Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1234 Half-step dragon transformation big carp

After Qin Yulin finished speaking, he glared at Li Fan proudly and hummed twice.

Li Fan rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention.

Qin Lie looked at Li Fan, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Girl Lin is right, you haven't been here for a year, but now you only brought a carp, what's the reason?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "Girl Lin doesn't understand anything. She only saw me buying carp, but she doesn't know why I bought this carp. Grandpa, come and see."

Having said this, Li Fan deliberately paused, then took the fish in his hand to Qin Lie and showed it, while continuing to say, "Grandpa, look at this fish's side scales are golden yellow, the back is slightly darker, and the abdomen is slightly darker. The color is pale and white. The anal fin, caudal peduncle, and lower lobe of the caudal fin are orange-red, and the pectoral and pelvic fins are orange. Look at the body fusiform, the side is flat and the abdomen is round, the head and back are in a slowly rising arc, and the back is slightly raised. , the head is small, the mouth is terminal, and it is horseshoe-shaped..."

Li Fan was talking endlessly, but Qin Yulin and Tang Ying rolled their eyes when they heard it. They understood what Li Fan meant.

Li Fan said so much, but just wanted to express a meaning, that is, this carp was carefully selected by him, not bought at random.

However, no matter how carefully selected, it's still not a carp, Qin Yulin couldn't help but pouted: "After saying so much, it's not just a carp, can it still give birth to flowers?"

Qin Lie said: "Well, this is a carp unique to the Yellow River, and it can indeed be said that it is not an ordinary carp."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's still grandfather who has a vision. How can the two girls understand this, they thought I was just a carp that I bought at random."

Qin Yulin said: "I bought it at will. Even if this is a Yellow River carp, the other fish should be Yellow River carp in that place. You didn't just buy one."

Li Fan said sternly: "No, only this one is the most authentic, the others are worse, not this one."

Seeing Li Fan's serious nonsense, Qin Yulin and Tang Ying couldn't help but laugh, and then quickly restrained them, Qin Yulin continued: "Even if it is the most authentic Yellow River carp, it is still just a A carp, it's useless to let you talk about it."

After Qin Lie heard this, he looked at Li Fan with interest, wanting to see how Li Fan would answer?

Li Fan shook his head and said: "So you don't understand, the Yellow River carp is no ordinary carp. I have a poem here, listen carefully.

The three-foot carp of the Yellow River originally lived in Mengjin.

If you don't count your forehead, it will not become a dragon, and you will come back with a mortal fish.

Do you understand now? "

This poem is not difficult to understand, it is about the legend of the carp leaping over the dragon gate.

There is also a legend of carp jumping over the Dragon Gate in this world. It is probably said that long ago, before the Dragon Gate was opened, the Yishui flowed to the Dragon Gate, blocked by the Longmen Mountain, and accumulated into a large lake in the south of the mountain.

The carp living in the Yellow River want to go sightseeing after hearing that Longmen is beautiful.

They started from the Yellow River in the Mengjin section, passed through the Luo River, and followed the Yi River to the place where the Longmen Water Splashed, but there was no waterway on the Longmen Mountain, so they had to gather at the foot of the North Mountain of Longmen.

At this time, a big carp suggested that everyone jump over Longmen Mountain, but the rest of the carp did not dare to jump, saying that Longmen Mountain was so high that it would definitely not be able to jump over it, and if it fell, it would definitely kill it.

The big carp was not afraid, but bravely jumped and jumped into the clouds in the sky, driving the clouds and rain in the air forward.

A group of sky fire chased from behind and burned the tail of the big carp. It endured the pain and continued to leap forward, finally crossing the Longmen Mountain and falling into the lake in the south of the mountain, turning into a giant dragon in the blink of an eye.

When the other carp saw it, they were all envious, so they forgot their fear and jumped up, wanting to jump over Longmen Mountain and turn into a giant dragon.

However, only very few carp can jump over the dragons of Longmen Mountain. Most carp can't jump and fall from the air, leaving a black scar on their forehead.

It hasn't disappeared until today.

Exactly: "If you don't tap your forehead, you won't become a dragon, and you will come back with a mortal fish."

The two daughters Qin Yulin and Tang Ying could naturally understand this poem, but after listening to this poem, the two daughters died down.

This fellow Li Fan has even finished his poems, and he said that if he doesn't have a forehead, he will come back with a mortal fish.

This means that these Yellow River carp all went to jump over Longmen Mountain. Although they didn't jump over in the end, when they jumped into the air, they were more or less contaminated with immortal energy, and they almost turned into dragons. Naturally, it is no ordinary carp.

They fell back into the water, just for company, other ordinary mortal fish.

In this way, what else can the two girls do except to die?

Qin Lie laughed and said, "It's a good sentence, 'If you click your forehead, you won't become a dragon, you will come back with a mortal fish.' Although this poem of yours is not earth-shattering, it sums up the legend of 'the carp leaping over the dragon's gate' very vividly. Not bad, not bad! "

Li Fan smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment, grandpa, let's go back to the house. This half-step dragon-turning big carp is still alive, so I have to go back and raise it quickly. If it dies, it won't be delicious."

Qin Lie nodded and said, "Alright, let's go back and eat this half-step dragon-turning carp at noon."

Qin Lie followed by saying "half step into a dragon and a big carp", which shows that he is in a very good mood now.

Li Fan hurriedly said: "Chengcheng, then I will cook at noon and make a dish for grandpa, the most delicious half-step dragon-turning carp in the world."

Qin Lie said, "Okay, then I'll try your kid's craftsmanship at noon."

While talking, the two turned around and walked towards the villa.

Qin Yulin and Tang Ying looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. Isn't it just a carp that turned into a dragon in half a step. Fortunately, it turned into a dragon in half a step.

Otherwise, I am afraid that today's lunch will not be carp, but dragons.

Then I remembered Li Fan's serious nonsense just now, and the two women laughed "puchi" again. Why is this guy always so "reasonable"?


This song, "Three-foot carp on the Yellow River, originally lived in Mengjin. If you don't count the forehead, it will not become a dragon, and you will come back with a mortal fish." Naturally, it was not written by Li Fan, but a poem by Li Taibai, a poet in a previous life.

There are actually four more sentences:

"My old friend, Donghai Ke, was bragging at first sight.

If Feng Tao met, he would like to Lingkun Ruins even more. "

This poem is a poem written by Li Bai, which expresses his depressing feeling of underappreciating his talents by using the carp of the Yellow River as a metaphor.

Li Fan borrowed this poem cleverly, and took the first four lines, which not only resolved Qin Yulin's "challenge", but also made Mr. Qin extremely happy, which is very perfect.

It is indeed the work of Shixian, and the shot is extraordinary.


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