Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1322 Original Music Performance

In the Teague Concert Hall, the audience was overwhelming, and the singer who was singing on the stage at this time had been replaced by a female singer.

The song sung is still a soothing country music, but this song is quite inferior to the song sung by the male singer.

It's not that the female singer's singing skills are worse than that of the male singer, but the quality of the song itself can't compare to that song.

In fact, the singing skills of this female singer are much higher than that of the male singer before.

While listening to the song, the audience at the scene talked in a low voice, expressing their views on the singers on the stage and the songs being sung.

Therefore, the scene is not quiet, there are "humming" sounds everywhere.

And these "humming" sounds naturally reached the ears of Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying who had just come in.

"This song sounds a lot worse than the previous one. Whose work is this song? To be able to invite Lianna to sing, is it the work of a famous musician? It's just that the famous musician's For works, I usually don’t choose such a stage debut. Besides, the quality of the songs should be much better than this!”

"I don't know whose work is it? However, you can check it at the service desk, and you can check the details of each new song there. It's just that this has nothing to do with us. We mainly come in to listen to songs. This song is not good, just wait for the next one."

"The words are so good, but I still don't think Lianna should sing this song. You know, Lianna is a third-tier star in Lan Guo, and this song doesn't match her identity."

"Friend, I don't think you need to worry about this matter at all, either the author of this song asked Lianna to sing here tonight at a high price, or Lianna herself, for whatever reason, is willing to sing, which has nothing to do with us. what relationship."

"Well, maybe you're right."


Listening to the discussions around, Li Fan was a little surprised. No wonder the female singer on the stage sang quite well. It turned out to be a third-tier star singer.

Li Fan carefully looked at the female singer on the stage. At the age of about 30, she was quite beautiful and had a good figure. She was indeed quite a star.

In this world, the star hierarchy is not unique to China, it is an international public and recognized standard, and it is an international unified standard.

Many countries have star hierarchies, and Lan also has it.

And the female singer who was singing on the stage at this time was Lan Guo's third-tier star, Lianna.

It stands to reason that there are generally very few stars above the fourth tier to participate in music performances of this level, even if there are not many stars in the fifth and sixth tiers, generally non-star singers are the majority.

Now there is a third-tier star singing on the stage, which is quite surprising. Judging from the comments from the surrounding audience, the music performance tonight should be performed with original songs.

Generally speaking, the free music performances of the major opera houses in Langdon City at night are divided into ordinary music performances and original music performances.

Ordinary music performances are naturally singers or bands performing songs that are already on the market.

For original music performances, singers or bands sing new songs that are not available on the market, and all songs are publicly sung for the first time.

The new song can be performed by singers as singers with their own new songs, or by musicians who create a new song and invite the singers to perform on stage.

Of course, most of the singers are non-star singers, and the musicians are also almost all non-famous musicians.

For them, such a stage is a very good display stage.

Because, there are often talent scouts from major entertainment companies appearing at the performance site, looking for singers or musicians with training potential.

If they are selected by scouts, their fates are likely to change.

Therefore, whether it is a non-star singer or a non-famous musician, they are very eager for the original music performance stage of the major opera houses.

It's just that such an original music performance stage is not something you can get on the stage if you want. The new songs of singers or musicians need to pass the review of the organizer, and only after reaching a certain level can they get the opportunity to perform on the stage.

Of course, the review standard of the organizer is not high, and it is enough to have a certain level.

After all, where is a good piece of music so easy to create and get? Especially for non-star singers, and non-famous musicians.

Because of this, it is difficult for real good songs to appear on the original music performance stages of major opera houses, and it is difficult for the scouts of major entertainment companies to gain anything.

However, although good songs are hard to come by, for the live audience, original music performances are more attractive than ordinary music performances.

Because all the original music performances are new songs, it can make people feel very strong, and they are always full of curiosity and hope for the next song.

If there is a better song, it will be a pleasant experience.

In addition, because they are all new songs and newcomers, the audience can also listen to the song and discuss it at the same time. The singer, the song itself, and the songwriter are all the objects of their evaluation.

It's a very good feeling to point out other people's musical works, and maybe discuss each other.

All of the above are not found in ordinary music performances.

Therefore, although the quality of songs in original music performances is far less than that of ordinary music performances, it is far more attractive than ordinary music performances.

The audience size is also often much larger, and the atmosphere is far more popular than ordinary music performances.

And tonight's performance at Teague Concert Hall is an original music performance, and it is not surprising that it is so popular.

After understanding all these situations, Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying finally understood why there were so many audiences tonight.

At the same time, they are looking forward to tonight's performance even more than before. Obviously, they also prefer original music performances.

Qin Yulin said excitedly: "Brother-in-law, how is it? I said it would be very interesting, right? All of them are original songs! However, the quality of these songs does not seem to be very good!"

Tang Ying said: "Although this song is not very good, the song we heard outside the door just now is still good, which shows that there are still good songs on this stage, at least in this performance tonight. Good song."

Li Fan also said: "Yingying is right, this performance tonight may not be an ordinary original song performance. You know, the singer who is singing on the stage now is a third-tier star singer. This is almost impossible in ordinary scenes."

After hearing this, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying nodded slowly. As Li Fan said, this may not be an ordinary performance.

Of course, this is naturally a good thing. In this way, tonight's performance is obviously more worth looking forward to.

The other audience members at the scene seemed to have noticed this and became more excited and looking forward to it!


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