Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1336 is really naive

Knowing that tonight's original music performance is somewhat special, Li Fan said with a smile: "Since there are many famous musicians, I'm afraid there will be a lot of good songs tonight, which is quite exciting."

Ai Huaduo said: "From what we hear, there should be a lot of good songs, but for Mr. Li Fan, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to see."

Li Fan waved his hand and was about to speak, when suddenly he heard a voice, "Sir's words are a little too high, you mean that all the music works tonight are hard to get into the eyes of that young gentleman. ? Including this one that is currently being sung?"

Li Fan, Aihuaduo, and Su Qing were all stunned for a moment. They turned their heads and looked in the direction of the voice. They only saw a small group of people standing not far from them. in that small group.

There were seven people in that small group, ranging in age from 30s to 40s. It seemed that they should have just walked into the VIP area and were looking for vacant seats.

When they passed by Li Fan and several others, they happened to hear Aihua Duo's words, and one of them couldn't help but said the words just now.

Li Fan and several people were looking at them, and suddenly the small group of people who came here were also looking at Li Fan and several people.

When they saw the three daughters of Su Qing, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying, their eyes flashed with extremely amazing colors.

Then, the eyes of a small group of people fell on the row of wine glasses on the long table, and their eyes flashed with shock again.

Although they do not know the specific price of which wines, they can basically judge that the total price is likely to exceed 1.5 million Rand.

Six people ordered more than 1.5 million pounds of wine. This Nima is too extravagant and exaggerated.

Well, it should be for those three stunning beauties.

A small group of people have already in their hearts, labeled Li Fan, Aihuado, and Yeftini as upstarts who spend huge sums of money in pursuit of beautiful women.

There is some envy in my heart, but I look down on them more, just a few vulgar upstarts.

Moreover, listening to the words of the man just now, it is also possible that these two compatriots from Lan Guo were kneeling and licking the young man with an oriental face.

Speaking of tonight's song, I'm afraid it's hard to get into the eyes of the young man with an oriental face. It's too much to kneel and lick.

After Aihua Duo looked at the people in the future, he felt a little unhappy in his heart, and said, "Who are these guys? Do you think I am flattering Mr. Li Fan? I managed to get closer to Mr. Li Fan. Suddenly such a sentence came. The key is that my Nima is really not flattering, but sincere, do you guys know who he is? The most talented musician in China, the worthy number one in Chinese music. Tonight These songs, which he wrote, would not have caught his eye, okay?"

Afterwards, Aihua Duo said angrily: "Who are you? It would be very rude to take someone else's word like this, don't you know?"

After a small group of people looked at Li Fan and the others, they were about to leave and continue looking for an empty spot.

In their eyes, Li Fan and the others were just a group of vulgar upstarts looking for girls, and they did not intend to deal with these vulgar people.

But who knew that Aihuaduo said this again, and after listening to the few people, they were not very surprised, "It's really not polite for us to take your words at will. But you, a native of Lan, kneel and lick an oriental young man in public. , can’t let people talk about it? If you talk about other things, it’s fine, we don’t care about you, but you want to talk about music, you vulgar people, how do you know what music?”

The man who spoke before looked at Aihua Duo and said equally annoyed: "Sir, what I said from you just now is really wrong. I'm here to apologize to you. However, you said that all the music tonight is in Don't you think it's too much to say that without the eyesight of that young gentleman?"

Speaking of this, the man's expression became very proud and proud, and continued, "By the way,

My name is Ryan, I am a musician, and the song that is being sung on stage now is my work. "

"Musician? The author of the song that is being sung now? Is this Nima so coincidental?" Evado first apologized when he heard the man who claimed to be Renne, and then said that he was a musician or was singing After the author of this song, most of the unhappiness in my heart disappeared.

I finally understood why the other party cared so much about what he said just now. Isn't what he said just now saying that his work is difficult to get into Mr. Li Fan's eyes?

It's no wonder that the other party is quite unhappy, and took over his own words? This Nima is a coincidence.

Moreover, Evado had really heard the name of Rennes. He was considered a little famous in the music industry, and he could barely be called a famous musician.

So Evado said, "It turned out to be Mr. Ryan. Mr. Ryan's song is very good. It should be the best song I have heard so far today."

When Ren heard Aihua Duo's words, he couldn't help but feel contempt in his heart, "This guy was still saying that all the works tonight were difficult for that guy to see. Now that he knows his identity, he said that this song is very Yes, this is really what people say, and it is no wonder that he is only middle-aged, but he has become a nouveau riche."

Despised in his heart, Ren didn't plan to hide it, and said with a little sarcasm: "Really? But the gentleman just said that this song is difficult for the young gentleman to see, why did it change so quickly?"

Hearing the sarcasm in Ren's words, Evado couldn't help but feel quite unhappy, and said lightly: "Mr. Ren has misunderstood, and my meaning has not changed. I do think that this work by Mr. Ren has not changed. Very good, but this song may not be able to enter, the young gentleman's discernment is also a fact."

Hearing Aihuaduo's words, Ren's group was stunned for a moment, Ren frowned and said, "What do you mean by this, sir? Could it be that the young gentleman is also a musician, and his attainments are very high, as high as mine? In his eyes, this piece of work is garbage?"

Aihuaduo said again: "I don't know that, but it shouldn't be that bad."

After listening to Ren, he couldn't help sneering: "So, that gentleman is really a musician with high attainments?"

Aihuaduo said: "Naturally."

"Really?" Ren sneered in his heart, "In order to flatter the young Oriental guy, this guy even gave him such a high hat. Did he think we would believe him if he said this? How naive!"


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