naturally very beautiful, but when it comes to the scenery of the White Causeway, it is the most beautiful in spring and summer. Of course, if it snows now, then the White Causeway will naturally have its unique beauty in winter. It's just that It's a pity that there aren't many opportunities for snow here."

Li Fan said: "It's really a pity that it didn't snow, otherwise, maybe you can still see the beauty of 'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow'."

"Oh? Remnants of snow on the broken bridge?" Bai Yi nodded and said, "There is indeed a bridge in the West Lake called 'Broken Bridge', and it's at the end of the white embankment. 'Remnants of snow on the broken bridge' seems to have such a saying. Brother Li I've never been to West Lake, but I know a lot about West Lake!"

Since the broken bridge in this world is just an ordinary bridge and not famous, the beauty of "Broken Bridge Remnant Snow" is also not as famous as in the previous life.

If you don't know the West Lake very well, almost no one would know there is such a scenic spot.

Li Fan laughed and said: "Since you want to come to West Lake, you need to do some homework. I heard that the scenery of 'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow' is very beautiful. Covered in silver, the arch of the broken stone bridge is unobstructed, the ice and snow melted in the sun, revealing the mottled bridge railings, and the two ends of the bridge are still covered with snow. It seems to be invisible, but the white snow in the culvert shines brightly, and the bridge deck is in contrast to the gray-brown color. From a distance, it seems to be incessant, very beautiful."

Hearing what Li Fan said, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were all stunned and thought, "We don't know these things, but this kid is right. I think he knew he was coming two days ago. After West Lake, I deliberately went to check the information about West Lake. This curiosity... It is no wonder that this kid can achieve such high achievements in many fields."

The three of them admired Li Fan, and at the same time they were dumbfounded. They thought that Li Fan had never been to the West Lake before, and they were going to be guest tour guides today.

Now it seems that the identity of who is the guest tour guide is still uncertain.

Thinking of Li Fan's description of "Broken Bridge Remnant Snow", Bai Yi suddenly moved in his heart and said, "Could this be the origin of the name 'Broken Bridge'?"

Li Fan smiled faintly and was about to answer when he heard a voice from behind, "Yes, this is the origin of the name 'Broken Bridge'."

All four were stunned for a moment, and they looked back quickly to see a middle-aged man in his forties standing not far behind them.

Obviously, that sentence just now was what he said.

Seeing the four of them looking back, the middle-aged man smiled apologetically and said, "I'm very sorry, my name is Lu Yangdong, I'm a sketch painter, and I often paint in the West Lake area. Since few people know the scene of 'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow', I just heard this little brother talk about the beauty of 'Broken Bridge and Remnants of Snow', and I couldn't help but speak out. I'm really sorry."

Hearing what the man named Lu Yangdong said, Li Fan and the four all smiled and said it didn't matter.

Afterwards, Bai Yi smiled and said, "It turns out that the name 'Broken Bridge' comes from this. 'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow' sounds really beautiful, but it is not famous among the various scenes of the West Lake, but it makes people a little bit. Pity."

Lu Yangdong nodded and said: "It's really a pity, but there's no other way. Broken Bridge is an ordinary bridge, far less than Baidi, Sudi, etc. In addition, there are not many chances of snow in Tangzhou, and the chance of heavy snow is even greater. It is difficult to form the beauty of 'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow', which is rare for tourists to see. 'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow' is not famous, but it is reasonable."

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan all nodded after hearing this, Bai Yi said: "There is really no way, unless the Broken Bridge can be as famous as Bai Causeway, Su Causeway and other scenic spots. But of course this is impossible. yes."

Han Zhong said: "If Broken Bridge can be as famous as Bai Causeway and Su Causeway, the beauty of 'Broken Bridge Remnant Snow', because it is difficult to form, will become its advantage and make everyone chasing after it. It's just a pity that Broken Bridge It's impossible to become famous."

Lu Yangdong sighed and said, "Yeah, so this is something that can't be helped."


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