Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1334 Recognize Identity

When the three girls heard Li Fan said they wanted to treat guests, they couldn't help but wonder, could they still have acquaintances in this concert hall?

Qin Yulin asked, "Brother-in-law, who do you want to invite?"

Li Fan shook his head and said, "I don't know who they are now, but they seem to have recognized me, and they seem to be very interested in me. I think they will be here soon."

"They? Who are they? Did they recognize you?" Li Fan's words made the three girls more and more confused.

Li Fan smiled. He was also a little confused now. During the previous turmoil, he keenly felt that there were two middle-aged men in the crowd, and their emotions suddenly became excited and excited.

That kind of excitement and excitement was obviously not because of the incident at that time, but the kind of excitement and excitement after recognizing his identity.

And he had never seen those two men before. It was a strange thing that someone could recognize his identity in this foreign concert hall.

Li Fan couldn't help but be quite puzzled and curious about the identities of the two men.

At this moment, the waiter who had left before, along with several other waiters, each came over with a large tray.

"Dear gentleman, beautiful lady, hello, this is the wine you just ordered, and it's all here." A waiter said respectfully.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Put it down, thank you."

After that, several waiters put the wine in the tray that they were holding on the long table in front of Li Fan and the others.

Glasses of different sizes and shapes filled the long table, and there were more than 20 glasses of wine.

Each wine glass has a label on the glass with a detailed description of the wine in the glass.

The long table is full of wine glasses, and it looks quite spectacular, but if you think that only 20 glasses of wine will cost 1.82 million pounds, it is estimated that not many people will think that they are spectacular.

After the wine was served, Qin Yulin asked again, "Brother-in-law, the wine has arrived, what about your guests?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "The guests have already arrived."

After the three girls heard it, they quickly turned their heads to look around, but they didn't find anyone who looked like a "guest".

However, he suddenly saw two men in their 40s coming in their direction, who seemed to be "guests".

Sure enough, the two men walked straight to the table of several people, and one of them laughed and said very gentlemanly: "This gentleman, three beautiful young ladies, hello, my name is Aihua Duo, and I take the liberty to disturb you. You have so much wine here, we are really greedy, thinking that the four of you can't drink so much, so we dared to come over and ask you for a drink. I wonder if we can have this honor?"

After the man finished speaking, another man also said his name, called Yeftini.

After hearing this, Li Fan said with a faint smile: "You two are very polite. There is a saying in our country, 'Meeting is fate', you two gentlemen, please feel free."

The two were overjoyed after hearing this, and after thanking them, they sat down on the vacant swivel chair next to them, and then the man who spoke earlier said: "Sir really is from the country of China, indeed, only like the country of China, with Only a country with thousands of years of cultural heritage can cultivate such skills as Mr. and the stunning looks of the three young ladies. Here, I would like to take the liberty to ask, is Mr. from the famous Sansheng Village in China?"

After hearing this, Li Fan secretly said, "Sure enough."

Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying were surprised. These two men really guessed Li Fan's identity.

All of a sudden, three pairs of beautiful big eyes looked at the two men carefully, as if trying to see something from the two men.

Afterwards, Li Fan said, "Mr. Evado, Mr. Yeftini, to be honest, I'm a little confused and curious. How did you guess my identity? I'm sure we haven't met before."

Hearing Li Fan say this, Ai Huaduo and Yefutini couldn't help being overjoyed. Li Fan said this, which is undoubtedly equivalent to admitting his identity.

It turned out to be Li Fan of Huaguo Sansheng Village. Although the two had probably guessed it before, they could not be 100% sure.

Now that it is finally 100% sure, the two are very excited and excited.

Aihua Duo quickly said: "Mr. Li Fan, please allow me to introduce myself in detail, I am the president of Xford Publishing House in Langdon City, and this Yeftini is the editor-in-chief of our publishing house. I have a good relationship with Mr. Jared from Sand Press. I learned from him that Mr. Li Fan has come to Langdon City. I have just been fortunate to see Mr. Li Fan's mysterious skills and three beautiful young ladies. With his shocking appearance, he probably guessed the identity of Mr. Li Fan, so he took the liberty to disturb him."

"So that's it." Li Fan nodded, and when the two revealed the identity of their publishing house, the doubts in his heart were resolved.

Ai Huaduo and Yeftini were able to guess Li Fan's identity not only because they knew that Li Fan was now in Langdun City, but also because they knew many things about Li Fan very well. I have also heard some legends about Li Fan.

For example, Li Fan has a very mysterious skill, and he is very likely to be a martial arts master. Another example is that his girlfriend is beautiful in the world and so on.

In the turmoil just now, Li Fan's mysterious skills were undoubtedly revealed, and there were three stunning beauties standing beside him. In addition, the two knew that Li Fan was in Langdun City, so it was not surprising that they could guess Li Fan's identity. .

The two came to Teague Concert Hall tonight, originally to listen to music and enjoy it, but they happened to see the previous turmoil.

The moment they guessed Li Fan's identity, they were ecstatic. This was definitely an excellent opportunity for them to make friends with Li Fan.

Therefore, after the storm passed, the two hesitated for a while and came to the table of Li Fan and several others, and this happened before.

After knowing the identities of the two, Li Fan said, "The two came to find me, but for the Harry Potter series?"

Aihua Duo hurriedly said: "Mr. Li Fan misunderstood, although we are indeed very eager to cooperate with Mr. Li Fan on the Harry Potter series. But we know that Mr. Li Fan has signed a contract with Sand Press. An exclusive publishing contract. Naturally, we will not bother Mr. Li Fan for this. We are here to take the liberty of interfering with Mr. Li Fan. We just want to make friends with Mr. Li Fan. In addition, there is a piece of news that I want to inform Mr. Li Fan. Would you be interested in listening, sir?"

"Oh?" Li Fan nodded and said with a smile, "Mr. Evado, please speak."


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