Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1194 It's time to launch the first mythical work

Lin Yang wanted to cry without tears, but the crowd at the scene became excited and excited.

Because, someone on the Internet has confirmed that the handwriting of the poem and the couplet is exactly the same as the handwriting of Li Fan's "The Road to Shu" the day before yesterday.

Moreover, not only one person confirmed that there were many poetry lovers at the Jianmenguan Poetry Festival that day, and they also unanimously confirmed that the handwriting of the poem and the couplet was exactly the same as that of "The Road to Shu".

That is to say, Li Fan was really on the scene at the West Lake Scenic Area.

"I'm going! It's actually Mr. Li Fan. When did Mr. Li Fan come to the scene? How long did he stay here? Has anyone noticed?"

"I didn't pay attention, who would have known that Mr. Li Fan would come!"

"I'll just say, such a poem and a couplet must come from Mr. Li Fan, right?"

"Comparing the West Lake to the West, only the most talented Mr. Li Fan can do it."


Everyone at the scene was excited, and the three leaders Wang Shuyuan, Wei Tao, and Liu Guoming were even more excited. It turned out to be Li Fan's work.

They never imagined that such an event would be able to get Li Fan's poems and couplets. This surprise came too suddenly and was too huge.

Wang Shuyuan immediately took out the phone and reported the matter to the director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office, which was definitely a major event for their West Lake Scenic Area.

Before, they envied Mount Tai Scenic Spot and Jianmen Pass Scenic Spot, but now, they obviously don't need to envy any more.

Sometimes happiness comes so suddenly.


The scene was excited, and countless poetry lovers on the Internet were equally excited. They did not expect that they would appreciate Li Fan's new poetry so soon after "The Road to Shu is Difficult".

Li Fan hasn't written poems for a long time, and this poem is two consecutive poems, which is really unexpected and surprising.

As for why Li Fan suddenly appeared in the West Lake? Although everyone was curious, they did not get too hung up on this issue.

With Li Fan's free and easy way, it is really a normal thing to appear in the West Lake.

If you want to compare the West Lake to Xizi,

There is no doubt that this is the most beautiful poem among all the poems praising the West Lake.

From then on, the West Lake will be closely linked with the West Lake. Those poetry lovers who have not been to the West Lake will instantly become eager to move.


West Lake, above Su Causeway.

The five people, Li Fan, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan, and Lu Yangdong, don't know the situation on the scene or on the Internet for the time being.

But they could guess that the fact that Li Fan was the author of that poem and couplet should have been exposed.

Because Li Fan did not deliberately change his handwriting when he wrote the poem and the couplet, it was not difficult for everyone to determine Li Fan's identity based on his handwriting.

And Li Fan did not deliberately change his handwriting, also because he did not deliberately conceal his identity.

Several people went south along Su Causeway all the way. Along the way, they had a panoramic view of all kinds of beautiful scenery of Su Causeway, which was very pleasant.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, we have reached the southern end of Su Causeway, and the Leifeng Pagoda on Xizhao Mountain not far away is already clear at a glance.

The Leifeng Pagoda in this world is also not as famous as in the previous life, naturally because there is no "Legend of the White Snake" legend.

However, the Leifeng Pagoda in this world is more authentic than the previous life.

Because the Leifeng Pagoda in the previous life collapsed in the 1920s, the Leifeng Pagoda seen today was rebuilt decades later.

The newly built Leifeng Pagoda is certainly very majestic and beautiful, and even a little grand, but after all, it lacks a kind of historical charm and vicissitudes, which makes people a little regretful.

The Leifeng Pagoda in this world has never collapsed, although it is far less grand than the previous Leifeng Pagoda, but it gives people a strong historical charm and a sense of vicissitudes.

"Leifeng Pagoda is in front, right? Let's go over and take a look." Li Fan said.

He was quite excited. Ever since he checked the information about the West Lake yesterday, after knowing that the Leifeng Pagoda in this world has never collapsed, he has developed a strong interest in the Leifeng Pagoda.

This is the real, authentic Leifeng Pagoda in history.

Han Zhong smiled and said, "Naturally, we have to take a look. This Leifeng Pagoda has a history of thousands of years, and it is indeed worth visiting."

Afterwards, several people walked towards Leifeng Pagoda, and it didn't take long before they came to Leifeng Pagoda.

The Leifeng Pagoda in front of you is five stories high, with a masonry interior and a wooden corridor outside.

It is said that when the Leifeng Pagoda was first built, it was originally planned to have thirteen floors. Later, due to lack of financial resources, it was changed to seven floors. When it was finally completed, there were only five floors.

However, even with only five floors, it looks very spectacular.

Li Fan looked at the Leifeng Pagoda in front of him, and felt a little emotional in his heart. He has a special feeling for these ancient buildings with sufficient history.

I hope that these ancient buildings can continue to stand, telling generations of people about their splendor and vicissitudes.

"By the way, Brother Li, when you were over the Broken Bridge, you mentioned the Leifeng Pagoda in relation to the background elements of your mythical works. Are you going to incorporate the Leifeng Pagoda into your mythological works?" Han Zhong asked.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Indeed, I need a tower in my story concept, and it is very important, so let's use this Leifeng Pagoda, which happens to have a history of thousands of years."

Lu Yangdong's eyes lit up and said, "In this way, the Leifeng Pagoda is likely to become more famous than it is now because of your works."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It should be quite possible."

Lu Yangdong said happily: "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, I look forward to your work very much."

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan also expressed their great expectations.

Li Fan added: "Come on, I'm going to launch it in two days."

"It's going to be launched in the next two days?" Hearing what Li Fan said, Lu Yangdong, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were even more looking forward to it.


After staying in front of Leifeng Pagoda for a while, several people left Leifeng Pagoda and went to several other scenic spots. They stopped and went to see more beautiful scenery of West Lake, and it was getting late.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Li Fan, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan said goodbye to Lu Yangdong, left West Lake by car, and returned to the hotel where they stayed.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after arriving at the hotel where he was staying, after having dinner in the hotel, Li Fan returned to his room.

Today's trip to the West Lake, Li Fan saw the same West Lake, different Leifeng Pagoda, past and present life, a lot of feelings.

Now that I have visited the West Lake for a day, I also feel that the West Lake in this world is slightly different from the West Lake in the previous life.

Li Fan felt it was time to launch his first full-length mythology.


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