Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1324 expensive wine

in the VIP area.

Two men in their thirties walked to the long table of Li Fan, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying.

Each holds a wine glass in one hand, and the wine glass holds half a glass of light red wine. It looks crystal clear and quite beautiful, but I don't know what wine it is?

From the moment the two men got up before, Li Fan had noticed them, and knew what the two were thinking, but he didn't want to pay attention to them for the time being.

In addition, Li Fan also knew that Jirou and Tellis were standing outside the VIP area waiting to watch the show.

In fact, when Jirou and Tellis followed them to the VIP area, Li Fan had already discovered them, and he also didn't intend to pay attention.

The two and some of the audience around them waited outside the VIP area to watch the show. In the VIP area, some spectators around the long table where Li Fan and Su Qing were sitting were also waiting to watch the show, and many people had a playful smile on their faces.

There are also people who regret in their hearts, why did they not think of the past in the first place? But now the two men took the lead.

Three such beauties, such a rare opportunity, just slipped away in front of my eyes.

Now we can only look forward to those two men, unable to impress the hearts of the three beauties, and only after they are defeated can they have a chance.

However, they estimated that the man had a high chance of success, because the three beauties must have heard the ridicule of the people around them long ago, and they must have felt very shameless.

At this time, someone took the initiative to invite them to drink, and their face was saved, and they would definitely accept those two men.

Everyone else knew the purpose of the two men. Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying naturally knew what the two men were thinking.

Seeing the two men approaching, Su Qing and Tang Ying frowned slightly, but Qin Yulin blinked with big eyes and seemed rather interested.

After the two men stood in front of the long table, they fixed their eyes on the three women's faces. Due to the dim lighting in the concert hall, the three women's hats had all been taken off. At this sight, the two men suddenly exclaimed.

They had long guessed that the three women would not be generally beautiful, but they never imagined that they would be so beautiful.

their whole life,

Where have you seen such a beautiful woman?

The two men's faces flushed with excitement, their eyes gleamed greedily, and a heart suddenly accelerated, and they were already a little nervous with excitement.

The two men finally took their eyes away from the three women's faces, and then glanced at Li Fan next to them. In addition to the strong jealousy, the expressions on their faces were disdain and ridicule.

At the same time, he was also puzzled, what method did this poor boy in front of him use to make three such beautiful women willing to sit with him?

Could it be that this kid pretended to be a local tyrant and deceived all three beauties?

The more the two men thought about it, the more they felt that the reason was like this. Because apart from this reason, they really can't think of any other reason.

"Since that's the case, then let us expose the true face of you poor boy, don't let the three beauties be deceived again." The two men thought so in their hearts.

In this way, not only can the poor boy be embarrassed in public, but it may also make the three beauties feel grateful, so that they can take the initiative to embrace them.

Therefore, the two men changed their initial thoughts, instead of directly chatting with the three beauties, they aimed at Li Fan.

The taller man first sneered disdainfully, then quickly put on a normal smile, very gentleman, very politely said to Li Fan: "Hello, sir, you have three such beautiful female companions, but It is really enviable.”

Li Fan looked at the talking man and said lightly, "Thank you, I also think this is something that is very enviable."

Li Fan's indifferent expression made the tall man who spoke very unhappy in his heart, and hummed in his heart: "A poor boy who pretends to be so calm, it's no wonder that he can deceive three such beautiful women."

He snorted coldly in his heart, but he was still very polite on the surface, and the tall man said again: "Sir, you see that your table is empty, don't you plan to invite the three beauties to drink something?"

Li Fan still said lightly: "They don't want to drink now, and when they want to drink, I will call."

"Really?" The tall man sneered in his heart, and said again: "Sir, are you worried that the things here are too expensive? Don't worry, the cheapest red wine here is only 100 pounds a glass, and the gentleman is sure to be able to consume it. It's just that it's a very shameless thing to invite three such beautiful beauties to drink the cheapest red wine."

"Oh?" Li Fan suddenly became interested, looked at the tall man and said, "Then, sir, what kind of wine are you holding in your hand? How much is a glass?"

This question was in the middle of the tall man's arms, with a smug smile on his face, and he deliberately said in a slightly louder voice: "This is a five-year-old single malt whisky. The price is not expensive in my opinion, but it is only 1,500 Ran a glass. ."

Li Fan's heart moved slightly after hearing this, "A glass of five-year whisky will sell for 1,500 Ran pounds. The consumption in this VIP area is really not low. No wonder people who dare to spend in it have a sense of superiority. 1,500 Ran pounds. , It is already a month's salary for many people, and I can only drink a normal glass of wine here."

Five-year-old whisky seems to be considered a good wine in the mouth of a tall man, but in the VIP area, it can only be regarded as an ordinary glass of wine.

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, but Li Fan pretended to be on purpose, and said with a somewhat shocked look: "You mean this glass of wine will cost 1,500 lan?"

The shocked expression on Li Fan's face made the tall man feel relieved, and he said: "Yes, this is a five-year-old single malt whisky, of course it costs 1,500 pounds. For the gentleman, this shouldn't be expensive, right? "

Li Fan pretended to be flustered and said: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive, it's only 1,500 lan pound a cup, cheap, cheap."

"Pretend, continue to pretend, I will make you unable to pretend." After thinking about this in his heart, the tall man said, "Sir is indeed a rich man, sir, you see that there are four of you, do you need me to help you? Order four glasses of this kind of wine? How can you listen to music without wine? Besides, you are still with three such beauties."

Li Fan hurriedly said, "Thank you for your kindness, sir. We will order it ourselves when we need it, so we don't need to trouble you sir."

"Oh?" The tall man deliberately said loudly, "Could it be that the gentleman can't afford it, or is he unwilling to invite three beauties to drink such an expensive bar?"

A trace of panic flashed in Li Fan's eyes, and he said, "How can I afford it? It's just that we don't need it now. We appreciate Mr.'s kindness. If there is nothing else, please don't disturb us to enjoy the music. ."

The panic that flashed in Li Fan's eyes was caught by the tall man. The tall man was even more sure that Li Fan was indeed a poor ghost.


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