Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1251 Taoist nun, old man in green robe, weirdo

Looking at the cover of the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", in front of various bookstores and newsstands, a group of martial arts fans can only feel a magnificent, vast and lonely river and lake love, which arises spontaneously in their hearts.

This is a picture that can make people palpitate, and the title of the book "The Condor Heroes" makes their hearts throb again.

Some have no reason, but they are extraordinarily clear and true.

A lot of martial arts fans don't know the four words "The Condor Heroes", why do they feel inexplicably throbbing?

Is it because of the cover? Or is it because there is also the word "carved" in these four characters? Sculpture? God carving?

Many martial arts fans can't figure it out, so they don't think about it anymore. Sooner or later, they should be able to figure it out. Now the most important thing is to watch the content of this work called "The Condor Heroes".

Some martial arts fans were not in a hurry to leave, they just opened the magazine around the newsstand or in the bookstore and started to read the first chapter.

There are also some people who hurried away after buying the magazine for various reasons. Knowing the title of the book, it is already a little greedy, and there is no need to read the text in such a hurry.

As time passed, more and more people walked into bookstores and newsstands and bought the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

There are martial arts fans and martial arts authors, including those with ulterior motives, as well as martial arts fans like the "Jianjiajun" who gloat over misfortune before.

Even if they don't like Gu Yong, they can't resist the temptation of Gu Yong's new book.

Of course, in addition to martial arts fans and martial arts authors, there are also a large number of people who pay attention to Gu Yong's new book, and also went to buy the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

For example, Yang Qiming of the Office of the Jury of the Times Literature Award, Wang Yang, the editor-in-chief of the Great Martial Arts Magazine, and so on.

More and more people, with their own different thoughts, have opened the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

I saw the first chapter of "The Legend of Condor Heroes": "Fengyue is ruthless".

"'The Yue girl picks lotus by the autumn water, with narrow sleeves and light Luo, revealing double gold bracelets.

Picking flowers according to the shadows is like a face, and the heart is only in turmoil.

The wind and waves at Jichi Creek are late, the fog is heavy and the smoke is light, and there is no companion when you come.

The faint singing returns to Daoyuan, and the sorrow of separation leads the south bank of the Yangtze River. ’

A soft and melodious song floated on the misty lake.


The first chapter is a poem about a scene of a Yue girl picking lotus flowers, depicting the Yue girl's appearance, clothes, jewelry and mood vividly.

In the second half, there is a narrative in the scene, and lyricism in the narrative.

This is a terrific lyric.

Gu Yong is also good at poetry, everyone has known it for a long time, so it is not surprising for everyone to see such a good poem.

Such a poem was sung by a girl picking lotus flowers, and the scene described next is also a few girls giggling and laughing, picking lotus flowers on a boat.

After that, a sentence, "It was in the Southern Song Dynasty Lizong period, it was located in Jiaxing Nanhu." The readers were moved.

The background of the era of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is still the Southern Song Dynasty, but it was during the Lizong period.

And it's still in Jiaxing. Everyone is very familiar with this place in Jiaxing. In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", many major events happened in Jiaxing.

Of course, at this time, everyone didn't have any ideas in their hearts, thinking that it was just the setting of Gu Yong, the same background.

Next, I wrote that the song was heard by a Taoist nun by the lake. The Taoist nun had been standing quietly under a row of willow trees for a long time. Hundred strands of silk.

After that, the song faded away, but it was replaced by another one, and there were two faint lines, "The wind and the moon are ruthless, and the old wandering is like a dream, and the heart is broken..." It was also accompanied by a burst of giggling.

The Taoist nun heard these two sentences, but she sighed and muttered to herself: "What's so funny? The little girl just sings and doesn't understand the bitterness of lovesickness and melancholy in the words."

There was a hint of doubt in the minds of the readers, Taoist nun should be someone from outside Fang,

Why are you talking to yourself like this?

The next paragraph made the readers’ hearts jump.

"More than ten feet behind the Taoist nun, an old man in a green robe and a long beard has been quietly standing still, only when 'The wind and the moon are merciless, and the old wandering is like a dream and the jejunum is broken', when the two sentences are passed, it is sent out. A very light, very light sigh."

"The old man with green robes and long beards", these few words can frighten the readers.

Because, no one will ever forget that in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Dongxie Huang Yaoshi is dressed in a green robe.

Here comes another green-robed old man, could it be...

Of course, at this time, no one would associate this green-robed old man with Huang Yaoshi.

What everyone is thinking is, is there a setting similar to the Five Wonders of the World in this "The Legend of Condor Heroes"? This old man in green robe is equivalent to the Dongxie Huang Yaoshi in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

If this is the case, then it is estimated that some people will be delighted, but some people will sneer, the same setting appears in two different works, it is boring, isn't it.

Of course, it is still too early to say this, we continue to look below.

Among the five girls singing in the boat on the lake, there are two nine-year-old girls who are cousins, cousin Cheng Ying and cousin Lu Wushuang.

There was another under the weeping willows by the lake, with messy hair. He was said to be young, but his face was deeply wrinkled, like an old man in his 70s or 80s.

This strange man was wearing a blue cloth with a brocade bib hanging around his neck. The bib was embroidered with a picture of a cat and a butterfly. It was old and tattered, and he was obviously crazy.

Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang two daughters, after communicating with the strange man, were carried away by the strange man with one hand, and the strange man's martial arts were not weak.

After running for a while, the strange man put down the two daughters, Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang. The two women were frightened and said they wanted to go home.

The strange man was crazy. He said that no one would play with him for ten years, and then regarded Cheng Ying as a woman called He Yuanjun.

What else did you say, "You were like this ten years ago. I forbid you to marry him. You said you were reluctant to leave me, but you had to leave with him."

Also, "He said that he would never leave me. When he got older, he forgot all the past words, and only remembered that new acquaintance of the little white face."

And, "Yes, yes, you are Ah Yuan, my little Ah Yuan. I won't allow you to go, and I won't allow you to go with that little white-faced beast." and so on.

He also said that he was the adoptive father of He Yuanjun, let He Yuanjun go home with him and be with him forever and so on.

The strange person regarded Cheng Ying as He Yuanjun, and after saying a lot of crazy things, Cheng Ying said that her name was Cheng Ying, not the strange person's A Yuan.

At this time, the weirdo seemed to wake up a lot and said, "You are not my Ah Yuan. Twenty years ago, Ah Yuan was as big as you. Now Ah Yuan has grown up, and he is too big to have a father. In her heart, only that little beast is Lu Zhanyuan."

Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang, the two daughters, were shocked when the strange person said the word "Lu Zhanyuan".

It turned out that Lu Zhanyuan was Lu Wushuang's uncle, the elder brother of her father Lu Liding.

And that He Yuanjun is Lu Zhanyuan's wife.

This episode is obviously just some kind of foreshadowing, and many readers don't have much emotional fluctuations about this episode.


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