Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1280 The worrying Yang Guo

A group of martial arts fans suddenly had a bad premonition when they saw Yang Guo bowing under Zhao Zhijing's door.

Continuing to look down with some trepidation in my heart.

Qiu Chuji recalled that he taught Yang Kang martial arts back then, but allowed him to be pampered in the palace, and finally made a big mistake, so this time he decided to discipline Yang Guo strictly.

Therefore, I gave Yang Guo's stern and stern instructions and told him to work hard and listen to Master's teachings in everything, and he should not be neglected in the slightest.

Qiu Chuji was naturally good for Yang Guo, but Yang Guo was only a child after all, and he was not very happy about staying in the Chongyang Palace, and he reprimanded him for no reason.

After Qiu Chuji left, Yang Guo couldn't help crying, and Zhao Zhijing reprimanded him for this cry.

Yang Guo had seen Guo Jing beat up the Taoist priests of Chongyang Palace before, and he also saw Huo Du and a group of thieves, and also forced Chongyang Palace to be in a hurry. Like the martial arts, there is a fart use.

Therefore, there is no admiration for Zhao Zhijing. Seeing Zhao Zhijing's fierce reprimand, he is not happy, and he turns his head and does not answer Zhao Zhijing's question.

Zhao Zhijing was furious, raised his voice and asked Yang Guo why he didn't answer?

Yang Guo asked Zhao Zhijing what he wanted him to answer.

Yang Guo's opposition made Zhao Zhijing even more angry, and he couldn't help but slap Yang Guo.

This slap caused a conflict between the two. Although this conflict ended peacefully, the martial arts fans couldn't help but become more worried.

It's definitely not a good thing to have such a big conflict with Master.

The reason for this conflict is, of course, related to Zhao Zhijing's reprimand and his small temper, but Yang Guo actually has some inappropriate things.

Yang Guo was only a child after all, and all the martial arts fans sighed, worried about Yang Guo's future in Chongyang Palace.

Originally, I thought that it would be a good thing for Yang Guo to leave Peach Blossom Island and come to Chongyang Palace, but now I feel more and more that it is not a good thing.

It seems that Yang Guo's path to learning martial arts will be quite tortuous.

After the conflict with Yang Guo, Zhao Zhijing saw that Yang Guo didn't have much respect for him, and thought to himself, this guy is stubborn, he is so stubborn and stubborn at this time, and his martial arts will be high in the future, who else can win it? live with him?

I didn't want to teach Yang Guo martial arts, but Qiu Chuji couldn't explain it.

So I thought of an idea in my heart, that is to only teach Yang Guo's Xuan Gong formula, not the method of cultivation.

In this way, even if Yang Guo has memorized Xuan Gong formulas, it is useless. In the future, when Qiu Chuji and others ask about it, they can shirk and say that Yang Guo himself does not need to attack.

After a few months like this, Yang Guo memorized a lot of Xuan Gong formulas, but he did not learn the real Kung Fu at all.

Yang Guo naturally understood Zhao Zhijing's thoughts long ago, but he looked down on Zhao Zhijing's martial arts, Zhao Zhijing did not teach him, and he was too lazy to learn.

However, Zhao Zhijing deceived him like this, and he naturally held a grudge in his heart, and wanted to go to Qiu Chuji to explain the situation.

It's just that Qiu Chuji was out for several months and didn't return. Yang Guo had no choice but to respect Zhao Zhi on the surface while waiting for Qiu Chuji to come back.

However, Yang Guo did not wait for Qiu Chuji to return in the end.

During the martial arts competition among the disciples of Chongyang Palace in the twelfth lunar month, Zhao Zhijing saw Yang Guo's expression of anger and indignation.

After that, after many fights, Lu Qingdu also fought against Yang Guo.

This Lu Qingdu was the one who Guo Jing brought Yang to the Chongyang Palace and was ordered to guard Yang Guo, but was played by Yang Guo instead.

Therefore, Lu Qingdu had always held a grudge against Yang Guo. At this time, he was unforgiving in the competition. He wanted to take this opportunity to teach Yang Guo a lesson in order to avenge the revenge of the day.

The Taoist priests next to him saw that Lu Qingdu was unsympathetic, and they all expressed injustice. The elder Taoist priests, except Zhao Zhijing, hurriedly shouted to stop.

After being stopped, Lu Qingdu asked Yang Guo if he would obey him?

How could Yang Guo obey him?

Not only dissatisfied, but also scolded him as a thief Taoist priest, saying that one day he would kill him.

Lu Qingdu was furious and punched Yang Guo two more times, which knocked Yang Guo into a daze.

At this moment, just like the last time he was on Peach Blossom Island, Yang Guo unintentionally used the toad technique again, knocking Lu Qingdu a zhang away, and fell to the ground, never moving again.

This sudden change shocked all the Taoists. Yang Guo knew that he was in trouble, so he escaped while the Taoists checked Lu Qingdu's injury.

After the Taoist priests found out that Yang Guo was missing, Zhao Zhijing led the Taoist priests to chase him all the way.

Seeing a Taoist priest chasing behind him, Yang Guo panicked, rushed everywhere, and fled into the woods in front of the tomb of the living dead.

This place is already within the scope of the tomb of the living dead. Chongyang Palace strictly forbids any disciples to enter it. The Taoist priests did not dare to continue to chase in the forest, so they had to retreat angrily.

And here, the serialization of the fourth chapter ends, and the serialization of this issue ends here.

At this critical moment, it was gone, and all the martial arts fans couldn't help but let out bursts of mourning, what about Yang Guo's next fate? Very worried.

It's just that everyone has no choice but to wailing, but has no choice but to accept the fact that the serialization has been completed.

However, although they accepted the fact, the mood of the martial arts fans was difficult to calm down for a long time.

That is because everyone is worried about Yang Guo's future fate, and because the two chapters serialized today contain too much content, and there are many places that are worth pondering slowly.

From Yang Qiang to Peach Blossom Island, and finally escaping into the woods in front of the tomb of the living dead, although there are only two chapters, the content is very rich, and the whole process is also dazzling and dizzying.

A group of martial arts fans only feel extremely satisfied, wonderful! It was so wonderful!

In this case, where is it enough to just watch it once?

Therefore, many people have read it twice, three times, or even more times.

Even if it is repeated, many martial arts fans are still full of emotion, Yang Guo's growth path is really ill-fated.

It's just that I missed the Taohua Island. After I never wanted to go to the Chongyang Palace, the authentic martial arts in the world, the situation didn't seem to get much better.

Judging from the current situation, Yang Guo's future in Chongyang Palace is not optimistic.

Of course, objectively speaking, the reason for this situation has something to do with Yang Guo's character.

Yang Guo's arrogance of not admitting defeat is quite different from Guo Jing's tenacity when he was young, and there is a big difference in their personalities.

If Guo Jing encountered the same situation as Yang Guo when he was a child, then the ending would definitely be a different situation.

Many martial arts fans couldn't help but think so in their hearts.

Of course, Guo Jing is Guo Jing, Yang Guo is Yang Guo, and their personalities are actually very distinct.

Many martial arts fans like Guo Jing as well as Yang Guo, but Yang Guo is more worrying.


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